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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. It doesn't seem like it would be very fun multiplayer. How would bullet time work? Would it slow EVERYONE down?
  2. I'll just trump everyone- I want them to make a Lance of Longinus. Doesn't have to be red... I think it would look cool in stainless...
  3. I like the game too... but its annoying that everything can get knocked down... but that's the only level of interaction. Makes for some nice deaths though for baddies
  4. they tried that on mythbusters... BUSTED.
  5. Over-rated: Yes... but not as much as it used to be. Do I like it?: Yes. Do I like the manga more?: Yes. So much more depth.
  6. that looks like Ginrai...not Prime.
  7. I'd buy that for a dollar.
  8. Oh stop, you know she's an ugly.
  9. Strict government?
  10. Max, you must have been one good boy! All jokes aside, I think I only saw it 3 times tops... but still I thought she was ugly... As for the Matrix Revolutions... I'm looking forward to it... the trailers look pretty cool. I saw some of the Matrix Reloaded the other night and I think I may have been too hard on it. I want to watch it again because I may have not been in the mood to see it that night. Same thing happened with Groundhog Day, I thought it sucked the first time I saw it, but I watched it again one day and found it to be a lot better than I thought.
  11. Man Graham... you look like a Hans Gruber-esque villain...
  12. Carrie Ann Moss is ugly as sin. I thought she was ugly back on Models Inc.(I only watched it once, really!) Monica... mmmm...
  13. Shawn's gotta take care of that.
  14. They're fixing Jabba in the Super Duper ANH.
  15. Man, that thing looks cool. I may end up getting na MPC afterall...
  16. doesn't look that great... the graphics I mean...
  17. The PS2 has messed up on too many DVD's for me to consider it a true DVD player. Hell, I've got a $40 dvd player that not only plays all the DVDs I have that the ps2 can't play, it also plays VCDs that I make.
  18. T2: We can change the future. T3: Kinda, but you're wrong. To like the ending of T2 you have to ignore the fact that if they stopped judgement day, then there would be no reason to send Kyle back to save John's mom from the first terminator. Thus; ending his existence a la Back to the Future. (That's not to say that I am an expert on time travel, for the timeline had already been altered, thus taking it in another direction without being erased... parallel timelines come into play there though, but I'm going with the simplest explaination.) Lame cliches and sight gags? T2 had plenty, I suggest you go back and watch again. T2 didn't really have any darker a story than T3, it the most touchy feely of the Terminator movies. I thought T3 was wonderful for being more related to the roots of the series. As for John Connor being a whiney sissy, he just didn't want the future that was ascribed to him. I think he summed it up pretty well, by saying that in order for him to do the greatest thing ever for humanity, he'd have to let something terrible happen. You also see that he does take up his responsibility in the end of T3 when he picks up that radio. See, that's called character development... Oh come on, you can boil anything down like that. T2 had some shiny cg and arnold with a minigun, and that's about it. But see, both of those statements sell the films short. They're both excellent movies and I for one love them both dearly. I'm not trying to get to to change your opinion, but perhaps some elements needed clarification for you. But to each his own. As for Terminator 4, I don't think they even need Arnold anymore. They could just do the war in the future and have a bunch of endoskeletons running around. I really hope they do this because I would LOVE to have the series come full circle.
  19. No. By attempting to 'fix' other peoples' threads you just end up cluttering the place up.
  20. Shut the f*** up and get off our board. Nobody is ruining the thread but you. Everyone else stopped.... but noooooo we've got a drama queen with a big mouth. No politics. Bottom line, you brought em up... so you're the offender. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  21. Everyone talking about 'political agendas' are the only people bringing politics to this thread. If you post anything having to do with politics in this thread, you will be deleted. Got a problem with that? PM me.
  22. yeah, I remember when I posted this
  23. People act like its so hard to act. It really isn't. The melodrama you see in a lot of movies... now that must be hard because we never behave like that. Arnold is cool. Being buff, kickin ass, and smokin a cigar are all I expect of him.
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