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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. yeah, that 'big friendly jellyfish'
  2. nah, I think just going in and changing it saves me time. People need to chill and realize that we're not out to get them. If I wanted to make fun of you, I'd do it in the threads.
  3. He got the standard "I'm not allowed to have pics in my signature" You got the same treatment as everyone else MN, don't take it personal. I'm curious what was 'smart' about it.
  4. LoL, for someone that acts like they know a lot about Aliens, to not know what a Praetorian is... ain't right. Praetorians are the queen's elite guard, hence the name. They have nothing to do with the Predators. IIRC they are created by the queen giving them a small amount of Royal Jelly. The predaliens are the hybrids with the legendary hunter. Why deny snake aliens? Its already been established that other creatures exist on different planets(according to the comics and books) why not giant snakes?
  5. then make a better one and make a million dollars.
  6. mmm... *dreams of a law enforcement or military model*
  7. has this topic been done enough yet?
  8. Ok... I hate Macross Zero.... but that was quite an offensive statement in my opinion. Get a life!
  9. I like the Soul of Chogokin Evas. For $40 - $60 bucks you can get one. They're pretty small, but they're all die-cast and they're extremely poseable. For a while after I built my LM-HG models I would dream about an all die-cast version... and sure enough it came out. Just like my dream of an updated G1 Optimus Prime. Now if Capcom would just make my 2d G1 Transformers fighting game.... I would be set.
  10. Newsflash - The VF-0 IS more advanced. The vf1 was just delayed. VF1 in mass production -> VF-0 tests newer stuff -> VF-1 is late -> VF-0 sees combat Trial production model and testbed for advanced jet engines and Overtechnology designed for future variable fighters. Deployed for actual combat and functional testing when delivery of VF-1 Valkyrie variable fighter's thermonuclear reaction engines were delayed. Flown over the South Pacific Ocean island of Mayan during a secret program one to two years before Space War I. Nuclear Engines and Thrust Vectoring may give the VF-1 the advantage it needs... seeing as how the VF-0 doesn't seem to have verniers.
  11. maybe, bot not anytime soon my 2centz
  12. Its... "You feel offended with how I enforce the rules, tough." I am not going to pretend to be everyone's friend because I am not. Seasoned members know that I am very reasonable for the most part and on the occasions that I have made mistakes in the past I have admitted them and allowed the members to put their threads back up. Frankly I have no patience for people whining about my/our methods, if they really don't like it then they can take a hike and find some other site. Let us talk about Macross! We're here to have a good time talking to others that enjoy the same things as we do. If you want to break the rules/post nonsense, then I don't like you. I'm not afraid to be matter of fact and that's how it is. Shawn seems to appreciate me, Roy does too(I take heat off of him B) )... so does MMX. Each moderator has their own style and as I've stated before; I don't walk on eggshells for anyone.
  13. No... pics in sigs are not allowed.
  14. This is purely charity work... if we don't wanna be gracious, we don't have to be. Don't like it? Hang out on your board more often. *curtsy*
  15. damn you guys... I leave for ONE DAY and everyone is worried that I went missing.
  16. That would be the ultimate dishonor... Wrylac or BOK usurping Abombz moniker! Now that you guys mention it.... I can think of a a certain "vacant" username the trolls could use to start trouble... and I bet so can most of you. Now that you said that... I did see a "skullone" in the "who the hell are you" thread typed exactly as "skullone". That's someone in New Jersey....
  17. How about you shut your yap?
  18. I'm back... (read: coming soon)
  19. this new board is teh sex0r OH YEAH!!!! 2nd member on besides Shawn!!! HELLZ YEAH!
  20. I had sex with Max Jenius' wife.
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