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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. Don't think the box's that ugly... and I don't buy the 19 for the box!
  2. BlueMax

    1/48 GBP

    This looks good!
  3. Argh! Finally I see Shawn's post on the boards after about a year +?
  4. Your Messers sure have got some talent! *bows"
  5. Whoa..... the "G" man's totally right. The CAD pictures just don't do it any jusice. The 19 looks good enough to eat even without the paint coat!
  6. I have a theory: Yamato is trying to squeeze all it can with the current tooling of the stock VF-1 moulds before making modifications to it. 1. Once this cash cow is milked, they can proceed with re-tooling: 2 seaters?! 2. Somethig wayyyy more awesome for presumably the 25th anniversary is on the way and they attempting a last ditch effort to milk us all of our hard earned cash. Yep... thats my theory..... but pt 2 and 1 can be considered linked!
  7. hehe.... Ain't seen nothing yet eh? haha.. I'm sure its as torturing for the G man as well, since he has so much pent up knowledge but is unable to share his excitement... Hm... lets see....the 25th Anniversary will be next year.....
  8. Looking great! Man... wish this was released tomorrow...
  9. Amen to that... lol~!
  10. Phew! this looks real... real!
  11. BlueMax

    What scale Destroids?

    ditto on the Tomahawk
  12. BlueMax

    Custom 1/48 Low Viz

    Ah.... the master is back
  13. Damn, its a good time to be alive...... I'm only away from the forums for about 4 hours (yes, I'm on this site anytime I'm on the web) and I come back to this! Phew!
  14. Got mine a couple of days back. Someone was asking if the color tone compared to the CF is the same: The answer is NO.
  15. Hm... i dunno, it sounds good to me though...
  16. Yes, the Max DYRL? 1A ,and that was one of the earlier 1/48s, 3rd one I think. The Max and Millia TV 1Js came after that.
  17. They are all 1/72 scale. BTW, I updated my count on page 3 of this thread: 401798[/snapback] Ah, I just remember a few people saying a while back that the 11 wasn't quite 1/72? Maybe I'm rememering wrong. 401863[/snapback] Nope, you did not remember wrongly. Some members ascertained that the scale was not exactly 1/72, more like something between 1/60 and 1/72
  18. Just edited post#36 to update latest count Added: 1 X 1/60 VF-0S 1 X FP Stealth 1 X Hikaru VF-1S 1 X Roy VF-1S
  19. I had my Hikky 1A perched on my (then) CRT monitor in battroid mode about 4.5 feet high. Then one of my pesky cousins had to shake my monitor and it fell, hit my keyboard table, bounched off and hit the ground, splattering the missles just about everywhere. I was totally gonna kill my cousin (that was my 1st and only 1/48 at that time, a penniless student and I had just exchanged my precious YF-19 ver 2 for it) Thank God it survived the fall with ZERO damage. Since then I've got a display case to keep all my valks in just to make sure I do not suffer a heart attack unnecessarily...erm..if it was ever necessary So, they are pretty durable, though I would never wanna tempt fate again.... lol~!
  20. It can fold up till about 30 degress, but nothing more than that. Anything more, you have to pay for the consequences. I've learnt that the hard way, but managed to fix it after slight "surgery" , but some stress marks i can't remove no matter how much I try..
  21. whoa.... really looking good!
  22. Goldern Arms, Could you post a pic of the hinge you mention, as I'm really not sure what part you are talking about. I took a look at the VF-0S backpack last night to figure it out, but could only find one hinge which looks pretty big and solid and not fragile looking at all. Not doubting your word, I'm just honestly not sure what part you mean. Graham 400700[/snapback] Borrowing Kaiming's Pics The grey hinges are really kinda prone to stress.
  23. So you tried to fold a part that isn't supposed to fold then Graham 400528[/snapback] It's supposed to fold slightly (about 30 degrees I suppose) when in fighter mode. Thats how it tucks into place. Blue Max-- You don't need to completely disassemble the backpack. You only need to slightly pry apart the end that connects to the back. I used my fingernails and a modelling knife for this. 400570[/snapback] Hey, thanks for the tip, will try it later
  24. Thats exactly what happened to me as well. And I've tried to actually disassemble the backpack assembly, but seems that everything's glued shut quite tightly.
  25. Hey, where've you been, sure as hell hasn't seen you around in a while, hope you are fine coz you sound as if you given up already.
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