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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Yeah... CG ships are much appreciated...
  2. Well, I love the Kaiyodos, but the SOCs are the Eva toy that I have longed for. I remember saying to a friend as I built my Bandai LMHG models that I wish that they would release something in that scale/design that was metal and then Bandai does it... I also wished for a larger scale, perfect transformation Optimus Prime... this has been a good year for my wishes coming true.
  3. I loved mine. Had it for like a year and transformed it plenty of times and it never broke. I sold it though so I didn't have to worry about it Too bad the VF-11B FP was a total dissappointment They could have at least enlarged the damn tailfins. Vostok 7 Me too, then the damn thing broke right outta the box. I've got one that still is in tip top shape, but its still disappointing.
  4. I dunno, I have to disagree there. I've watched Samurai Jack a lot because well, I happen to like samurai stuff. Samurai Jack is pretty conventional when it comes to story telling, all they do is throw in a few stylized fight scenes (none of which have really impressed me). Its really sad too because I really WANT to like the show, but as of now, I'm not impressed. I can't really say that I was impressed with Clone Wars OR AOTC, but I was definitely more entertained by the latter. Like I said in another thread; nostalgia clouds crap more than the dark side. But people are going to like what they like regardless of what anyone says and opinions by their very nature will differ. From an economic standpoint though, the numbers are hard to ignore because I see tons of people bashing on Star Wars on pretty much a daily basis, but they're buying up the merchandise like hot cakes. Me on the other hand, openly admit to loving both the original trilogy and the new trilogy, despite the fact that they're both made for children. In any case, no matter what GL does or how much people bash him, he'll be laughing all the way to the bank in the end. Oh yeah, and I think that Episode III will be the best SW ever.
  5. What makes me laugh is how much money these sucky films made and continue to make despite the fact that so many people "dislike" them.
  6. plus; OVERTECHNOLOGY. If there's a buncha people out there with hot knives, you don't make your ship out of butter.
  7. Go up the ladder, burst fire at the door gunner (I'm playing on a harder difficulty too) Another strat is to go DOWN the ladder and backtrack, shoot it while its still hovering below deck... that is even easier. But I've done both. After you do that, go to the left of the ladder and take out the two bozos there, then you're free to take out the rest on the other side(Personally, I used the gatling gun) To blow up the chopper itself, simply don't hit the gunner... only hit the chopper. After about 3 mags it goes...
  8. nah, that's fine
  9. I got the full version and it runs just fine on my Athlon XP 2800+(Barton) w/ Radeon 9700 Pro
  10. They should call him Pustulio.] Vostok! I was gonna say that he's a sattelite.
  11. Fukai Mori!!!!! (Inuyasha) I actually like most of the music in Naruto(yes... I've seen em all and read all the manga). Ummm, cept I don't really like the new opening. The new closing is OK, but sounds kinda derivative, maybe it will grow on me though. The new opening is STUPID!!!!!! Evangelion also has a lot of good tracks. I like Big O music too. There's too many to pick my favorites.
  12. Stupid and stupid come to mind.
  13. I dunno why he was kicked out, but he's gone for good now.
  14. and the first ending "Wind"
  15. Well, I think I'm gonna hold out for a bigger variant. Unless I am defeated by temptation yet again.
  16. ollld... but it looks like they've improved it slightly.
  17. There's two sides of the Evangelion camp. Those that think that people are stupid for not liking Evangelion and can't help being condescending. and Those that think that people are stupid for liking Evangelion and can't help being condescending. Then there's people such as myself that are trapped in between them. Though I have had more trouble with the latter (simply because I like the show and I get accused of being in the first camp which I am not... ).
  18. ...
  19. Talk to Keith if you're confused. It allllll makes sense. I just don't feel like typing it and Keith is used to it.
  20. You guys are insane. As far as toys go, the newer lines if Transformers(Including Beast Wars) are FAR superior to the old toys. Nostalgia clouds crap more than the dark side. Maybe its because of the lack of charismatic characters behind the toys. They try too hard to associate it with the old series. When I see Rodimus/Primal/Armada Prime/RiD Prime I see someone trying to be G1 Optimus Prime. I think Transformers should abandon the references to the G1 show(or keep them to a minimum) and try a fresh start with characters that aren't lame versions of old ones.
  21. Hilde Hilde, come in here Hilde. What is it Dr. Heimlich? I have invented a maneuver! Asteroid cracker! If you don't see the problems that a user name "God" will cause... you should see my inbox full of complaints about it. Sorry I wasn't clearer in my earlier statement dedalus001, you're not banned and nobody cares that you're an atheist. We avoid religious discussions because people get pretty heated about it. Its just a little heads up, you didn't know.. .its not your fault. But I recommend you mosey on over to our rules section (under FAQs) and just skim it to familiarize yourself. Also, I hope you don't mind my edits.. they're to prevent future reports.
  22. Wow.. 4 posts and banned already. You're treading on dangerous ground too dedalus001...
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