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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Everyone I know that pirates music would gladly pay a fee to download music. Its too late for CDs. We are living in a digital world. And I am a digital girl... er guy.
  2. Food for thought - A CD costs less than $2 to manufacture. CDs cost up to and exceeding $20 a piece. RIAA gets approximately 70-90% of the profits from a CD. The final 10-30% gets divided up between the artists and others involved. The artists make their money by going on tour, not selling CDs. The RIAA is suing people to scare people into buying cds again. The digital underground will always find a way to do what it wants... with computers... there's a way around everything. They can't sue every mp3 trader out there... they'll get burned in the long run.
  3. Who cares? Its too far off anyway. If its good, its good. But people are crapping on it without even seeing it... like the Hulk, like T3... Wait for it to come out, then do your bitching.
  4. I told you guys; Peter Jackson is a no-talent hack.
  5. ditto...
  6. Yes, poor VE-1, while in the prototype stage he took a vacation to Papua New Guinea and tangled with a tribe of head-hunters and got his head shrunk Graham wow... that is tiny... I was gonna get one... but now I'm not so sure. ... VT-1 rocks tho!
  7. I wish they had a 'tekken force' mode... or a 4 player brawl... or both..
  8. Lets see... my top characters are - Mitsurugi Ivy Seung Mina Kilik Nightmare Astaroth Sophitia Taki As for the rest; I'm pretty good with them too... but the above characters I absolutely OWN with.
  9. Sure the GC controller is good for fighting games. Just as long as you have real small hands. ... or smart/skilled enough to remember where you bound your own buttons...
  10. lol mikeszekely likes n00b chars.
  11. Nope, the S controller is way better than the OG. Some people just like to whine. I seriously have no problems whatsoever on the gamecube controller. I've been dealing with all kinds of different controllers over the years being a fighting game fanatic and I honestly have no problem with it. In fact, on the GC controller its EASIER to do K + A moves. The only real problem with it is the B + G .. and that's just a throw... so boohoo. I've been playing on my AirFlo controller for a while because of its bigger cross pad and I played on a vanilla GC controller the other night and I could still pull off every move flawlessly. And we know Single Player is the thing now... Hear hear!
  12. Can you PM me what's wrong with the Hasegawa kit?
  13. WeaponLord(SNES) and Soul Edge were ahead of their time rather. More WeaponLord than anything else...
  14. Skullone already had his second chance.
  15. Given that they only use the Fast Packs in space, then yes. I would say NO. In the Macross TV Show we see a headon shot of a Valk launching from the carrier in space (where Roy is showing Hikaru about them) and there are no intake covers shown. You can see the fans spinning inside the intakes. I'll do some digging for a Super headon shot when I get home.... in the Macross TV show we also see lasers coming out of thrusters... so what's your point?
  16. *giggles with delight imagining shooting a shotgun full of 00 buck(liquid metal) into a room of criminals* *bouce* *bounce* *bounce* Man... I just saw X2 again... excuse me.
  17. Yes indeed!!! That pad was the perfect pad for all types of games (overhead/vertical 2D shooters and fighters especially). Think I'll hook up the ol' Sega Saturn for a game of Outrun and Capcom Generation Vol. 5 (Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter 2 Champion Edt. and Turbo) I hope by that you guys mean the Japanese Saturn pad because the US one sucked.
  18. Yes, for a street fighter style game it is the worst... but for Soul Calibur 2? No. I thought it would suck too before I actually used it. I kick mad booty with it. So long PS2! So long DC! My controller of choice is here!
  19. on a side note... the GC controller is AWESOME for SC2...
  20. I own Soul Calibur + My Dreamcast + Soul Blade + PS1. I was born a Mitsurugi master, and I'll die a Mitsurugi master.
  21. Too bad it doesn't have online play... I'd love to shred you guys with Mitsurugi, or Kilik, or Seung Mina, or Lizard Man, or Astaroth, or Xianghua, or Nightmare, or Yoshimitsu, or Cervantes, or Taki..... lol We spent 5 months playing 8v8 random battles in Soul Calibur. I'm glad the sequel adds new strategies because we have some epic battles...
  22. like I said.
  23. in case you all couldn't tell by my avatar... I'm a Mitsurugi player.
  24. you can set it up so that it archives them and emails them to you... that's what I do
  25. Went in and they're not getting it til tomorrow. I got the GC one. On the plus side, I do get that art book. I'm stoked about that.
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