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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. haha yeah! THE ALAMO looks dumb though... they're just gonna be like "GO AMERICA!!!" *yawn*
  2. Its spelled with an E. You were right the first time. a. It is pretty obvious that Neo is gone. I'd put money on it. Neo and Smith annihilated eachother like an atom of hydrogen and anti-hydrogen colliding. b. The machines REALLY have no need for humans... especially since it was shown that the sun still shines and the IDIOT machines didn't think to build solar collectors above the cloud cover. I think that they're sincere in seeing that while they could kill off humanity at will(as stated by the architect and oracle), they will not because The Source and Neo made an agreement and because of the fact stated above. c. Disconnection from the Matrix will not happen instantly of course. I imagine that now that resources and effort aren't being diverted to controlling inhabitants of Zion, the humans and the machines can work together to help clear up the sky and possibly salvage what is left of the ecosystem. In any case, the Matrix now will probably serve as a buffer to 'come home to' and relax when one is not helping rebuild a human city/terraforming. d. The Christ analogies in the matrix are fairly obvious, but martyrdom isn't exclusive to Christianity. Keep that in mind. However, there are other ties to the bible simply because it is ingrained in Western Culture. e. Neo's ability to see the machines stems from The Anomoly's connection with The Source. He is able to see everything connected to it; the machine race. It could be implied that he was able to see their 'souls,' however this goes out the window when he's able to see power conduits, connections etc... which clearly have none. I liked the movie a lot. I like Reloaded a lot more now too. The action, while hard to follow at times due to waves of squiddy, was intense and satisfying. The 10 people I went with all left with a smile on their face. Now what I want to know is where the Twins went? Did they just fly away at the end of Reloaded? The way they were hyping them prior to Reloaded's release, I thought they'd have a bigger part to play. Overall I like the trilogy. Kind of a cross between Terminator, Dune, and Superman.
  3. Agents are everyone and they are no one.
  4. We will all see. This thread is to remain SPOILER FREE until Monday November 10th(to give people ample opportunity to go see it).
  5. WOO! ALASKA!! Well, if my planet and its population were nearly wiped out I'd be hella paranoid. I'd probably have even MORE defenses. a) We're paranoid against a large scale capital ship attack(in case another Zent fleet comes around.. or anything else) b) The defenses are probably meant to be used in conjunction with Valkyrie squadrons and ARMD platforms etc... but all the pilots were being hypnotized by Sharon. c) As mentioned before, the YF-19 and 21 both have the new active stealth systems, so even if they were detected... they'd be much harder to hit. d) Isamu and Guld are the best of the best. I'll bet Max could get in there with a VF-1.
  6. Mmmm... I just hope there's lots of killing.
  7. Angel Birds smell like stupid.
  8. I felt T3 just wasn't as well put together as T2. I dunno it just didn't feel as real and the story felt kind of cheesy compared to Camerons T2. What? I don't understand why people like the lovey dovey terminator in T2. Blech. Anyway, I think this movie will be just fine. Its got Aliens, Predators... and they're going to kill eachother. We'll have to wait and see when it comes out... and as more actual footage becomes available. But people like to be the first one to say something is going to suck, so....
  9. Exploring space is better than lost in space. We would not be having this discussion. Kawamori should have left the 2012 ending alone as it was. It has nothing to do with anything else in the Macross Universe... so the details are irrelevant.
  10. Lost in space is better than some lame continuation a la Sentinels...
  11. yeah.. but I feel that hollowed out asteroids are kinda lame...
  12. I wanna see a M0 rendition of the ASS-1...
  13. Its not really that big of an issue. With Indy, SW, or Macross...
  14. all that stuff looks really stupid.
  15. mine was easy, you should have payed attention.
  16. What are the Tenseiga and the Tetsuseiga? (I hope spelling doesn't count) I'll give it to you. you just messed up Tetsusaiga. Go for it.
  17. Ok, I'll make it easy for people. Jeopardy Style These two swords were created out of the fang of Inutaishou and bequeathed to his sons.
  18. What is Cowboy Bebop? edit- if I get this right, please give me a couple hours to write my question. I've got to go to class.
  19. FPS games w/o a keyboard and mouse feel too awkward to me.
  20. Personally, I think the Ring sucked. Haven't seen the Eye though.
  21. SI SENOR Despite the fact that the no's are winning, this poll has no effect on the rules.
  22. Max Jenius

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    And what exactly did you know? 16 pages into this thread, I mean. what yamato is doing my jedi powers have forseen it
  23. Max Jenius

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I knew it
  24. I've had about 3 yamato crashes... Even my VF-11B fell without breaking. That was luck. The VF-1 line is not as strong as the Bandais... but they're by no means weak. Which is what I've said throughout the durability debate.
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