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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. ew.... but what can I expect of someone who prefers Eva 2 to Eva 1. I, personally, would love it if the art on ESB is "vintage"... ideally, I'd love it if they used the art that I used to have on my twin bed sheets when I was 10. Brown Yoda! Eeew?! Your bedsheets are just further evidence that you have no taste.
  2. yah, I did that a while ago...
  3. Robotech got me into anime... and Macross... For that, I am grateful.
  4. duuuuude.... That would be soooo cool. Like the size of the 1/48 at least.
  5. dude no... noo.... she looks like some sort of dwarven woman... (gross) Grody chick that Jolie is 100x more sexy than.. Was the Last Samurai even nominated for anything? Heh, it definitely stirred up emotions. Or did that come out too late? Hey now... people mistake my girlfriend for Topanga quite a bit. As for dwarven... not quite, but she's only 5'-5". But that is a bit of a crapass picture there. This one looks more like my g/f... and what I think of when I think of Topanga. Fishel Besides, "my Topanga" knows full well the extent of my raving lust for Angelina. yah, before she got grody..
  6. Jason Biggs has signed to play Nightmare.
  7. I like the Light/Dark side ones.
  8. Whoo, man, she does look like she porked out a good bit. Honestly, I never watched that show, and couldn't get my mind around her name, TOPANGA!?!??! To be honest, never having seen the show, I always assumed it had the Vulcan spelling T'Penga - makes more sense anyway. Wasn't there a GI-Joe ninja force member named Topanga? Holeee.... this is the chick you compared to Angelina Jolie. It was T'Jbang!
  9. Whoo, man, she does look like she porked out a good bit. Honestly, I never watched that show, and couldn't get my mind around her name, TOPANGA!?!??! To be honest, never having seen the show, I always assumed it had the Vulcan spelling T'Penga - makes more sense anyway. Wasn't there a GI-Joe ninja force member named Topanga?
  10. http://cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?aff_i...38&obj_id=40971
  11. One shard of the jewel is left, but it exists on a different plane. I think the manga is still running... though I heard that it was ending last December... can anyone verify?
  12. lol you can still catch Boy Meets World on the Disney Channel. Heh, ah well.. the make-up and lighting departments(possibly CG...) deserve an award then. Take a look on imdb... not one sexy pic...
  13. Yah dude, the design grows on you. I thought it was ugly too at first, and that made me not watch it for a long time. But it really makes more sense when you see the show(yes... Big O likes to punch stuff) and he's really got a shitload of gadgets.
  14. dude no... noo.... she looks like some sort of dwarven woman... (gross) Grody chick that Jolie is 100x more sexy than.. Was the Last Samurai even nominated for anything? Heh, it definitely stirred up emotions. Or did that come out too late?
  15. I'm still waiting on my first season box set.... *sigh*
  16. speaking of reading, I'm about 100 pages away from the end of Chapterhouse.
  17. lol, I haven't seen it either... so you're not alone.
  18. One of the reasons I've criticized the Oscars for many years. L.A. Confidential was a great film and certainly deserved more than Titanic. we really need a thumbs up smilie...
  19. Ogre became a nerd at the end of Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise.
  20. Ooooooh, so ROTK is as good as Titanic was... Its wonderful that ROTK won a bunch of awards and all, but I've never really put much faith in the Oscars. I mean, how many people have rented an Oscar winning picture only to be disappointed by it? It is pretty cool that a rather nerdy movie won all those awards though, it makes me feel vindicated for the Titanic incident. I dunno though, they should give those Oscars to the marketing team for creating so much hype. Its also wonderful that PJ was able to get an award, because it will make life after lotr a lot more interesting. For PJ, myself, and the fanboys. Let the ride back down to Earth begin! King Kong ahoy!
  21. they should pop right out IIRC...
  22. Shawn said he'd clear that every month. Dunno if he's been able to keep up.
  23. ugh... that was horrid. Like... not as bad as Reba... Her voice is ok, but just hearing her say the words made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Like HULK SMASH!!!! mode...
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