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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. if the shop owners really bought back the V1s, I seriously think that it is a VERY bad investment... unless they got it at dirt cheap prices, but then their pricing is pretty much the retail prices when they were 1st released, if not more expensive!
  2. the sale is now over....just less than a day....
  3. Just to echo most of the replies here:No the Vf-1 V1s will not appreciate in value. Instead, the value has already dropped and will probably continue to drop. The only scenario where teh value could be maintained is where the rare variant(s) isn't released in the newer forms. However, we all know that all the versions that came out for the V1s will be released in V2.... and more! So....nope, no chance of them appreciating again. having said that, I won't be selling them away, for the simple reason that nobody wants them anymore( unless they have been living under a rock for the past year or so) and more importantly, I can't get a good price for them. Probably will save them for my kids in future so that they will (hopefully!!) leave my newer collection alone. otherwise, i can always use them for experiments..... just like this one! Look at how white it is now! thanks to the magical H2O2 added a "before" pic to compare the 1/60 v1's color difference edit: added pic
  4. Heh...i'm sure it will be out sooner or later.... but in this case, we are talking about totally new moulds..
  5. actually i believe that both the VF 1A and 1 J will have the same shades of brown....makes no sense to have it different.
  6. Hm.... seriously, i wouldn't mind a whale hunter custom.... as for the VT-1C.... as long as the nose cone uses the VT-1 sculpt, I'll take it too.
  7. He said "all new" so its nothing that we have seen so far from yamato
  8. it is indeed convenient, but not really a must have, so, dun really miss it.
  9. Eh? are you talking about the individual missiles or the missile pod? Well, the individual missiles cannot be removed, but look on the bright side, you won't have to worry about missing them! (pic from Gamu Toys)
  10. you need to find a way to mass produce these things....and also make it in 1/60 scale besides 1/48.... I'll bet that you can make a pretty penny out of it here..... as long as it is not too expensive of course!
  11. Yep, there are standalone Fast Packs already available since the release of the Hikaru 1J. See Here Couldn't resist this quote Syndrome: "..... And when everyone's super..... no one will be"
  12. Welcome! Basically, yeah, gotta use more force to pull them out. Good to know that your VF-1 V2 shoulders are not showing signs of osteoporisis, but if they do fracture, just a bit of epoxy will cure it
  13. BlueMax

    Yamato stands

    Guess its gonna be bandai display stands for me still....and i can get them for probably 1/2 the price too!
  14. True... but that is only until we are caught right in the middle of actually experiencing 1st hand the reality. Would probably wish otherwise then. Anyway, Graham, how are things at Metro Park hotel? After seeing the coverage on the local news, basically the occupants seem more like under house arrest than anything else, and seems that some have slipped out( or is is they were out before quarantine started and decided not to after the quarantine *cough* house arrest*cough* started?)? Darn... would really suck to be those people right now.... paying so much for a trip only to be cooped up in the the hotel....
  15. Anyway, basically, these things further reinforces the fact that these characters and by extension Frontier is doing well in japan. So its a healthy sign..... ( in a way)
  16. don't take it too seriously, I remember they have the same things for Gundam
  17. I'm sure some of us might find this very.... handy! MACROSS F Sheryl Nome + Ranka Lee立体 Mouse pad マクロスF シェリル・ノーム 立体マウスパッド メーカー: ムービック サイズ: - 詳細: 立体マウスパッド 発売日: 2009年5月下旬発売予定 販売価格:4,200円 ©2007 ビッグウェスト/マクロスF製作委員会・MBS ※表示価格は消費税込価格です。 再放送も開始され、さらに人気沸騰中の「マクロスF」より、「シェリル・ノーム」がセクシーな立体マウスパッドになりました。疲れた手首をやさしく癒してくれる、大人の色香を是非ともお手元でお楽しみください。 マクロスF ランカ・リー 立体マウスパッド メーカー: ムービック サイズ: - 詳細: 立体マウスパッド 発売日: 2009年5月下旬発売予定 販売価格:4,200円 ©2007 ビッグウェスト/マクロスF製作委員会・MBS ※表示価格は消費税込価格です。 再放送も開始され、さらに人気沸騰中の「マクロスF」より、キュートな妹キャラ「ランカ・リー」が立体マウスパッドになりました。定番のアイテムですが、ファンならば是非とも手に入れたい一品!!非常にリアリティの高いアイテムとなっております。イメージよりも存在感のある彼女の胸に癒されてみませんか? Source HERE
  18. Thanks Graham, for clearing the air! Great news indeed!
  19. Border closure apparently cannot effectively contain the virus. That is because, a person can be infectious BEFORE ANY symptoms show. What is more, some people will not show any symptoms while being infected. Thus, the thermal scanners used at customs all around the world cannot effectively stop the carriers and consequently the virus from spreading. Well, bringing it back to the topic, that menas that it is simply foolish to stop trading activities. Humans are the vectors, not cargo. Best thing to do is to maintain personal hygiene and take necessary precautions (face masks, seek medical attention for illness and stay away form crowded places and minimise/ eliminate contact with high risk potentials....blah blah) Edit: Information source from my local newspaper... Yeah... agree that the whole thing is blown a tad out of proportion...
  20. Thanks Alex, now we know at least it is not made up of el cheapo expanded polystyrene! Anyway, managed to find on the web what the foams look like, for the benefit of all who have no idea what to expect yet. Credit to Panzer More Pics Here
  21. Good to know that that this issue is fixable.... albeit not so elegant an implementation.... Now the concern is: Can the foam last? Hm...... I'd better cut off a couple of small pieces from the DX packaging to to make spares!
  22. BlueMax

    V2 List?

    Pinned topic above. The releases thread. Lists most if not all the stuff that has already been announced.
  23. Either way, as far as i am concerned, Nathan is for all intents and purposes, dead. What we see now is just Sylar in make-believe mode, and once snapped to his senses.....
  24. Apparently the VF-11B is well... more vertically challenged than I thought!! More Pics HERE Credits to gits_sac
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