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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. Yes, what WM cheng said! Please do decals for our Yamato 1/60 and 1/48 scale toys! And not just for the usual schemes, but also more exotic schemes as well! 若真的能够的话,我相信很多网友会非常感激, 包括我在内。 谢谢!
  2. Ah.... they have this in 1/48 scale as well, but pretty costly though, these versions
  3. I use them with my 1/60 valks... and while it does a pretty acceptable job, but definitely not the most stable.... the 1/60 v 2 with fast/strike packs are pretty much the limit to what the the stand can support. any thing bigger than the 1/60 VF-1s will be pretty too heavy. 1/48 will be too heavy IMO. You might be able to put the plain jane versions on, but even that will be really pushing it as far as stability goes.. 1/48 with FPs? Too heavy.
  4. would you happen to have full sets of stickers instead?
  5. Very nice indeed. I have the V1s too... though they are just being supplemented by my V2s. won't get rid of them. not that I can get rid of them for a good price anyway... lol~!
  6. Hah... good thing Yamato isn't Blizzard
  7. Juding by the fact that the VT-1 had been updated after its release, I'd say, its pretty up to date on the releases and the announced products so far.
  8. By the way, the VE-1 will have the "small tail wings" as well. they are largely based on the same mould, sans the FPs and the other accessories.
  9. I agree too! In both 1/48 and 1/60 please!
  10. Yes... only thing is that the current announced one with the shaving cream missles is a Yamato web-store exclusive. A version distrubuted by normal channels has not been announced, and unknown if yamato will.
  11. Well Sephiroth, look at it this way, yellowing tens to be more pronounced for white plastic, so, with the tan color, you don't really have to worry about yellowing, as it is already... erm... pre-yellowed! But seriously, despite your preference for Bandai's chunky VT-1 colors, the yamato VT-1 is more accurate to the canon (colors, no arm amor, etc)
  12. Great work! I think the head looks nice than what Yamato has for us! haha...
  13. Hopefully I can pick it up this weekend...
  14. I had the VF-25G and RVF-25 on pre-order. After the 25G arrived and I handled it, I cancelled my RVF-preorder. And i also thought that I should have saved even on the 25G to get more Yammies.
  15. Well, Macross without VFs and action? Hm... forget it, just gimme more Full Metal Panic :Fumoffu instead in this case. That one was pure classic japanese comedy with little/ no action. Macross without VFs/ action is like ordering fish and chips without the fish!
  16. BlueMax

    Latest custom.

    Kurt, amazing as always! haha, seems that people are more interested (not that i'm complaining, mind you!)in the Minmay guard(s), Enigmas, and VF-1Ds, seems the interest for other schemes are not as popular? As a side note: I wonder Devin (Anasazi) is still doing any decals, I'm inspired to get some for customization purposes!
  17. Thanks Project Phoenix! looking forward to more translations from you!
  18. Hm.... this should the the last line of your review.... we want the full version!
  19. BlueMax


    As far as Yamato is concerned, other than the yellowing, I have no other real concerns, not even the osteoporisis stricken 1/60 v2s. I can easily fix that. I've said this a few time, and I'm gonna say it again: I am seriously grateful that I am able to purchase valks that are more or less faithful to the line art. In fact, I just don't see any other company that will give us the Valks that yamato has given us. Not just 1 - 2 valks, but ALMOST the full gamut of the "canon" valks as seen on TV. During those days from 1992 - 2000 (during those days where internet was almost non existant or not mainstream) , I have tried my darnest best to look for valks, but the closest I could find were the re-issue model kits that bandai was putting out. No chunky monkeys to be found anywhere. It was only somewhere in 2000 (or 2001), that I chanced upon BOTH the 1/55 re-issue and the then newly released 1/60 v1. I had a hard choice choosing between the 2 (I was just an University student with very little allowance). In the end, I've chose the new 1/60 v.1 simply because it looked closer to the line art. I've never looked back since. Then came the announcement of the 1/48. Whoa! That was a time of excitement for all of us! None of us had expected that Yamato would re-visit the VF-1 in 1/48 glory, and with amazing accuracy to the line art! Then came the repaints/ exclusives... for me, I would only buy those that i want , it really doesn't matter what they released. I know that i did not need to get everything. More releases simply meant us fans have got more choices. I mean, if you did not want the plain jane version of the Focker's 1S, you can get the weatherd version. Standard GBP-1S too flashy? go for the urban camo version of the armor! Just when I though that it couldn't get any better, the new 1/60s v2 came along. I welcomed them, because it was a marked improvement over the old versions, even though it cost me quite abit and counting.... yeah, I understand that some of us might be feeling kinda sick of the the numerous VF-1s put out over the last few years.... For me, I'm enjoying every moment of it because: Yamato can't be putting the VF-1s out indefinitely. They'll move on one day. So to me it is to enjoy it while it lasts. besides, it the probably the only line where I can have the full gamut of canon valks (non canon too) with accuracy that we can only dream of as a kid! As for some of the durability issues, yeah, I've gotta agree that they can be quite annoying, but I treat them as display pieces more than toys, so no issue for me. So anyway, Yamato, as far as i'm concerned, though having loads of room for improvement in terms of QC/ material selection, has really served the fandom well. At least I know that it has for me. No longer will I have to wandar around fruitlessly searching for Macross in vain, and I'm very thankful for that.
  20. BlueMax


    Yes, the 1/48s are yellowing on mine as well, most notably on my VF-1J. the difference between the heatshield and the surrounding "white" plastic is getting steadily bigger... and if you are wondering if it has been exposed to direct sunlight? No. It was hiding under its GBP-1S most of the time.
  21. Sheesh.... actually I'm still okay with the shaving cream missles being exclusive, but I can't believe that they'll make the standalone GBP-1S in general a web exclusive! If we are living in japan, I guess it is no big deal.... but too bad we gaijin just aren't their intended market.... Graham-sama: Please help to feedback to Yamato not to make things difficult for us gaijin fans than it alrady is! Onegai Itashimasu!
  22. The past few pages are already full of poses! At least for the valks anyway!
  23. Finally got mine too! (thanks Gabriel aka GGemini!) Loving it, though some of the CG pictures wasn't exactly that photorealistic, but overall, still pretty nice pictures! Nice layout for the CVS-101 Prometheus, never really seen it before, but wondering what are the "fingers" (the protrusions on the bow and port of the vessel), seems to be something related to the launch of the "ghosts". I'm really looking forward to some translations for the text, and I'm sure, knowing what it actually says will add much more satisfaction than what I am already feeling right now. BTW, when they say the battroid mode is 12.68 meters tall, do they include the lasers?! The schematics in the book make it very clear for the plane mode measurements starts where and end where, but not so for battroid....
  24. The shaving cream just needs a bit of cotton wool to make it look real smoky.... haha... Hm... so is the standalone pack a web exclusive (complete with the shaving cream missiles)? Or is there a general release without the shaving cream missiles?
  25. Hm.... that means that you are obliged to do a review!
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