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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Ivy's got some quick moves to keep opponents off her back, but if you can get her rolling, the Ivy blade shreds opponents. Especially if you know how to buffer your moves and watch your opponent for openings. Also here's a tip for those learning Guard Impacts - Forward + G is usually going to be more successful than Back + G. Why? Because it deflects high and medium attacks(usually the most common) AND it deflects throws. The other one may look cooler(at least I think so), but its not nearly as useful.
  2. Hey guys I know this thread is getting a little O/T, but if you have feelings on the main issue don't forget to add your thoughts. its gettin a lot ot...
  3. I've seen both be extremely nasty, and I'd say Cassandra is pretty damn good... but I'd probably agree with you that Cervantes is the best. When I was in Japan last year, I had the honor of being beat down extremely violently by a pro Cervantes player... I was playing Astaroth at the time, but man... it was brutal. Cervantes is certainly a bastid.... Not sure I agree with their rating of characters, though... I'm not quite clear on how they created the chart, and the thread on soulcalibur.com doesn't exist anymore... Well, charts do not REALLY matter. What matters is Cervantes is usually on top of them. His range/speed/power are all jacked up. But yeah.. .he is not as cheap as in Soul Edge. People think that because Yunsung is on the bottom that he sucks, I had to explain to one of my friends over and over that being last on a list doesn't mean that you suck, it just means you're at a slight disadvantage to others... I mean Yunsung kicks ass a lot!
  4. my place is in her bosom..
  5. Yeah, when you're not playing against a person.
  6. Debateably, Cassandra is the best player in the game. She's got range, and is good at multiple ranges, level games, a great wakeup game, unpredictability, and does great damage. It's too damn bad I can't play her worth a crap.... I've always got my Ivy, though... and Astaroth... and Seung Mina.... and Xianghua.... Well its almost universally agreed upon that Cervantes is still the best character in the game. He's a bastid, but guardimpact.com rates Mitsurugi(my dude) as #3, so I don't worry.
  7. *slap* its just the weapons and how long you're holding the buttons.
  8. OMFG!!11! She will be mine... oh yes... she will be mine.
  9. been there, done that.
  10. In what sense is the scene "impossible"? How is it not possible to bolt missiles to a stabilizer that has no practical function in space? What makes it an error? And apart from the fact that it never appears again (much like the GBP armor in the TV series) what makes it discontinuous with the rest of the series? A "Continuity error" is generally something done inconsistently from scene to scene, or frame-to-frame. Like in B-movies when they show a guy with a pipe, cut away and cut back and the pipe's gone... or when colors mismatch between frames. Or when a valk flies off the deck with no missiles, then fires six while in combat. I doubt that there are no continuity errors in that episode, but the existance of the missile magazines is not a continuity error or an impossibility. Yeah, what your saying would be true if not for the fact that VALKYRIES TRANSFORM whether or not they're in space. Judging by the sheer amount of weaponry that accomodates their advanced features(transformation), it would be stupid to just tack those missiles on... Additionally it would be worthless anywhere else besides space while in Fighter or H-walk mode.
  11. Shaddapa you mouth. Be grateful that it is not the famine times again.
  12. Funny thing is that I'm seeing a lot of avatars ripped off from penny-arcade's forums.
  13. Some people out there are sick of platformers, racers, adventure games and fighters. I would love to see a remake of Maniac Mansion though.
  14. Shawn has been really busy lately. Actually the real Shawn died years ago, I have assumed his role.(For those of you that have seen Equilibrium, you know the ref.)
  15. that would actually be pretty cool...
  16. I'd fly an A-10 Warthog. Gotta stick with the grandfather's 75th Fighter Squadron legacy. While not as glamorous as dogfighting I could live with tankbusting.
  17. I think that the code theft was an intentional leak by Valve, I've played it and there was no way that they were going to be ready for the original Sept. 30th deadline... then magically on Sept 30th and incomplete version of the game gets 'leaked' and soon after they 'delay' it until April. I used to follow the story and it seemed like a few things didn't add up, but that's just my opinion. I am looking forward to the game though and really have no desire to play it before its finished.
  18. Pretty much. If people take care of their crap, it will run just fine. The only bugs that matter(other than the klez exploit) matter to hardcore PC users and they usually have Linux anyway. But when you've got the market share that MS does, its hard to say that everybody hates you... I mean, the funny thing is that most people that diss MS are afraid to run Linux and don't like Apple because they play games...
  19. Just checked out the images. I must say, the art department for WETA definitely has an interesting style, if the rest of the flick is as good as the set/mecha designs I might be sold on the idea. I am still looking forward to the film, I just don't think it will do very well unless it is the second coming(pun intended). I like the plug suit designs, but the people they have in them look weird. I am confident that will change, I'd rather not have Asuka looking like a 40 year old crack whore. I also hope that they change their names too... I mean... something more true to the original: Misato Katsuragi - Michell K(something) Asuka Langley - Ashley/Alyssa Langley Rei - Rei Shinji Ikari - Scott Bernard. I honestly have no ideas... I just hope they don't name Gendo something like Gordon or Gary... Though this is just off the top of my head. I just hope they don't botch it... Looks like I'm going to need to pick up those DVDs.... grudgingly however as they should have been included in the first place. BTW - I like how 02 seems to be the most un-changed of the primary EVAs... I give it 02 thumbs up. I do think that they're making the EVAs true nature a little too obvious... but we'll know when we see some film... If this does well though... my hopes for a live action Macross movie may be rekindled...but HG smashes those dreams unless they get a cut.
  20. well that solves that....
  21. How 'bout the VF-11MAXL! The valk w/ tittahz.
  22. Yep, the manga will end soon, but how will Rumiko Takahashi end it? Yes, it was Ryuukotsusei that killed Inutaisho. I wonder how Inutaisho looks like in his human form. I mean in the movie dude. I'm hoping it sticks to the story. as for Inutaisho?
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