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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Because it was. Not only was it an embarrassment to the Termintor name with the gay jokes and horrible visual gags, the story was weak, the acting was dire and the action was terrible, neutered to almost PG-13 levels. I got one thing to say to you: Talk to the hand....
  2. I got all the episodes so far... I did just get caught up with Inuyasha... perhaps its time for a Naruto break while I anxiously await episode 131 of Inuyasha. The first ep was stupid IMHO though.
  3. I'd agree with you... but then, we are in the very small minority.... I like em both. I could have lived w/o the movies because the series ending was enough for me. The movies were gravy.
  4. Looks good so far, I may have to get this on DVD.
  5. I like Evangelion. Its one of my favorite shows.
  6. No, we don't consult eachother for every decision. After Focker explained himself, I agree with him. I find it humorous that some members presume to know what goes on behind the scenes.
  7. Roy gets black. Everyone else gets their stripe. Yellow is a shitty color if there's too much of it.
  8. "No..." Its got more to do with what we do here than a lot of threads. If it gets outta hand, I'll delete it myself.
  9. Mutsume was up there too. But she's too nice and naive, kinda like an ex I had.... But hey, since we're talkin about bringin Anime chicks to our doors may as well take all of em eh? That's what the show is about right? I want Keitaro's job.
  10. I thought Nick Stahl did a good job. Remember this is young insecure not so sure he wants his fate Jon not old 40 year old kick ass knows what he has to do cause all other paths are closed to him John. Yeah, I think I prefer insecure Nick Stahl to drug addict what's his name...
  11. Let's see... I think I will call my computer... WISE DUCK!!! CPU - Athlon XP 2800+ (Barton) Mobo- Asus nForce2 DDR400 RAM - 512MB DDR400(not used, its at 333) Video - ATI Radeon 9700 Pro DVD - Pioneer 16x CD-RW - Lite-On 52x24x52 HDDs - WD80GB ata133 7200rpm, WD120GB ata133 7200rpm w/ 8MB cache. Sound - SB Audigy(it was free... and has firewire... so hey! ) Speakers - Klipsch ProMedia 4.0 Monitors - A 19' Samsung and a 17' Sony... dual monitors... Keyboard - MS Natural Media Keyboard(nice handy controls... mmm) Mouse - MS Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 Game Controllers - 2 MS Sidewinders(one USB, one Game Port), 1 thrustmaster FPS controller MP3 Players - 1 20GB iPod w/ firewire dock(hence the importance of the previously mentioned audigy) WebCam - Some cheap intel one. Looks like an eye. Misc - 1 Gameboy Advance Linker kit That's everything that's plugged into my computer... I think...
  12. lol, we called her Ed for a while too while we were learning names. Nothin but T&A throughout. Rowr... Kitsune(Mitsune)...
  13. yeah, maybe we should have one in Japanese and French too... no.
  14. OK, so the machines are capable of love/anger/fear/jealousy/etcetera, but they are somehow incapable of lying? uh-huh. What difference does it make if the machines are lying or telling the truth? If they wanted to, they could do anything they want. That's why I believe them... they don't have a reason to lie.
  15. Yes, but as stated before the effectiveness of EMP is very dependant on the height of the blast. You are correct sir.
  16. Freelancer = Space Diablo
  17. He's masturbating.
  18. Ya think humans, as smart as they are, would have known to detonate the nukes at the appropriate altitude? Seeing as that quote comes from umm... common human knowledge? =) Either way, if the machines could have figured out a way to defeat lightning, then they should have figured out a way to defeat the lightning guns the zionists were using against them. -Al I highly doubt that if they were stupid enough to block out the sun, they would even consider EMP. In the Animatrix(or whenever we tried to nuke em), they were obviously hoping that the heat/radiation would kick the machines' asses. After that, I don't think they had a chance to retaliate. Perhaps the machines lied, but I don't think so. That's the beauty of Machines; they can turn it off. Plus, I think that many of the assorted AI programs are starting to get really sick of the war and really don't want to continue.
  19. ahhh... if only there were a realy Kitsune...
  20. WOO! Alaska can come too!
  21. If they could survive a nuke, then the first thing they should be able to survive is the EMP blast. But hey. Shrug. -Al The occurrence of EMP is strongly dependent on the altitude of burst. It can be significant for surface or low altitude bursts (below 4,000 m); it is very significant for high altitude bursts (above 30,000 m); but it is not significant for altitudes between these extremes.
  22. They can't get through the lightning? Please. I'm sure they could think of something. If they can survive a nuke, they can think of a way around lightning. Air-De-Ionization?
  23. People really miss James Cameron... who hasn't made a good movie in approximately 10 years... and Linda Hamilton who is no longer necessary... I think he was just blabbing about the ideas that they're thinking of implementing along the way. If he's as big a fan as he claims, then I don't think the more stupid elements will make it in.
  24. The Architect and the Source had no control over both of them, they were anomalies in the system. The train existed between both worlds, neither reality nor the matrix so the same rules naturally don't apply. Smith? Neo is "The One," Smith is "The Many." Who knows, he was doing an awesome job. They were evenly matched.
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