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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I got a GC last year and I love it. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - A must, if you can scrape the hardware together. Soul Calibur 2 - No brainer. Viewtiful Joe - Henshin a go go baby!
  2. Naw, this is what happens when people try to define the complex in simplistic "cut and dry" terms... Some time ago, I was buying the Aeon Flux DVD when a couple of other customers stopped me saying that Aeon Flux didn't belong in the anime section as it wasn't really anime ... "It's an american made anime rip off!" they had said ... Of course these guys were there to buy a copy of the then recently released Red Hawk anime It just isn't that simple...Even the most base and simplistic use of the terms anime and manga covers a LOT of grey area. Anime is also a resin exuded from tropical trees, but you knew we weren't talking about that right? Yeah really... We all know the context... Oh yeah, enough semantics... back on topic...
  3. looks quite nice compared to the old ones
  4. If you're a Seinfeld fan, Max... you really, really ought to check out Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you don't have HBO, you can rent the first season on dvd at Blockbuster. Larry David is very responsible for what was funny on Seinfeld... the guy is awesome. When he left Seinfeld, the show started to go downhill. Also, forgot to mention another kickass comedy show... the Office. Do yourselves a favor and rent/buy the 1st season on DVD or watch it and season 2 on BBC america. There's a reason it beat Friends and everyone else at the Golden Globes. It's not your typical crappy dry British sitcom, either, so don't be put off by it's British-ness. But you want to make sure you watch it before NBC makes their "American" version next year. That never works well. I saw an ad for The Office .... I forget where though.
  5. mmmm... Star Wars DVDs.... am I the only one excited? I like the SE's more... but that's probably because I only saw star wars like 8 years ago.
  6. I still love the Simpsons. Everything before the third season was crap. Chappelles Show is genius. Futurama... it comes on and I tremble. Family Guy... great... but sometimes it feels like they're trying too hard. Reno 911 ... awesome. 70's Show? ... pretty awesome. Wanna nail Laura Prepon. Grounded for Life... pretty awesome... plus for some reason I wanna nail the daughter. Malcom in the Middle... what I've seen is good. Oh yeah, and don't knock Friends! I used to be against it, but the eps where they focus on the comedy and not some sappy crap are really funny. Oh... and depending on your style of humor... Seinfeld is one of my all time faves.
  7. Ask your DAD! Jebus!
  8. you win. I'm not good at coming up w/ questions.
  9. How many total verniers are on the VT-1's armour load-out? (NR-FB-T1 and NR-BP-T1)
  10. Green Corporation?
  11. hrmm... Millia's VA looks kinda cute
  12. 1 Millia because I keep it real w/ the red chicas.
  13. Go get 'em, Tiger. indeed.
  14. Good thing! I kinda got stomped there. I've been considering buying InuYasha Original Soundtrack I & II, what's your rating on them? I like all 3 of them. The third one breing the least impressive to me. Thanks. Will you be purchasing any of the 3 InuYasha movies if they're released in N.A.? Yeah, I've got the first 2 already. I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the third movie because it looks hella cool.
  15. Good thing! I kinda got stomped there. I've been considering buying InuYasha Original Soundtrack I & II, what's your rating on them? I like all 3 of them. The third one breing the least impressive to me.
  16. .... Man, the blades of heaven and earth are badass.
  17. yeah and the Macross TV SDF-1 has Ships and not ARMS, only DYRL SDF-1 has ARMs. Wait... they both have ships buddy. Unless you're talking about ARMD Carriers as a pun...
  18. PS2? X-Box or even Gamecube would make it look way sweeter.
  19. Hydrogen Elephant Guess I use nukes or somethin. I win. I like the sound of Grandmaster Butterfly though. lol
  20. Minmay would also be dead...
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