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Everything posted by Heron

  1. Excellent! and yup, meant PS3...
  2. Can the US P3 play Blu-Ray discs from Japan without modding?
  3. Perverted or preferred, I don't care, Sign me up!
  4. Here is an image of the logos:
  5. Now to manipulate these scans for the lineart..
  6. I am thinking more Anti-NUNS myself.
  7. The VF-27 may be a NUNS fighter. Nothing definitive besides a hard to see logo to say that.
  8. Maybe it works like the Presidency of the Council of the European Union as opposed to the United States President or the Secretary-General of the United Nations?
  9. Yup, maybe Sukhoi/Israel Aircraft Industries/Dornier made it. They made the SV-51...
  10. Or the Macross Frontier is the "Main Fleet" of the Colonial Fleets and as such, is the home of the New UN Spacy.
  11. I don't see no cross! I do see however what seems to look like a NUNS kite though.
  12. Wasn't Dr. Hasford part of the Anti-UN forces? Those fighters look like Sukhoi/Israel Aircraft Industries/Dornier SV-51's.
  13. Harmonica. Oooh, "Once Upon a Time in Space..." Love it.
  14. Either Macross F is really popular and killing Anirena's site by sheer number's or something fishy is going on?
  15. I am getting a page load error from the link and http://tracker.anirena.com/ page not found by embarq when I do a search.
  16. No worky for me either...Anirena appears to be down, as well.
  17. I say they are decedents of Dr. Hasford work...or at least the same organization he worked for.
  18. Yes! The M25 is no bigger than a 'Megazord and look how much it jumps around >.>
  19. Dear frakking god that was awesome. Eep!
  20. I like it. Overall I think the team has done everything right with setting, music, character and plot. I love all the homages as well as all the risks it has taken. The use of Vajra and other Hindu mythology elements makes for an interesting show. I too am looking forward to learning who and/or what is controlling them, what their intentions are and what impact they will have on NUNS. The only con I can think of is the jumpy animation and to me that isn't even that big of a negative so long as the animation does not look worse than SDF:M.
  21. I am looking to purchase Chôjikû Yôsai Macross - Playstation 2. Also, I have a slim PS2. What do I need to do to mod to play? Thanks for any information!
  22. Well if it is Civil War...Then I am with... *Thanks ArmySyko*
  23. Woot! It is out and it was great!
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