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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I think she'll work out when I get her eyes drawn most characters take most of there personality from their eyes.
  2. Few more hours work... Still not sure...
  3. Wow the weekend plus alcohol equals low productivity. But heres a bit of the work I've gotten done not quite sure if I like it yet or if I'll restart my colouring...Don't mind the green its just a place marker so I can see holes.
  4. I was just thinking that maybe the reason for the absence of Destroids is as simple as... They're in the city. Think about it maybe the police force gets tanks which in comparison to a destriod are quite inferior. Then the military controls the destorids which were really best used as roving ship bound cannons.
  5. Starting to look a little better should be interesting to see some colour tommorow
  6. No problem Battleroid isn't any different in setup than drawing a person. Its easier in some ways I'll get on one of those soon. Will probably start it before this picture is finished so I keep myself from getting bored with it, theres alot going on in it already and there should be quite a bit more when its done.
  7. Pink is just my bottom layer so that I know where things go. the pink is only temporary.
  8. Worked on this tonight, basic layout... should be a load of work in this.
  9. Hahahaha. Oh.
  10. Hmm sounds good to me THat put a image right into my head!
  11. Okay what with my regular job sucking up most of my time, and my attempts to do some freelance work I've been exhausted and blocked. I need some suggestions as to what I could draw next. SO come on people lets get some suggestions for a scene or two I can try. Not just Valks either you name it I'll try it.
  12. Okay what with my regular job sucking up most of my time, and my attempts to do some freelance work I've been exhausted and blocked. I need some suggestions as to what I could draw next. SO come on people lets get some suggestions for a scene or two I can try. Not just Valks either you name it I'll try it.
  13. Hey all I figured I'd bounce in on this topic, I have some experience with animation I took film and TV in college than moved on to work my first job as a assistant editor in a local animation company. I don't think SDFM should be remade from top to bottom with all the cutting edge effects that M0 and MF have. I think it should be redone in only two ways. As an official update to the old footage where everything gets smoothed out and the effects of working out tv scale animation of 16mm film stock are fixed, lets face it none of the zoom shots in the show are of the best quality. Or as a Fan Made adaptation of the original, where a few talented fans went through and redrew the original frames with increased details. Personally I think this is completely do-able lets face it some fans spend hours working on CG models that get shown once or twice and float around the internet for ever after words. The biggest issue is really the sound quality, since it is obviously 25 year old sound if you were to reanimate in a way that made it look dated you could match everything, you really don't want to much flash in it.
  14. Thanks, I've been a bit delayed on my next piece I've got a company interested in my work and they've asked for some samples. But the weekend is coming and sleep is for losers haha. I miss sleep...
  15. I love those clouds
  16. I'm starting to think a vacation where I travel to a place where I can buy a good Macross toy would be the best of both worlds. My only saving grace is that I get all the gear for my first obsession cheap. Woot for working in a custom car audio shop.
  17. Hmm toys can't wait til the summer when I'll have money and can afford some of them. But than I have to consider... my first ever Macross toy or my first vacation in 5 years... hmm tough.
  18. I've actually been trying to get on here for a few months and ended up over on macrossnexus trying to get on here. I actually only found out about Mac F once I started to read the boards.
  19. I actually have the Bamboo fun I think its great perfect and compact. I carry it in a backpack with me at all times incase I can sneak some drawing in somewhere.
  20. Speaking of new members... Hi! I'm new thanks for having me. I'm trying to get some use out of my new wacom tablet and fan art has been fun so far. But don't worry I'm not to quirky though I can never think of a cool as dirt handle for websites... oh well!
  21. Heres my lowdown. I played WoW from when it was brand new up until a few months ago. I'll never touch it again. The game play is pretty much login quest mindlessly in highly repetitious quest lines where one seems to be exactly like the one before. Before long you've got friends than the game is pretty much a really complex game of solitare with MSN built in. In the end you play only because you have people to talk to there. In the end you sit there for 5 hours doing nothing to progress the game because your waiting for the people you usually quest with who for some reason haven't shown up tonight. Trust me get a good Macross model some good music sit down near your computer left open on MW with MSN open and work away. Its about the same thing in the end plus you actually have something cool to show off.
  22. I have attempted to fix the error.
  23. Looks pretty good, the only thing that really jumps out as being a bit jarring is the right side of his helmet is a bit high. Other than that just a mater of practicing lining with a wacom. I've only had mine for a few weeks now and I spend most of my freetime with it practicing my lines to steady my hand! Keep on drawing lets get some good fan art pumping out!
  24. There were bits of shrapnel in the explosion to begin with and as it developed I worked them out of it. That ones being a bit of a pain though. Its a multilayer explosion and for somereason it won't soften.
  25. And Fin, I kinda like this one.
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