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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. Ooh.... ouch, but i must admit the belly plates needed some patience to get on. Ironical, cuz the YF-21 was considered to be one of the better releases from Yamato. Anyway, I've read that some plastics degrade over time... a good example was the gold colored plastic that was part of the TF: Masterforce Black Zarak (Scorponok recolor). Over time, it seems that the plastic became VERY prone to breakage, sos much so that it is very rare to have a pristine piece... seems that some color additives/ dyes wreak havoc with polymers Don't know if this is the case for Yamato's ABS plastics as well.... any abody in this line care to comment?
  2. Nice pictures JCsaves. real joy to look at them
  3. Heh... actually I'm online just about everyday here for the past 7 years or so, but yeah, somehow i still manage to forget this is Macrossworld, where good sense doesn't really matter and random fingerpintingand mass panic is fun.... my bad....haha
  4. Normally when yamato says release in a certain month, normally the ymean the very end of the month, eg July 31st. In this case, it it would be a delay slightly over a month. Besides, the CF 1A was suppossed to be out in August (as in later thanthe VT-1), but it kinda swapped places with the VT-1. So, it is not exactly 2 months delay, though it does stretch over 2 calendar months.
  5. Really impressive! I'll say again that its a very innovative and handsomely executed. I wish I had a room the same size as yours (and the collection too!) Hm... only thing is that the detolfs seem almost to capacity... haha... time to get at least 2 more to daisy-chain them up1
  6. Hha... i remember these were THE macross toys to get! I remember there wa sa pencil sharpener version of this. The backpack was the sharpener. Only thing abt them was that they spoilt rather easily..
  7. Nice videos! haha... almost felt as if I was there.... magical!
  8. Thanks man. Anyway, a fellow bro her has offered to order for me via yahoo jp.
  9. Hm.... good question.... but I alot of people still have theirs MISB (mint in sealed box)!
  10. Hm.... wierd.... guy at taka's Kino was not willing to put an order for me..... said that there is no tock from the supplier so can't take an order... hm... if anyone succeeds, pls let me know, thanks.
  11. I enquired with the main shop (if any of the shops has it, it has to be the main one right?!?! How wrong i was...) @ taka. Sigh.... oh well... do you know know how much it was retailing here for?
  12. I have just checked with my local kinokuniya store... apparently they don't have it in yet and while they usually accept orders to import books, in this case I was told that the print supplier is out of stock and will have to wait and see for a second run of it in maybe a month's time or so... darn...
  13. Looks like a whole lot of fun! Kudos to Kirik for being the main man this round! You THE man! Hope you have a well deserved rest, and I'm very sure all who attended the Con are grateful for your sweat and tears. Well done!
  14. looks real nice.... hm.... really? does it it come with the leg covers? but i must say, i've also noticed the more proportionate feets, ver nice indeed I already have 2 super 1Js..... guess i 'll be getting a new 1J bundled with the GBP-1S
  15. yeah... seems to be a Kakizaki head with the 1J CF
  16. really? I thought that the color was pretty ok. It just irks me to know that the CF 1A will have a different shade from the 1J.... sheesh...
  17. Haha... some of your responses seem to have turned this poll into who is my favorite pilot instead of who is the best pilot! heh... I wwould've have voted Roy for fav pilot, but Max is THE Jenius in a plane. No doubt about that. regarding Basara, yeah, Max had openly praised Basara's skills in M7, but added that its still very far from when Max is at his peak! besides, who's the man who had to have Millia to teach him to go into gerwalk mode when he was bumping into buildings in battroid?
  18. I had an outtage as well around 12midnight 13th Jul GMT +8... that makes it about 11 hours ago.... wierd. I'm in Singapore
  19. Haha... it is knoen as a "half-S" retrofit.... in the stats it is suppossed to be a upgraded cannon fodder. If it was in toy form, it is simply a cannon foddre with a 1S head, thats all.
  20. Hm..... gentlemen (and ladies, if any), please go ahead and NOT buy this and the CF-1A..... if more of you decide not to buy them because of M&Ms or other hero valks.... it will mean.... SALE time @ HLJ or other vendors... and that means I can build an army of CFs! so go ahead and do us a favor, do not go to the nearest to place your order :lol:
  21. Kakizaki's 1/48 TV version due in September IIRC. But Dante144, yes, its more or less done. reason? not too sure, but Graham had said that they were favoring a complete 1/60 line across all series, so probably thats the main reason. besides, they have expressd repeatedly that they will not be making VF-1 2 seaters in 1/48. Of course, there might be 1 off exclusives from the 1/48 lines, but don't bet on it.
  22. Nice! More tampo is always good! Dammit.... when is mine ever gonna arrive?!
  23. haha.... oh man, this joke is soooo gonna stick with Agent for a long time to come! :lol:
  24. Actually, I meant I agree with the comment about the need to make things like ground/ deck crew other than just seats, not so much the price.
  25. Thats exactly what i've meant in my thread abt ground/deck crew! I would love a nice diorama centered round the new 1/60s!
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