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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. hmm, I may check it out. Just seemed like Hot Topic made a movie or something
  2. That's your own stereotype. White people can and do talk that way too.
  3. Isn't it just some hick killing zombies with a geek, an edgy-cool chick & some wee lass? I figured the trailer pretty much summed it up. Am I wrong?
  4. Wow.... there's an idea... Clint Eastwood directing Transformers.... might even be thought provoking. Might even have... character development. Might even have some actual dramatic sparks fly between Prime and Megs? I can't say it would be the best TF movie... but he'd probably have a very interesting take.... don't talk about it anymore it's too painful.
  5. Yeah, I liked the A-Team when I was about 5. Now I'll watch it ... but knowing full well that it sucks.
  6. Holy poo, I forgot Magnum. That show rocks!
  7. I'm surprised that there aren't any windtunnel programs out there that can do a rough estimate using 3d models. I mean, aren't the equations pretty standard fare these days?
  8. I loved that show. My favorite was the one with the guy that had the stopwatch that could stop time. "A Kind of a Stopwatch." These also stand out in my memory: "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" "Time Enough at Last" "The Eye of the Beholder" "Once Upon a Time" The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street "I Sing the Body Electric" "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" (of course) "Walking Distance" BTW CBS has a lot of eps available online from S1, 2, and 3.
  9. Old one! I mean, they're all campy, but some were actually quite good. The ones that sucked at least had powerful camp factor to make them entertaining. Didn't like the new one that much. Transforming KITT bugs me. (No, I didn't like the old pursuit mode either)
  10. Robot Jox is the funniest movie ever made. It's even funnier if you get the vhs version with the lame trailers in the beginning. Like "The Arena."
  11. lol my best friend had a "V" lunchbox... but we were so young we would always look at the pic on the front like "WTF is that?" Good old 80s printed metal lunchboxes. I had The A-Team until some bastard stole it from my dad at his job.
  12. The thing about it is... many of the eps are surprisingly well written. The ones that aren't... well you can sit back and laugh at the camp factor. Or laugh at how Michael goes for the ugliest chick in the episode 3/4 of the time.
  13. Weak. GTFO! My guilty pleasures are ... Macross 7 Alien 3 Predator 2 Messing with my students' minds. Knight Rider (original) Top Secret! Matrix 2 & 3 Cooking Mama
  14. So the Indian dude said all that poo for nothing.
  15. It's ok. I still love you.
  16. There's nothing about Halo I find particularly distinctive, therefore I can call it generic. I didn't say poster-child. I said generic. There is a difference...
  17. Right, there's nothing outright wrong persay. Just bored me.
  18. You see innovation, I see repetition. That's not to say Halo is the only game to ever do this, but this is a Halo thread. I suppose it's in the eye of the beholder, but I am allowed to call something generic when I had seen the conventions previously. I'm allowed to call it generic when I felt that it had little personality. These may have blown your mind when you saw them, but they bored me and I'm stickin to it.
  19. Graphics? Maybe for consoles. 3 is the only thing on that list that I hadn't seen before or matters at all in my mind. 1 - Been done. 2 - Never had a problem, but been done. 3 - Now this, is interesting in an FPS. I actually liked that. Feels kinda weak, but really no different than med kits. 4 - As well? Ok. But it was bound to happen. 5 - Again, been done. 6 - Increased difficulty doesn't really make it unique. Music is subjective. Half Life & System Shock 2 stand out to me. Co-Op had been done in SS2 as well. It's disturbingly rare though. I'm glad that Halo is pushin the dependably full co-op experience. It's just not my cup of tea. Believe me, I wanted to like it. It's what everyone was playin!
  20. Never heard of him, but what a sucky way to go.
  21. Dunno. Thought it was weird though that it had been working just fine up until it decided to quit & that 1mm made a different. Who knew?
  22. I got RRoD while playing a Batman challenge mode. After I read that it may stem from power cables not being plugged in all the way I gave my cable a little push. Sure enough, it went in like another 1-2mm and now it works. Weird...
  23. Bale screwed up his Batman voice in TDK & just sounded like he smoked too many cigarettes for 25 years. I too like Nicholson's Joker better. They were trying too hard with Ledger I think & ended up with something that wasn't really the Joker imo. I honestly think much of the praise was because Ledger died shortly beforehand. Clarence is so quotable! "YOU BURNED THE F*CKING MONEYYY!!"
  24. Well, it's not quite a mop & it's not quite a puppet. So to answer your question; I don't know.
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