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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. ahhh... *burp*
  2. No need for follow up as it had already been discussed at length.
  3. Sounds like you don't know any good cooks...
  4. MW... a self help forum... shyeah!
  5. It's blasphemy when the TAE ship designer calls a ship the "Valkyrie". Booooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~G25 blasphemy ?? Maybe the guy liked macross and was paying homage? An inside joke perhaps? Think about it. So any ship called a valkyrie is blasphemy? Macross has exclusive rights to that name? Come on...
  6. StarScream + Friends as an F-22(or 23 even)
  7. Well, it sure has been an interesting year, one of the best so far though. I'm thankful for good friends. Good friends have made life on and off of MW great for me... and for that I give thanks. What are you guys thankful for?
  8. mmmm Though I would appreciate more accuracy of the interpretation, I find the humor delightful.
  9. Interesting that you noticed that. It all makes sense now. To everyone else: This thread walks a dangerous line. Be careful that it doesn't tip over too far into the realm of the P word. DON'T SAY THE P-WORD!
  10. yeah, then they'd get ruined...
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...26&t=3280&st=80
  12. Angst must be some sort of buzzword lately for I can't go a day without someone referring to it in one way or another. Dictionary defines it as a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity. That's pretty broad... by that definition I think that probably every anime has a LARGE AMOUNT OF ANGST. Hell, any DRAMA for that matter. Any human being? You be the judge of that. But like I said; angst has buzzword written all over it, so while it may apply to Evangelion or Gundam, it also applies to pretty much everything else. Depth also seems to be dominating conversations about everything from web comics to feature length, episodic films. Does the depth or perceived depth of something really make it better? 2001 is supposed to be pretty deep and while I understand it, I find it as boring as watching paint dry. I love Evangelion, but the deepest aspect of the show culminates in the final 2 episodes... you know.. the ones that everyone hates? I think that a lot of people mistake a convoluted story and red herring references for this 'depth.'
  13. The Japanese intro to TF is crap. Except for Transformers Zone .. that is just funny though.
  14. Yes... Japanese horror films have developed quite a following recently. Can't wait for this obnoxious fad to pass...
  15. Akira(Strictly from an academic standpoint) Ghost in the Shell(Amazing, even today) Ninja Scroll(Great animation, classic tale) Inu-Yasha(Action, comedy, romance... good survey of genres) Cowboy BeBop(mmm... Faye) SDF: Macross(duh) Macross Plus(duh) Macross Zero(duh) Macross 7(I don't care what anyone says, I like it. So does a friend of mine that isn't even a Macross fan) Ranma½(Gets way cheesy... I like it a lot less than M7 if that says anything) Love Hina(Fan service.) Neon Genesis Evangelion(If you realize that it isn't about the giant robots, you'll be ok) Big O(If you realize that it IS about the giant robots, you'll be ok) Robotech(Watch it after you've seen the original SDF: Macross, interesting comparison) Mononoke Hime Naussica
  16. I "get" 2001, and I'm not missing out on anything. They could have made the components of the film much more intriguing. I just don't like the film.
  17. when is 3 coming out again?
  18. How do you figure that one? When the most exciting part of the whole movie is a monkey smashing things with a bone. Lets also not forget the repair scene... *shudder* One of Kubrick's darkest hours. Then again, I don't like Kubrick. That said, I'd rather watch Robot Jox 3 times in a row than 2001 once. Hehe, the trailers on Robot Jox are the best. The Arena.... I wanna see that movie just so I can see how that guy's head catches on fire. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"
  19. 2001: A Space Odyssey. It turns out it was the king of all bad sci-fi films, indeed of all bad movie-kind. Their lord. The single template from which all other bad films were wrought.
  20. With 30 extra minutes of stuff that didn't happen in the book? PJ sucks, he should have done the movies with puppets a la Meet the Feebles.
  21. You should fill em instead...
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