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Everything posted by BlueMax

  1. Concur that Yamato doesn't owe us an explanation. In fact, I would think we owe it to them instead for bringing us fans (generally) high quality Macross stuff for more than a decade. Of course, I feel a need to know whats next, especially since there are more valks to be made, and also because in a way, Yamato('s products) had been the pretty much one of the pillars of the MW Toy forum since it 1st sold the 1/72 YF-19
  2. Fighter Mode, because that is why I prefer Macross over, say, Gundam.
  3. I have noticed his new sig ever since news broke out about Arcadia. If I interpret correctly, why that signature, is because he was unable to get any information from his contacts in Yamato regarding the circumstances of the name change and what it would mean for Macross toys/ collectibles moving forward.
  4. I would like to think this is just simply a rant... but Graham-sama probably knows anything he says regarding Yamato/ Arcadia carries alot of weight... so can't be sure. we'll just have to let him clarify if that is a statement or he was simply venting his frustration
  5. BlueMax

    Its Official!

    I remember when the very 1st V2 VF-1 came out (Roy DYRL) in mid year 2008.... having gotten the whole collection of the V1s, I though i'd just get this one and only one..... Almost 5 years later now......Oh... how wrong I was...
  6. BlueMax

    1/55's revisited

    Tried the peroxide treatment once on the V1 1/60 VF-1A (DYRL) Hikaru, from what I have read, there is damage done to the plastic at the molecular level, but not perceivable either by feel or sight. Anyway, it works to a certain degree, but temporarily. Ultimately the yellowing came back pretty darn fast, in just a couple of months, and I think it became worse then the original yellowing. I did not do a clear coat, and I am not sure if that will arrest the yellowing after the treatment, but it might just do it. Edit: Please note that (what I think is) oxidation of any metal parts will at a very quick rate upon exposure to peroxide. Especially die-cast material. I have literally seen streams of bubbles come from exposed die-cast parts. Thus, exposed metal surfaces sustain more damage than the plastic
  7. All these shops must be wondering how come there is a sudden rush to purchase Yamato valks
  8. Well, the 1/60 VF-1J with GBP-1S system should be very representative of Hikaru too.
  9. Din't bother looking for locally. Even if there are, you can be sure it's waaaay too expensive. Best bet are Japanese sites and HK sites
  10. That is true, it doesnt mean when you are online At the right time trying to order one of these things, you have a good chance. I was updated to the minute the preorder was up and I got zilch for both the 29 and the 171.
  11. HLJ's shipping is 20% off for EMS ( not too sure about other methods, but no disc for SAL unless there is any promo )
  12. BlueMax

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Seems Yamato and Graham-sama are communicating once again!
  13. /) Yamato needs to make the VT-1Cs. I would by the 3 (or is there more?) different versions
  14. Hah! I remember that time! Loads of fun And great work on the parts, Chris!
  15. Amazing job on the SDF-1. Congratulations on a job well done!
  16. It will be around 10%, which is still pretty nice, just never the 26% or so on Amiami. Edit: Just checked my VF-171EX purchase from HLJ. It was 8% discount.
  17. The thing is, they are providing different valks, with little to no over lapping as far as 1/60 scale toys are concerned, so if you want a VF-171, you can only go for Bandai and if you want to go for the VF-4, you only go with Yamato.
  18. They are called "reaction missiles"
  19. For those people who were not able to stay up or had no access to the internet during this period, take solace in the fact that those who were standing by the PCs hitting F5 every other second were not able to get it as well.
  20. Got one from CD Japan. Thanks Graham!
  21. 10 mins?! Com'on it did not even last 1 minute!
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