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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Look closely in the backgrounds of page seven theres an interesting model in the background mid page...
  2. I have a feeling that Ranka will be taken out of the picture as a romantic possibility in the end. Just this idea in the back of my head that she has a unrevealed connection with the Vajra which in the end lifts her above the scope of being human... sorta...
  3. Considering how ineffective the VF-25 weapons seem to be on Big Red I'm just siting and waiting for a showdown with the Konig Monster now that would be wicked.
  4. Sticking with classic fighter designations... VF-25 Guardsman VF-25 Hellcat VF-25 Norseman VF-25 Sentinel VF-25 Tomahawk VF-25 Chain Lightning VF-25 Havoc
  5. Wanted to finish of the scene before bed, Took some liberties and added some stuff that was missing, though not i translation just whatever fit.
  6. Its all for fun bro all for fun.
  7. Ackem I hope you don't mind I stuck your translation into the first few pages. If your cool with it i'll do the rest!
  8. Trying to learn Painter, seems much nicer than Photoshop so far. [image Removed] Wow looking at that on a different computer its completely different... I think I need to change some settings.../sigh Fixed.
  9. Changed some settings on my tablet finally found a way of doing line drawings that I like. Here's one so far.
  10. This is hilarious governments try to filter the internet, spend all kinds of taxpayers money figuring out systems and making programs and the day after the implement bam some kid in his moms basement figures out how to get around it and posts it all over the internet. What a waste of money...
  11. I believe he meant two years after the the series finishes, which should be 2010, I think its planed for a two season run? Which would put any possible Movie or OAV release for 2012.
  12. Woot 1k views happy happy.
  13. Hey Luke I'm curious, what CAD program do you design with?
  14. See I have a copy which has some pretty good subtitles, but they cut out in the last few minutes for some unknown reason.
  15. Yep I'm working on that, though I still don't like the campy English dub subtitles that I would get and I would be left still wanting different subtitles. Or since i'm a neat freak about picture i'd end up trying to get the HD release which has no subs...
  16. Busy Busy Busy, Haven't had the time to work on my image. However here's a quick one from my sketchbook.
  17. Does anyone have a copy of the Animecha fansub of Mac+ ? I downloaded it as a matroska file and the last few minutes of the subtitles are missing. Anyone have the full subtitles?
  18. Holy misstype causeing snowball fight of the mecha gods batman... Sorry for they typo!
  19. Wow I just got an image of the soda machine pulling a transformers and going nuts on everyone near by haha.
  20. Totally check out the Bamboo Fun than its what I use and after you get used to it, it's great. Though I still have a long way to go in my control.
  21. I know I know but I was at work and sneaking in some reading and can never remember the spelling, But you got the point so yay.
  22. I recently did a stint as a editor on an animated show so I'll give an overview of how we did ours, not all shows are the same but for the most part the basic idea is. When the production started the director designed the look of the show i.e. all the characters in various poses in various colour schemes including lineart. Than the script is sent with these designs are sent to the storyboard artists, the moment the storyboards are done they get submitted back to the director for approval, once approved the get sent to roughers and backgrounds. and the process is repeated in each stage until completed. To make the jump to a 3D rendered image is hardly different at all, the director send the design to the modelers. They model the character and than get approval. Than it would go to onto the next stages, but between every stage in returns to the director for approval. Our director had to watch and approve about 150 2-14 second clips every morning. however this was after he sat with me for two hours going over the animated show in sequence which I updated the evening before. You can be assured that pretty much every shot/scene gets looked over by the director before anything gets completed. At the end of the day sometimes cartoon logic does get used to smooth the edges.
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