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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Hound always was one of my favorites. Maybe they will make a new Trailbreaker too! I just want a G1 Hummer TF.
  2. Lowest Common Denominator = $$$ And every station does it for the most part... I mean I watched a show on the Discovery Channel called "BIG THINGS" etc... Plus they have all those stupid ass reality shows... like people redecorating their damn house or getting married... *yawn* Hell, even Anime is getting more commercial. Sucks, but its part of living in today's world. agreed....speaking of which, did you ever finish the Dune books? I'm on Heretics of Dune now. MAN God Emperor was everything that I had hoped it would be. I'm trying to pace myself with the last 2 books though in anticipation of Dune 7 in 2005. Great books though, Herbert's style totally grabs me. As for Firefly, I remember hearing rumors that the ship looked like a horse... but I didn't see the resemblance. Anyone else care to take a stab at that rumor?
  3. I only liked Space Balls when I was younger. I rented it and thought it would be awesome, but I guess I have different tastes in humor now. I still love the ludicrous speed scene though! Dark Helmet hanging on to that console ... el oh el indeed. I like ID4. I mean... its about aliens invading... people should have fun with it. I mean... can anyone think of a movie on that subject that is less cheesy?(aside from V, but that's a given... V has its moments.)
  4. I'm pleased to say that I am #201.
  5. wasn't me... I would have sent my goon posse to rough him up a bit first.
  6. Yeah but I sure hope you haven't set off a new saga for MW. First there was the Macrossworld: The RT Troll Saga, then Macrossworld: The Fansub Saga. This could easily become Macrossworld: Quest for the Custom Title Saga. All I'm saying is people might start posting stuff in vain hope of getting their own custome title... vinnie No... the first Saga was MW - The First Age a time of peace and prosperity and a member count below 200.
  7. coool now all we need is Britney wearing a sexy suit made outta that crap.
  8. That movie isn't a guilty pleasure... that movie was awesome! Wasn't it? I guess one of my guilty pleasure's would also be The Cat from Outer Space... I like cats... and why have a regular cat when you can have one that's from outer space?
  9. See above posts by vets.
  10. Lowest Common Denominator = $$$ And every station does it for the most part... I mean I watched a show on the Discovery Channel called "BIG THINGS" etc... Plus they have all those stupid ass reality shows... like people redecorating their damn house or getting married... *yawn* Hell, even Anime is getting more commercial. Sucks, but its part of living in today's world.
  11. No way, they'd be flying over the mountain and Sauron would come out and see Gandalf and be all like "WE MUST KUNG-FU FIGHT!!!" and they could do like a 30 min fight sequence off of that, all while Frodo and Gollum fight with lightsabers in the bowels of Mt. Doom.
  12. That show was cooool! The episodes I saw, I loved. Networks drop shows all too quickly. These shows spring to mind ... Family Guy Futurama Invader Zim etc...
  13. Try one of these Smart Drinks..... Oh man.... I'm wasting my life!*runs out*
  14. Alien III and Starship Troopers
  15. Hellboy looks like its gonna be teh sex0r.
  16. I like both the Robotech and Macross OSTs. Video Games F-Zero GX Zelda - Sound and Drama Smash Bros. Melee (great orchestral versions of classic Nintendo tunes) Metroid Prime OST Final Fantasy - Celtic Moon Anime All of the Evangelion OSTs(except EVA VOX, and repeats) I'm fond of the Inuyasha soundtracks too... Can't go wrong with Cowboy Bebop OSTs Macross: Perfect Collection(or whatever its called) Macross Zero OST Macross Plus(pick the one you like, or all...) It all depends on what you're into. Personally, I like music that reminds me of a cool part in a show or game.
  17. I never ship SAL. EMS ALL THE WAY BABY! IIRC I tried it once w/ my Evangelion Unit 01 Perfect Grade kit, the damn thing arrived with a basketball sized dent in the corner of the box. NEVER AGAIN!
  18. Same here, unless you count higher education. I may be able to get another 1/48... but who knows. I need the Focker!
  19. See you in hell, dinner plate...
  20. It does look like JAR-JAR. Jar jar as the Preadator? Now that would be funny! "Esqease-me...um mista Anold sar....cana misa hava your skoool? Rob MN You sir, just made me spit Pepsi all over my mom's lcd monitor. *gets a towel*
  21. Klipsch 5.1 Ultras... and a 21'' Sony CRT oh... and my father gave me some bonds that had matured. $2600 worth. So I'd have to say this is like... the best Xmas I have ever had, as far as loot is concerned.
  22. Jawas giving people presents?
  23. We try to limit ourselves to only Macross products not available in the US.
  24. yeah, I miss Skullone. Ah well.
  25. I know what you mean, I mean if everyone agreed with you than you wouldn't such be a prick. Just like if everyone accepts my word as gospel, I wouldn't be such an ass. vinnie Yeah, its because I'm a moderator people think that I should be some mindless automaton existing solely to work my way up their ass.
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