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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. LOL~! Thats right, welcome to the "pit"
  2. In episode one, during Aries's briefing to the officers on the carrier, the ship's "colours" states that it was the "Asuka".
  3. Good job! Spykes and Team, Wonderful! LOL~! I now have 3 versions....... the RAW, a chinese SUB and this! lol~!
  4. Its already "tomorrow"!
  5. Professor Hasford
  6. Or here. http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ac3filt...9b.exe?download
  7. You'll need the AC3 filter. do a web search.
  8. Here's my 2 cents worth after looking at the RAW rip without (hopefully) giving away any spoilers. Story: Can't really comment much on that as I could only pick out some words, but not full sentences, so i can't really comment on where this was going, but indeed it has become more and more intriguing. Animation: 2D animation aka characters seemed to be slightly lacklustre.... especially in the earlier part of the show. However, 3D wise, it was fluid enough to make the 3D animation in the 1st 2 episodes look as if some heavy footed man learning ballet for the very first time. Voice Acting: Seiyuus are simply the best. these people who provided the voices ARE simply the characters they portray on screen. Action: This is where the the whole episode shines. Loads of action, very big action. Very nicely directed and chereographed. Kawamori et al has clearly outdone themselves theis time. I would benchmark the intensity of the action to the Battle of Helm's Deep in Lord of the Rings: The 2 Towers, as the battle scenes really brought out a sense of all-out battle as well clearly depicting the horrors and sadness that occur during war times. I would like to talk more about the battlescenes. As far as i'm concerned, the real stars of the show was not the valkyries, but the Destroids. In SDF: Macross, they were mostly just Cannon Fodder, but here, they were clearly more than just that, as they play quite an important defence role and the action that they provided simply makes you go "whoa!!" You can just wipe a tear off your eyes as finally the animators finally gave the destroids their due respect and credit. As for the variable fighters (they haven't been officially named valkyries yet), The animators actually thought up new maneuvers they haven't thought before. It just makes the Macross 7 valks look as though they just fly into battle and just stay stationary. Obviously this sets a very high standard for the following 2 episodes, and all i can say that if this keeps up, we'll really be in a visual treat. My only beef with this episode? This episode was really too short (figuratively) and GBP-0S had too little screen time. All in all, this is a must watch for all Macross lovers, subs or no subs. Get it now, even if you have to spend a week downloading it.
  9. thanks!!
  10. yeah, just post the link!
  11. Gentlemen, just in case you guys are wondering how to differentiate the olf Roy 1S from the new one, the key to identifying the difference is by looking at the pilot seat. The new version has the curved headrest.
  12. Looks good! More! More!!
  13. Ditto...... but who cares?! I just want them FPs!!!
  14. I very much prefer the days where autobots and decepticons were designed around vehicles and weapons that are either contemporary or at least not that .....well.......idealistic.
  15. patience young one. Good things come to those who wait... Doesn't matter how long it will be when they come, but are they going to do it? I didn't say THEY were going to do it Omni........ I'm sure you know what Fulcy is known for around these parts right? B)
  16. Very nice!!! Keep them coming!
  17. $$$ Or rather, lack of it.
  18. Yeah, buying it cuz i missed out on the first production run of the VF-1S
  19. I dunno about the HUD part, but i surelike the picture of this 1/48 1J!
  20. I would like to see all these n 1/48 except the 2500th Valk. I would like to especially like to see the "Thunder Hummer" and the SVF-113 Enigma (pictured below)
  21. I don't profess to be a good photographer, but is this what you are looking for? Yepz, thats what I'm looking for! How about a few more shots?
  22. Now i'm very.... well...... disheartened by the fact that because of this seemingly impossible to solve the rights dispute, macross will NEVER make it as the most remembered anime of all time as it deserves......
  23. Comon guys, the 2nd run of the 1/48 Roy are only for those who have missed out on the initial release, and not for those who already have a 1S. Besides, for those who have already the version 1.0 of the VF-1S, You have benefitted by being able to have the VF-1S in your hands to admire and to play with. The rest of us can only admire the beautiful pictures of the VF-1S online (W M Cheng, anyone?) and drooling onto our keyboards and wish that we had our own. Besides, haveig a seconed run can only mean that Yamato is doing well and the more likely yamato will stick to producing macross stuff for all of us and not stop because of bad sales.
  24. Cool pixs gentlemen! Care to share more of your 1/48s pixz? B) However, i was looking forward to seeing more the 1/48s placed side by side a la the pictures Graham always does when there is a new release to highlight the differences between the different versions of valks.
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