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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Mmmm... Inuyasha is great. I hear the manga is supposed to end soon. The show still has a ways to go IIRC. It will be interesting to see both Inutaisho with Tessaiga/Tenseiga/Sounga in action. Also, the one that kills their father had better be Ryukotsutse! For some reason I've always found Inuyasha's father intriguing.
  2. some dude on the PA Forums has that.. *yawn* yeah, I actually took it from some guy on the nike forums. hehe. hey, it's still new if nobody has it here yet. It'll give you something to look at when your reading through the threads. Just keep your eyes on the bouncy's and you'll be alright!!
  3. I come here to push people around and make myself feel big. All with the aide of my goon posse.
  4. Max Jenius


    o-k Yamato Lover/Quadrano/??? no mo games like this.
  5. some dude on the PA Forums has that.. *yawn*
  6. A modern-day George Lucas? As opposed to....the one in the 15th century? The only thing I see about the old SW films as brilliant is the work of ILM back then. I really see no difference between the OT and the new movies. . . its just people are realizing that SW is made for kids. I will give the OT bonus points for an infinitely more bearable love story. I don't think he lost his touch, I just think that he was over-rated to begin with. I still love GL though... I must... afterall he IS the king of all geeks. True, I think most of us here have a grasp on that. But then, speculation is half the fun of coming attractions!
  7. I dunno... seems to me that a lot of the old Godzilla films are boring... at least until the fight at the end.
  8. Another Silent Hill? *yawn*
  9. Max Jenius


    hmmm... bigger than the 1/48... need to see some reviews
  10. Max Jenius


    Oooh, I've been zinged by MJ. Big surprise there. Before this goes to pm DA You've been zinged? I was dissin the banal "White Death" color scheme... Now if you were the creator of said scheme, then I can see how my statement could be interpreted as a zing... But you say that you are not, so lets pretend that is true for now and say that you Mr. Yamato Lover(If that IS your real name! ) were not the target... If you really want me to zing you though, that can be arranged. Finally... I don't think that I will be picking this toy up. I mean, if it were cheaper I would consider it. I have better toys to spend my money on... Still though... if it turns out to be the shiznit, I may pick one up. Oh, and Blaine? Check your tree... the sandwich is gone.
  11. IIRC "Snake" is just a codename. Even Raiden is referred to by the codename "Snake" in the beginning of MGS2... and I believe that the designation was given to Dave(lol) at the beginning of Metal Gear(NES/MSX). Not completely sure though.
  12. BIG BOSSSSSS!!! Anyway, I am looking forward to the game. Plus, aside from not being able to play as Snake, I thought the game was a lot of fun. I just could have done without all of the pseudo-intellectual bs at the end... it kind of made a joke out of the whole series.
  13. *>!SLAP!<* First of all, we don't use kraut here or any other words of the sort. Second; Nazis weren't the first, last, or only party to use propaganda. In fact it is stated that it was specifically based on AMERICAN propaganda films. now that I have the idiocy out of the way... You are correct that it DID use the book as toilet paper, and it IS as funny and absurd as space insects fighting a war with humans... oh wait..
  14. Actually, the yellow one is the prototype, the blue one is the modified version of the yellow one, that is outfitted for combat duties... oh I also just noticed from the pic above, both eva-00's are labeled 'proto-types' 00 was yellow before Ramiel fried the armour. It was fitted with new armour and given a new blue paint job. Hence the difference between 00 (Zero) and 00' (Zero Prime)
  15. Sorry, my bad! Thought they were the same deal. GAME ON!
  16. Yes and we all know that those "under-sexed males" are one of the attention whore's favorite foods. My point? Arnold Schwarzenegger is awesome!
  17. What did the LM stand for in the LM-HG Eva kits? Limited Model I think.... which is funny because they seem to be one of the most common.
  18. Roy showing Hikaru where NOT to point the gunpod...
  19. http://imdb.com/title/tt0379786/
  20. I got one(unit 02)... and I closely examined the paint on it... no problems there. I LOVE IT! It is literally a dream come true. I remember saying to some friends that if they would make a die-cast version of the Bandai LM-HG models that it would rule... now that's pretty much what I have.
  21. Max Jenius

    News Drought

    What they said. I know you said we should do this but; STOP WHINING! This isn't a news site, its more of a shrine. Its Macross World, not Macross News Network. The news that we get here is gravy, in case you didn't notice; the majority of the main site is dedicated to modeling. The reason we "sugar coat" our replies to people that sometimes endow us with exclusive content is that it is not their job to do so. They aren't just our personal industry insiders at our beck and call, they are members of this forum and friends to many of us. Try ANN for your dose of news.
  22. Back in the day?? IIRC, and I am quite sure I do, Quadrano existed on MW for a grand total of about 4 months, and that was last year. I don't think back in the day applies here. I'm not so sure about one of our better members anyway. It seems that her reputation, like many others of her ilk, was simply based on a small group of under-sexed males equating interaction with her on a message board to real-life relations with a female. Your point is also noted MM.
  23. Its obvious that you have no idea what happened so speaking as someone directly involved I suggest you stuff a sock in it. Its done with, Quadrano showed everyone what kind of person she is and after her true colors were revealed(and my integrity upheld) she became overwhelmed by the fallout of her own machinations. People give me grief and all that crap when they disagree with me, but I'm still here and so are they. So don't act like she was ganged up on or anything... she just dug her own grave too deep. (no no.. dig up stupid) As to why I am in this thread(before anyone tries to call me on it), I'm on official mw business(and investigation at the request of another member).
  24. Max Jenius


    LoL Then that makes two of you. Anyway - To all that are bickering: Please take your negatory vibes to PM land.
  25. I've never really thought about it. Its just funny how CN is a lot of peoples' only source of anime. I remember not too long ago buying GameFan magazine only to peruse the ads they had in the back for anime junk. Its like a question I had about Akira two or three years ago on MW; "Do you think Akira is over-rated?" The reason I was asking this question was because I didn't see Akira in its entirety until it was released on DVD here in the states and I had already seen a relatively large amount of anime. Akira left me kinda disappointed for it had been touted as the second coming... but it was average in my mind(I have a better appreciation for it after reading the manga however). Its just like any other form of entertainment, the only difference is that its told from a different perspective. I'm glad that anime is more popular today because of the fact that it is easy to get my hands on titles that I like. If others happen to be into anime as well; good. This gives me something more to discuss with others, icebreakers etc... (I'm an RA in my dorm and my valkyries often cause some residents to open up a bit "oh wow! transformers/robotech/macross!). Though I have noticed that I'm having to pay careful attention to the quality of titles I purchase more often now... because the bad is coming with the good as well. I also kinda get bummed when people look down upon CN shows. I mean, Eva, Robotech, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Inuyasha(one of my current faves...) were on that channel... It helps people to get into anime... like Akira did. Hmm... I had a point in there somewhere... oh well I'm tired..
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