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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. doesn't urkel do the voice of sonic?
  2. I hope your joking. Superman IS the original. Geez... Yeah he's the original alright...originally Lame Superhero - and the old movies are God-Awful. I'd laugh my @$$ off if they cast Brendon 'Monkey Bone' Frasier as Stuperman, that would be par for the course. I for one hope this project never, ever sees the light of day. WB should put some resources behind a hero that hasn't seen any screentime like Green Lantern or somebody. B) -b. See above.
  3. I hope your joking. Superman IS the original. Geez... Really? What about Achilles for one....or Odysseus(or however you spell it) Geez
  4. I'm going to go because I wanna bang Kate Beckinsdale.
  5. Superman is lame. He's just an unoriginal catch-all.
  6. woo! rippin on sw!
  7. Sex(with women of course) Drugs(protoculture... ) video games(fighting games) anime(all kinds) I > U
  8. You use the D-pad to play SC? I'm damn impressed. Also a little surprised as I head nothing but bad things about fighting games on the Gamecube. Personally I just bought a good arcade stick and some converters, can't stand using d-pads... any d-pads. lol, its all about adaptation after 2 rounds I'm in my groove on any system I'm kind of a fighting game nut so I'm used to changing up. Came from playing Street Fighter on pretty much every major system since and including the SNES and Genesis.
  9. I kinda like Alien 3. Creepier than AR and Aliens.
  10. I like the X-Box controller S.. The only back thing about the GC controller is its small D-pad. But I've been playing fighting games on pretty much every major system... so I adapt pretty quickly. The GC controller is my new favorite for SC2, much easier to do the most common button combos. The only one that isn't super easy is the g+b(because my thumb fits perfectly between the buttons) so I just use the R button.
  11. F-Zero doesn't have weapons. Unless you count the attacks you can perform. One is a slide attack, the other is a spin attack. I think that's pretty cool since you have to well... put yourself at risk also.
  12. The Hulk was a good movie. So was Mortal Kombat 1. So was Scooby Doo. You guys just must not remember how cheesy the source material was. Scooby Doo was hilarious, Mortal Kombat was basically like playing the game for 1.5 hours... the Hulk was just plain awesome. If you're gonna lump those movies in there, you'd better lump X-Men and X2 also.
  13. F-Zero does just that ... has been since the N64. The cars handle differently not only depending on their grip, body, and boost, they also factor in the weight of the vehicle. I like Wild Goose, it may have only a C grip, but its weight compensates for that and I groove well with it. Additionally, you can control your descent when falling/jumping much like an airplane. I'm not sure if Wipeout included this... but I haven't played it for years. Nobody got their panties in a bunch. Unless by that you mean pointing out the ignorance you've displayed more than once in this thread. Ignorance isn't a strong word because you admittedly haven't played the game. As for being marketed toward a younger audience... no... not really. I should feed you to the PA Forum members... even the ones that hate Nintendo will take a bite. Anyway, what makes it better than WipeOut? I wouldn't say that it's better than Wipeout... but then again; the last WipeOut I played was XL and I loved that. But as it stands right there... I think that F-Zero's tracks are way more fun and have greater variety. I also get a greater sense of speed when playing F-Zero, Wipeout makes me feel like I'm floating. But like I said, I haven't played any of the newer ones, this is my opinion as it stands from playing WipeOut XL(which I'll say again: I loved). btw - love your avatar. DEVILDOLL DO YOU WANT TO KICK IT!!!!
  14. I got sick of Counterstrike about a year and a half ago and I haven't played since. Its no fun anymore when to get away from the cheaters(pubs) it has to be a big production(match).
  15. Why should anyone waste their time explaning? <_< By calling the Game Cube a kiddie console you already proved you won't understand no matter what we tell you. <_< Why is it better? Stable frame rate, better graphics, an actuall story, better characters, better track design, better sound... do I really need to go on? <_< OMFG CEL-DA IZ SO 4 KIDzzz!!!!!111
  16. micro-missiles, those ain't...
  17. I just am really turned off by the art style. Thumbs down in my book.
  18. Who would be Rock n Roll(nobody has a beard anymore dammit..), Metal Head(Weird Al?), and Road Block(Micheal Clarke Duncan?)?
  19. Got it.. its pretty fun. SC2 owns me.
  20. Is there a model/toy of Alexander anywhere? He's my favorite.
  21. My 02 has the same color paint all over... its gooooooood.
  22. If that hack Peter Jackson was involved I'd know to stay clear.
  23. Sony should buy the rights to Nosferatu and the old Dracula crap.
  24. Screw White Wolf... I read through the pdf on penny arcade and most of it was nonsense. "We make vampires fast and strong, they make vampires fast and strong." "We make werewolves big, they make werewolves big." "We have a strong female lead that is a vampire, they have a strong female lead that is a vampire." Oh... and my favorite: "We call OLD vampires Elders, they call OLD vampires Elders." They should make it illegal to sue people. Our country is ridiculous, Japan too by association.
  25. Yes.... the new Metallica album does suck. How arrogant of them to blame slumping sales on pirates. When pay MP3 sites become as competitive as cell phone services... then we'll see some serious crap.
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