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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. okie....... i think i've got it.....
  2. Please post a link to the RAW file.....
  3. Hm..... but the hk bootleg subs quality......hm............... *points to the Engrish thread*
  4. Weeks? Just over the weekend there should be something.........
  5. I've got to say this.... but the GBP-0S's lower legs seriousy reminded me of gundams.... especially with the "calves".
  6. Whoa...... each person just keeps on raising the bar with their customizations!! Keep'em coming guys!
  7. Man..... its .......amazing....... oh man.......
  8. Sure would like to see some fansubs of this seemingly fantastic movie.
  9. Kewl! Well done, i was fooled too! lol~! Great work! 2 thumbs up...... heck... i'll up me big toes too.......
  10. Sorry man, not to rain on your parade, but you *might* need to drill a few holes for the GBP. but other than that, hey its a very good buy! value for money!
  11. Hey Good stuff !
  12. sorry man, but yer links' dead.
  13. BlueMax

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    Simply amazing.... phew! *faints*
  14. Hm..... biggest news since the 1/48 VF-1 announcement!
  15. you've got a link?
  16. Its a mistake.
  17. ain't too bad, just with a very strong accent, thats all.
  18. Bring it on!
  19. Oh well..... darn it...... as long as it it doesn't change the current situation worse, i guess i;m ok.
  20. I gotta get me one of those.....
  21. BlueMax

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

  22. Awesome pics everybody! i especially liked the "ads" lol~! keep'em coming!
  23. relax gents (and ladies if any), not everyone checks out Macross news everyday.....whats old news to some may be totally new to others.
  24. Yes... i hope that the blue on the Max will be darker on the final release
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