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About Heron

  • Birthday 12/24/1977

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    Washington State
  • Interests
    Mecha, Magick, Macross

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Skull Leader's Lackey

Skull Leader's Lackey (5/15)



  1. For future troubles with subtitles not working: I had an issue with the subs on Hulu not working, so I tested them on Disney+ (I have the bundle). They wouldn't work there. So I reset the CC settings on my TV, then the various apps. Nada. So I then went into a series I know the captions worked, in this case What If Season 2. They began to work. I switched over to Macross Zero. The captions started working.
  2. Aww, I was hoping the 4K wasn't AI restored. Le sigh. Ah, well, I'll keep my preorder.
  3. Yeah I disagree with Kawamori giving up his interest in Macross. Delta is merely what the current audience of Japan wants. At least from most reports from there. As well as a large number of international audiences. But now that Macross is free of the previous HG restrictions, we may see a different take on series in the future.
  4. I enjoyed it overall. You can see the hint of the story the writers were trying to tell under the glee & glam that is Walkure. Both movies do an excellent job of improving on Delta TV. I think they hamfisted the Megaroad-01 but could see Misa trying to keep humanity from making the same mistakes as the Protoculture. Pluses: New Valks Max Character development Minuses: Overall story. Walkures Music didn't impress this time around. Forgettable is how I would describe it.
  5. Is it only me (Can't be) or does VF-31AX have a thermometer coming out of the rear? It looks rather Frankenstein in design.
  6. I will give them a few days, maybe a week, to see if they have an announcement. Otherwise, I feel you! I'd much instead purchase here in the states.
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