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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. k, this thread is really going nowhere...
  2. I hate Xianghua... I still haven't figured out all of her mixups. I just usually blow it and get caught with my pants down. Extremely Hard computer opponents are easy if you exploit their weaknesses. If you throw an attack and intentionally miss by a slight margin, they will get stuck in the GI animation and you can combo the bejesus out of them. Voldo is interestin because he's so weird, but even he has patterns. My playstyle goes like this: I never look at my own character. I never look at my health bar(rather pointless because you're just as dangerous to the opponent with a sliver or a full bar) I ALWAYS am watching my opponent/ the space between us. The key to the whole game is GI's and memorizing your opponents patterns and animations. Learn to GI and know when to use them and what moves they cover. If your opponent isn't doing what you want them to do - MAKE THEM. Often I use my mist kick to get the opponent in the habit of blocking low, then I do a big damage overhead attack. This also comes in handy for using Astaroth's low-throws and/or his spinning throw(Posiedon ... something?) Finally: Have multiple attack strategies. Doing the same 5 moves over and over may work initially, but people get used to it. So remember to mix it up if your opponent seems to be blocking and guard impacting everything. For GI's I usually switch to a high attack if my lows keep getting GIed.
  3. Just went back and played Soul Calibur 1 and Soul Edge again... man... we've come a long way. I can't even bear to look at them anymore. Plus there's more moves!
  4. Nightmare is faster than most people think... But he's just so easy to GI. Especially w/ Mitsurugi's easy GI moves. ESPECIALLY with his relic GI, and that does pretty decent damage. I hate Talim though, he weapons are so short that I can't see her coming really. With Talim, I avoid the GI and just focus on using Miturugi's range to keep her at bay.
  5. He's basically just like Tekken Heihachi. Not really that fun to play for me. The basic rule of thumb between my friends and I is "[Anyone but Heihachi]" Suggestions- Inuyasha Sesshomaru Sango(Skin for Taki) assorted Naruto characters who's names I don't know... Darth Vader Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Anyone but Heihachi Could Strife Sephiroth Gundams (DeathScythe etc) Evangelions (Prog knife, whatever...) Stikfas(replacement for the lame Charade) Immortals - Duncan/Connor Macleod/Ramirez/The Kurgan Nicholas D. Wolfwood Blade Anyone but Heihachi A Giant Bee Alien Predator Batman Bruce Willis w/ Katana (Pulp Fiction) Anyone but Heihachi. See? It really works!
  6. Maxi got totally screwed this time around and he wasn't really top-tier material to begin with. I hear his stances got messed up. MAXI SUCKS!!! LI LONG FOREVER!!!!!!
  7. Mitsurugi and I go way back. Soul Edge.
  8. She's quite literally a neutered Kilik. Use Kilik, not only does he have almost all of her moves, but he has additional ones that make him a much more well-rounded character.
  9. I'm a Mitsurugi god(see the avatar). I usually kill anyone with him, his SCUBs and mix-ups are hella rad. I'm pretty badass with Ivy as well, I'm pretty good at buffering CS and SS and those are always crowd pleasers. I'm good with Voldo also, but I mainly play him because of the humiliation factor. I'm working on Taki and Yoshimitsu also. Vostok, button mashing can get you only so far. Once your enemies learn to GI, they're going to own you. I recommend visiting http://www.guardimpact.com if you really get into it.
  10. Mechamaniac, if you're really that worried about it, just call the po-pos. You wouldn't happen to be named Dale Gribble would you?
  11. Does it matter who it is?
  12. self-contained verniers
  13. Yes, as a matter of fact, that isn't even the operating screen for that station. Its a WinAmp 3 visualization. Most officers and bridge-bunnies still swear by Winamp 2.x for its lower cpu overhead, and generally faster response.
  14. mmkay... Nice custom!
  15. Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Oh come one, SOMEONE had to say it. That was brilliant I concur. I'm going to have to agree with Graham about Cameron. Unless Ripley meets a stowaway(Alien) aboard the space-ship and falls in love with him after it draws her naked.
  16. Man, those spiders in Harry Potter were freaky too. Damn spiders! YOU GO SQUISH NOW!
  17. What's your favorite scary movie?
  18. True, however, at the center of this thread is how we mods do not always feel the need to explain ourselves when deleting a post etc. We have to have certain expectations from our members as well don't we? I think we've outlined those expectations in a most detailed fashion.
