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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. the MKII Monsters probably had some enhancements to reduce the recoil sustained, and thus be able to do away with the grappling claws used to anchor itself..... but then again..... ain't rail guns supossed NOT (at least just minimal) to have recoil???
  2. i remember in the Chinese fansub that as the Monster fired the reaction weaponry, Shin said something about the radiation harming the Mayan islands. The only reason why the the place was not irradiated was as Nanashi quoted that the explosion was absorbed my the AFOS.
  3. If not for Roy Focker, this would be one totally standalone story..... no connection whatsover (to me anyway) to SDF: Macross
  4. Ladies and Gents, I currently only have the URL to a CHINESE fansub. here it is: http://bt1.greedland.net/download.php?btId=107900
  5. I must say that i'm quite disappointed with this episode. Just some feelings after watching a mandarin fansub......... What exactly is the Hory Froating Head thinking?!?! Now the "bird-man" has become a giant Venus Fly Trap, complete with purple petals?! If any one thinks that "magic" was too much to bear in the previous 4 episodes, this one takes the cake! Flying subs and aircraft carriers... .even without the afos inside them? thats stretching it too much! Not to mention that animation was picc poor for this episode.....darn.......i would venture to say that animation is waaaaay below par, more series standard rather than OVA...... i just seriously did not like the presentation of Shin hearing mao's voice....... This episode could have really wrapped up the whole OVA series nicely... so much potential, only to be squandered by Kawamor's whims and fantasies This episode makes macross 0 on par with Mac II.
  6. LOL~! you guys really crack me up!
  7. *Stands at attention and gives best salute to the man who made superman came alive.*
  8. But isn't that scene from the end (where he's in the Strike VF-1S)? Oh well. Probably another animation mistake. Actually, I think that image is from the scene towards the beginning of the movie, when he is in his VF-1A. Which would make him 011. He was in the stirke actually so... yeps... another animation mistake
  9. Nope, I'm also a confirmed drone-hater. Tell me, is there anything that a variable fighter CAN'T do in the Macross universe? It seems to be able to do everything else... Don't really do it for me either... i mean, i don't hate them, and not partial to them either.... lol~! what i want is a VF-1 on Mac 0 and the SDF itself, dammit!
  10. Hm..... looks bio-mechanical..... and man.... does it look evil..... lol~! but i'll be interested to see how the claws are used....
  11. LOL~! yer right... should have thought logically.... Yeah... should be her alright See?? I can't even make who that small lil' figure is without using ogic!! lol~!
  12. Not really. Its about the same size..... check out that pic again... Sara's on the lower right corner for a size comparison...
  13. the kanji characters for "Chou" means "super" AND/OR "transcending" "jikuu" means "time-space" or dimensions. Add that to "Yosai" (Fortress" and the end result is "Fortress Transcending Time-space/Dimensions"
  14. Heh...... I can have my low viz 1S now...! WOOt!!
  15. Damn...... no VF-1s!!
  16. Yes, I totally agree..... seriously couldn't believe how they hit rock bottom...
  17. I just watched the 7th and 8th episodes, and regarding the "shikibirimoto" people (or whatever they are), are they some reference to some real life groups of people, juts like the we need to know a little bit of Japanese folklore to know what is "Momotaro"?
  18. Might be a little farfetched, but maybe it is the Technobot Lightspeed?
  19. I'm very sorry to hear this...... Please be strong for your little girl. I will keep your family in prayer.
  20. I donno.........There are english subbed ones already out online, so i think you don't really have to get the subtitle files.....
  21. do a sarch online for "fddshow"
  22. The VF-0's gunpod has the wordings being upside down instead, as seen in Episode 4
  23. For 1..... no answer to that. For 2, if you look closely, the first one was knocked off balance by the VF-0S, the second, was probably damaged my Roy's laser detonating one of the Octos's missles right after launch. After which both probably destroyed by Roy's mecha exploding.
  24. Maybe, but how else is Roy going to get his VF-1S then?
  25. If you guys noticed, one of Roy's shots from his head lasers actually hit a missle as its being launched from the 2nd Octos.... heh..... just reminds what was said about "Luck is a part of skill' lol~! And yes, that was the question that came into my mind: Shouldn't the VF-0 "close" its wings in order to help it dive faster??
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