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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. Amen to that.....yellowing on white plastic seems to be very much more pronounced compared to other colors.... Just take a look at them....
  2. Should be Gamlin alright... as for the other fully white pilot....can't tell... Can't remember anyone with a full white flight suit. edit: I stand corrected. Should be pilot figure from 25th anniversary vf/yf 19 as pointed out by Omegad3k
  3. Ones on the right and left are Guld. The purple guy being kicked? One of the destroid pilots
  4. Good eye indeed..... was planning on living on instant noodles.... guess i need to be scrounging for scraps now.... hm...
  5. After watching it.... all i can say is that the writers are simply setting themselves up for a big mess later on....i don't know, but I just feel that even if they are able to write themselves out of the mess, its gonna be some super unbelievable (i.e: crappy) stuff
  6. Yep 12:20pm in HK, Lunch time!!
  7. M&M means melts in your mouth, not in your hands! J/K. Means Max and Millia
  8. I have some yellowing Yamato toys that i am thinking of bleaching.... but the thing is, I can't find hydrogen peroxide off the shelf... besides hair bleaches, which i don't think is suitable with this purpose. Most household bleaches won't list their ingredients and for those who do, only contain sodium hypochlorite as an active ingredient and in very low concentrations.... like less than 3% . Would any of you guys have tried that as an substitute? Nope...Oxiclean(which contains sodium peroxide) isn't available in the places that i have visited....
  9. Great that Satelite (and hopefully by extension BW) learns of MW. Would be a good way to guage interest and get feedback from the international fanbase. If they decide to do some sponsorship that'll be even better I guess for Poor Shawn who has been paying for all the bandwidth bills so far (IIRC... ). Speaking of Shawn have not seen his postings for a long time....
  10. Yep, its been announced. You might wanna check out the pinned scoop thread for latest news(if any) if you have been away for a while
  11. Hm..... RVF "00-Raiser" 25. Luca: "I am Gun....erm... Messiah!"
  12. Good point. You are right, could have been much worse.... but still hanging to hope that that the Yen will depreciate somewhat against other currencies to soften the impact... and soon. I'm pretty sure the current exchange rate has impacted their exports and by perhaps by extension their economy pretty much..
  13. The saddest thing is that despite the lower price tag, the actual price we pay will be just about the same if not higher due to the unfavorable exchange rate against the yen for more than a few countries....
  14. But the catch to the lower price is that it will not be coming with a stand
  15. BlueMax

    Graham's Sig

    Possible... we never knew if it was meant to be a single toy or like you said, the M7 line. Either way, Darth G-sama.... more clues please!
  16. No stand? Hm.... then the price better come down proportionately as well.....
  17. BlueMax

    1/60 M7 Valks

    Hm.....they should have photoshopped the scratched paint on the knees and the elbow joints....
  18. 1000? Show Exclusive? Pass......
  19. Congratulations on finding out the cause of your irritations. Now you need a good lawyer and you should start to gather photographic evidence and samples!
  20. BlueMax

    Graham's Sig

    Yo Mr G, If it is something that has already been officially/unofficially announced, let us know already, not nice for us to speculate what is already known! If it isn't, please throw us a bone down here! Ain't nice going round in circles!
  21. BlueMax

    Graham's Sig

    Whatever it might be, it sure is something that has not been announced yet so far, else Mr G would have told us that. After Eons untold..... - suggests that it is something that might have been from a long time ago? A wind of change...... - suggests a fresh perspective on something that was done previously, or even previously done by a different company than Yamato The second coming?... - Using "The" instead of "A" suggests something definitive or very representative, and not just any random selection. - Second coming suggests something that will definitely awe us greatly and/or people have been anticipating it since it was first seen on screen or otherwise Any ideas people?
  22. BlueMax

    Graham's Sig

    Messanic??? Messiah??????!!! VF-25 by Yamato?!?! The unspeakable Valk?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  23. BlueMax

    Graham's Sig

    Well, good for you that you've moved on ( got anything to do with great asses? ), but for the rest of us, it is still fun to guess.... whether or not we can afford it is another matter altogether...
  24. BlueMax

    Graham's Sig

    I'm pretty sure it begins with: 'After eons untold.... the second coming? etc etc....." I remember seeing this for at least the past 2 -3 months at least and thought that it had already been discussed already or that it could be the SDF-1 which had since been announced.... But looking at the G-man's latest sig, maybe not....
  25. BlueMax

    Graham's Sig

    Just realised Graham's Sig has changed to this: "Surprised nobody commented on my last sig, it was a big hint. Oh well, you snooze, you lose" Whereas the last one was something like "after eons untold.... the second coming? ..(maybe somthing else he wrote can't remember)....." Hm.... did we miss anything???
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