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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. dur... google bombs are old news... Relatively simple to do also...
  2. ahhhh... good old days... good times... good times
  3. The Ring, Ringu, Ringu II, Ringu 0, and whatever else they had all sucked. I'm glad that was just a passing fad. If some chick came outta my tv, I'd beat her ass. (unless I was watchin a porno or somethin) As for Witch Hunter Robin, I think it would be ok if they did it right. I actually said that they should do this like, 2 days ago at a friends place. But I'd rather they did a live-action Big O with Christian Bale as Roger Smith. Since he's doing Batman, it would be easy to step into the shoes of The Negotiator!
  4. That's the thing. All they really have to do to make a successful Transformers line(at least from the collector's standpoint) is remake the old Transformers with their SAME Robot/Transformed mode, just improve upon it using current technology. For mass-market appeal, they just have to make them look cool in both modes. Hasbro has failed on both counts. I mean, it would be AWESOME for a giant F-22 or F-23 Starscream or something. They just need to look at things that we have today and make them transform... it really isn't that hard, my friends and I used to do that all the time.
  5. That's so stupid too. I'd fly a rainbow plane if it kept me alive in combat.
  6. Zhang Ziyi would be a cool rei....but MINUS the blue hair man....if its gonna be live action...anime haircolors don't mix. I don't think she'd be that good. I've seen her whoop too much ass to be the sucky Rei.
  7. "1000 years of pain"
  8. I get down Alaska Base style.
  9. I think Bale is a good choice for Batman/Bruce Wayne. By extension, I also think he would make an awesome Roger Smith from Big O.
  10. Because... you said to delete it in the thread itself. Duhhhh. Plus, you didn't have a VF-17.
  11. Good custom. Though I never was a fan of black or black looking valks (too boring), but that's just preference. Great job though, you'd better watch out Jung!
  12. Haha, yeah... that Zabusa fight just made me skip half the episode to get to the new stuff.
  13. mods take bribes btw... prices vary depending on the favor...
  14. Sacrifice
  15. that's not canon btw... some dude on the net just made it up
  16. Naruto = kickass. While there are 2 or 3 battles that last more than one episode a la DBZ, the show is pretty great. To me, its everything I've ever wanted in a ninja show; it takes what is cool about ninjas and expands on the ninja mythos in exciting ways. As far as the characters go, they don't seem to be any more shallow than typical anime characters. When the characters reflect on their pain, I don't know about anyone else but I couldn't help but feel pity for a lot of them. Seeing them overcome their emotional hurdles and kick ass along the way makes me feel like I did when I first started watching anime, or the first time I saw Robotech/Macross. Its got style. I highly recommend this show to anyone, a LOT of people love the show so if you're looking for something that you can brag to other anime nerds about seeing, then look elsewhere. But if you want a show that is a hell of a lot of fun to watch and pretty much anyone can get into, check it out. Plus, Itachi is a badass. PS- Read the manga too! PPS- I don't like DBZ either, but fans of DBZ would probably like it too. Besides, who doesn't like watchin cool fights?
  17. Yo mama is so ugly she got this thread locked.
  18. Nah, that didn't really count as a chop because it looked like it contained original art. But still... it was decent to say the least.
  19. Looks like a chop.
  20. Yeah, that's been a recurring problem. Trying to keep the amount of game threads to a minimum, there's tons of places to discuss that and I was doing some housecleaning. Capcom getting out of the coin-op business is something that would be better suited for a discussion at a games site. Other threads such as the game specific ones are more acceptable. So I hope my explaination is sufficient. You know.. like... a few discussions about popular games etc. are fine, but generally topics about the gaming industry and the state of said industry are better left to the PA forums etc.
  21. 2nd Ending Song of the series. Uh... yeah. That's right...
  22. I liked that better in the SE... The original song was kinda sucky. There's only 2 things I didn't like about the SE's. Jabba at Mos Eisley - If they update the CG model with the one from Ep I, then I'll be happy. Jedi Rock - Dear God no. Other than that, I think they kick way more ass than the OT. Especially in the space portions. Plus I like the little CG extras that they have around, it makes the worlds seem more alive and exciting to me. But I like the new movies too, while they're not the greatest movies around, they still beat at the very least ANH in my book. However, one thing that has been missing in the new trilogy is the huge space battles and hopefully if what we're hearing about Ep III is true, there will be space battles aplenty.
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