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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. If that were the case, Jake Lloyd wouldn't have sucked. "Now this is pod racing"....where's the puke emoticon? Like you were so cool when you were younger.
  2. She was a little kid. Any other kid would do. I didn't sleep through the Leon, because Jean Reno was doin cool stuff. I just was unimpressed by her performance, she could have been replaced by a fat, 35 year old, retarded man and Mathilda would have had the same effect on me.
  3. I'm probably biased because I'm a huge The Profession/LEON fan, and she was really good in that, even though she was 12. She was good in HEAT too, although that was a minor role. Wasn't too bad in Anywhere But Here either, and i can't remember any other movies she was in. she didn't really do anything in those movies...
  4. LOL... not nearly as bad as the first 2 minutes of Queen Amidala. Ironic seeing as how Natalie Portman is actually a good actor, a long with a fair amount of the rest of the cast of the prequels. But even the best actors look horrible with bad scripts. Personally I though the Epsiode 1 fight was pretty lame. Or maybe that was just my dislike of Darth Maul. Why is Portman held in such high regard? I was never impressed with her work. Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor I understand.
  5. Both PCs and Macs have their strengths and weaknesses. I don't think you really want to go there though. Let's stay on topic.
  6. Well... if Nintendo releases their new console using a STANDARD format, and if it is backward compatable with the Gamecube it will be a shoe in. People like backward compatability.
  7. Tech Romancer is fun, but its definitely something you'd want to try out first. Its different than a lot of fighting games out there.
  8. LoL My Dreamcast is right next to my gamecube and I still play it. The two people in closest proximity to me with PS2s don't play them... they're over in my room playing Final Fantasy Tactics(on PS1), Rival Schools 2(DC) and Tech Romancer(DC)... not to mention Smash Bros, Soul Calibur 2, etc... on GC. Meanwhile their PS2's lie untouched... I thought long and hard about getting a PS2... but after examining its games list/features etc.. I decided that it was not the console for me.. despite its popularity. I did miss out on Twisted Metal: Black... but I suppose it wasn't meant to be...
  9. TPM was cool.... untill they fled Naboo.... then for some reason everything sort of got less interesting from there. The whole 3 different perspectives ending was pretty neat.... even though I wished they had blown Anakin out of the sky. Touche. But that big chunk of boring in the middle makes me forget...
  10. which is a good example that great graphics and faster processing can't compete with a good and wide library of games. Yeah, but I've noticed that the majority of the games out for PS2 are utter crap. People always bring up "Flavor of the Month" titles when asked about PS2. PS2 is proof that there's strength in; a. Being there first. b. Having a shitload of titles. For better or worse. Now people rip on the Gamecube for having so few games, but the ratio of good games to bad games is in Nintendo's favor. The same is true for the X-Box I think... but to a lesser degree. I miss the good old days of Genesis and SNES when EVERY game came out for both of them, save VERY few choice titles.
  11. ANH is boring. Cept for the space battle. ESB is boring. Cept for the later Besping Scenes(saber fight, carbonite chamber) ROTJ is boring. Cept for the space battle and saber fight. TPM is boring. Cept for the lightsaber fight. (I personally like the very beginning also... I love Qui-Gon's use of his saber on that door and the nemoidians like "OH crap!" on the other side) AOTC is boring. Cept for the battle at the end and the saber fight. I think most are in agreement that Episode 1 has the best choreographed saber fight. Episode 6 has the best space battle and most climactic battle(maybe until Episode III [crosses fingers]). Etcetera... They all have their moments, but for the most part, they're kids movies. Always have been. I also know for a fact that a lot of kids liked Jar-Jar. Oh... and I think Luke Skywalker is as annoying as Jar-Jar in the first trilogy. I think Thumb Wars sums it up nicely when Oobi-Doob Scooby Doob Benubi says "But my uncle just bought those! Geez! You are a whiner." Heheh... if there were thumbs in space and they got mad at eachother there would be....
  12. Yeah X-Box is slightly ahead of Gamecube, but the PS2 is lightyears beyond both of them. Which I find hilarious because it really is an inferior console... vastly inferior... to both of its competitors. I think the GameCube will pull ahead of the X-Box... but I don't think either one will touch the PS2. Its a real pity too because I've never been impressed by the PS2.
  13. That's the first thing that sprang into my mind.
  14. Oh yeah, that screams galvatron.... maybe it won't suck...
  15. Heh...if Lucas had made Phantom Menace (or something resembling it) in 1977 instead of New Hope, I guarantee you that half the members of this board would have grown up sleeping in Darth Maul jammies, while sleeping between Jar Jar sheets. Damn right. That's what I've always said in threads like this. But its hip to bash stuff nowadays.
  16. bla bla bla They're all stupid. Just watch em for what they are.
  17. A) Wrong Forum B) I was outta the loop. Do it right.
  18. ANAL. What did you hope to achieve?
  19. Yeah, isn't it a great feeling? Vostok 7 Makes me all warm and fuzy inside. (this isn't a chat room)
  20. The first 2 Toshindens were fun for my friends and I. But when the gloves were off, we'd play Return Fire.
  21. I feel the need to interject there. There's a little backstory behind that; I told him about my plans to make one in confidence... he went ahead and made one. Later he acknowledged me and it was all good.
  22. Js, you should read the back of the box before buying games. Hell, with a name like JEDI KNIGHT II: JEDI OUTCAST you should have gotten the gist of it.
  23. That bad? I'd heard it was actaully a half-decent film. Well, you know. Back in the day when it was all the rage.
  24. Ooooh Beowulf! Good one! Jesus probably counts to... especially to some people I know. Why are we ommiting mythology? I have heard comics referred to as mythology many times. The only difference is that we don't believe it. Of course if you're talking strictly about COMIC Books, then I suppose Superman can be the first, but not the original In any case, Superman = teh gheymosexual.
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