  19. Wait, what have you read about Shelob? Oh, it just got moved is all. No biggie.
  20. Excellent. I'm looking forward to it. From what I've read aside from the Shelob, we're in for a fairly accurate depiction. Though I will admit, the thought of Aragorn wading through the Uruk-Hai with a lawnmower strapped to his chest is intriguing. Especially if he had help from a female hippo wielding a machine gun.
  21. Just for the record, my suggestion was just that, a suggestion. I've never been a mod and have no interest on being one, but I read the rules before and have always followed them for the most part, I just can't blame anyone else for not knowing it verbatim. Actually there's no point to this post, I just wanted to quote Max for posterity. Aw come here you! *hugs*
  22. Perhaps. I was a good member for a year. Well, as good as the population at the time required. I think most of the main participants of this forum have had their beefs. The only real issue I've ever had was with a member that some of the other old timers may remember - sfer1. But that was over blatant stupidity(his justification of charging $3,000 for a 1/55 Millia) I had somewhat of a major problem with Roy Focker right before I was made a moderator. I think that conflict to a certain degree is conducive to an environment based on discussion. Members that feel passionate about certain issues may lash out occasionally, but that's just because they're passionate. We're passionate about Macross, but our passions can be infinitely different than another member's, this can lead to some bad blood between members. As long as they're mature enough to realize that in the grande scheme of things it is a minor issue. There are eight billion people on the planet, and we all know that not everyone agrees, but that is part of being human. Another thing is that NOBODY EVER has problems with Shawn or Graham. They aren't the ones getting their hands dirty every day here. The passions of the members that I mentioned previously cause them to act irrationally, treating every post or thread that they create as if it were their only child. That's part of being a moderator; knowing when to go easy, when to be firm, and when to tell someone to shut up and move on. As a moderator, you don't make too many friends. I had an ample stock of cronies and comrades before I became a moderator, and now that number is a fraction(many of my 'board buddies' have taken off). Additionally, because of my experience on the board(and the other mods) we have been forced into a more authoritarian role. Since I am one of the more outspoken of us, I do take a lot of flak. For example - when we did the mass banning of the troublemakers, people complained and while I had little to do with the decision, I was blamed by many of the offending parties. There was a thread on VEX where some people gathered to vent their frustrations about me, some of them flat out lies. Amazing that all of that sprang because I was a moderator defending a decision that SHAWN made. Shawn is a really cool guy, he just likes his board run a certain way, and according to him; all of us moderators are doing a great job. I've been banned before. I accidentally banned myself from the last board. But that's the problem; the new mods would have to be indoctrinated and taught how to run the board like Shawn wants it to be run. Shawn doesn't really have the time to explain to new mods how he wants things done, but this could be a good plan. Maybe have some temp mods or forum specific mods in addition to the current global moderators.
  23. That's right. Anyway, Doc Oc looks kinda stupid, but kinda cool at the same time... I guess that's Doc Oc for you...
  24. Its better than the Spiderman movie where he had the big, dark bug eyes and crappy rope instead of webbing.
  25. LoL, and that really is the heart of the matter. I insult the golden boy and you guys get on my case. I think you're both very confused. And you and March are obviously suffering from fanboyism. Inherently stupid in its own right. I'm the one that talks about something I know nothing about now? As Bsu Legato said - Connect the dots... la la la... Conventional direction never impressed me. But if Peter Jackson had tried anything but convention, he would have failed. Which is why I ask you to put up or shut up about what he actually DID do besides be a buffer between suits and crew. All people in disagreement with me have been able to do is call names, dodge questions, and act the fool. Just because I voice my opinion on their new favorite director, who will just be a flash in the pan. Feel free to bring up examples and counterpoints. I've seen none yet. Perhaps I should have done it before March et all did, the thread would have been over sooner and saved me some wasted time typing. Once again, you've brought up nothing relevant to counter except "You're stupid." PM me when you have a relevant counter-point with some substance and not another waste of my time.. *shrugs* OMFG!!!!111!! PETAR JACKSONE IS TEH GREATEST DIRECTAR EVAR!!!!11
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