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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I think I recall a time when some people on this board thought Alisa was too fat/ugly. I'd hit it twice and DHITB. I never ever thought she was ugly, ever. Though I remember some people callin her butterface. lol I still think that's funny. She's a weirdo... I read her live-journal once... psychooooo...
  2. Dunno, but for the hookup, they should give me their l/p so I can see too.
  3. Why settle for plain old cosplay (http://www.alisachan.com) when you can have soft-core porn(http://www.alisakiss.com) featuring some anime characters all for the low price of $16.95! Or not...
  4. People keep telling me that this movie is a homage to old martial arts films, but JsArclight hit the nail on the head. I said to a friend during and after(to another friend) that it seemed like it was a Martial Arts movie made for people that don't watch Martial Arts movies. Like Tarantino saw a Bruce Lee movie once and was like "Hmm, I can rip this off and everyone will love it because whenever they see it, they'll think of this movie." The fight scenes that I heard soooo much about were boring and while I'm no expert, it didn't seem like anyone in the entire movie knew how to use a sword(or at least choreograph a fight scene). I've been more excited during Highlander: The Series fights and those didn't have blood spraying everywhere. I'm no prude either, but there's so much blood in her fight against the Crazy 88 or whatever that it just got annoying. I'm not the biggest fan of Tarantino, but I did appreciate his flair for dialogue and was expecting some witty banter, again... I was disappointed. I'm going to watch the second in the hopes that it may serve to redeem the first... But hell, they could have probably cut the bullshit out of volume 1 and still had room for 2 sans bs. Shut up! That's why! We noticed that too, I'm assuming QT saw that in a movie that he's "paying homage to" and liked it.
  5. I just saw Kill Bill last night. What a disappointment, the fights sucked balls and it wasn't very entertaining. Man, I really wanted to see it too after hearing how good it was.
  6. Old newz. People make Gundams etc.. also... anyone wanna make a valkyrie?
  7. Back to MGS3 talk... I'll bet that the guards aren't really that stupid. Its probably just a tech demo to show people one of the things they have up their sleeve. In an interview Kojima said that they had to find ways to make Snake MORE visible because he was getting hard for the game player to see. Interesting stuff. Plus, who said that they're genome soldiers? You know, its not like the guards in previous Metal Gear games were that smart anyway too. Also even the way Snake hid in previous installments was pretty hokey. But hey, at least he's not doing the splits and suspending himself above eye level... yeah... Sam Fisher does some things.... that are infinitely more ridiculous. This game's gonna be fun, and if history repeats itself we're gonna be suprised by something...
  8. Persecuted for your faith? Duude. noooo no nooo.. you did not go there... The matter is closed.
  9. If it's the suvastika, remember that it was a symbol used before the nazis. Besides it's the reverse swastika, which has a different meaning. See Blade Of The Immortal manga. There's the Old World Swastika, and there's the Nazi Swastika... two very different symbols if you know the differences. Key here: The Nazi Swastika is tilted 45 degrees, the Old World Swastika more often than not sits on one of its four edges. Cuz if the History Channel has taught us anything....
  10. No offence but bad pronunciation, and spelling for that matter, of English is pretty rampant in the US too Hybridchild hahahaha I was just about to write that. But I dunno, usually nerds that watch anime are able to spell pretty well.
  11. But should we as a board have to follow Christian thinking? That's an offense in Christianity, but not an offence on a "NON-RELGIOUS BOARD" If the whole point is to keep MW and religion seperate, than Christianity's rules should have no bearing on what is accepted on this board. That rule was made to keep people from attacking someone else's religious belief, and idolatry is not an attack on Christianity. If we were to impose rules in order to not offend religions, should we ban all mention of eating beef in fear of a sensitive Hindu? Should cheeseburgers not be mentioned in order to not offend a kosher Jew? To say that religion should be seperate from this board, and then try and impose one of the rules of one particular religion is both contradicting and just plain stupid. yup.
  12. heh.. with as much crap as people talk about CN, I'm suprised anyone watches it anymore to see the commercials.
  13. Yeah, I thought folks would be able to handle pics in sigs... but after looking at some other boards where peoples' pics are larger than the majority of their posts... well changed my mind.
  14. I think it will be a fun game. You guys are dorks.
  15. God damn... next time I'm just gonna delete em.
  16. Jesus Christ guys... 10 freakin Yukikaze threads on one page! Use your better judgement.
  17. OMG!!! I saw those too and thought the same thing!!! They were at some crappy store in Fairbanks, AK.
  18. Psst... Roy... it links you to the reported post's position on the page...
  19. Now guys, retract those claws. Gm, you're a valued member of this board and we do respect your opinions, but don't you think that's being a little too anal? You're free to express your beliefs and there haven't been any problems in the past. Its when people bring these topics into debates that feelings get hurt and bad blood is made. There's difference between that and taking something from a text and altering it. If this is not to be allowed, then we wouldn't be able to discuss many of the things that we enjoy as there are constant references to assorted ancient traditions, including but not limited to the bible in our everyday life.
  20. GM, Roy just basically said what I told you in PM last night. If we are to scour religion from the forums, then we'd also have to remove your user name. I mean, why stop with just topics? Regligion can piss people off right? So why risk having a member with a name Godmedia. Honestly dude, they were having fun. And for those wondering what the topic in questions is; http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7041 You know, that's pretty minor. I'm suprised you haven't said anything about all the "Crom" bullshit going around the forums. Man did that get old fast.
  21. those look like generic crab-men... I dunno.. the invid kinda sucked anyway.
  22. Or how about oodles of money on multiple toys with a different paint job. I don't too much worry about justifying my toy spending. I just hand my money blindlessly over to Yamato. yes...
  23. More proof that 1/48 > 1/55 (though I doubt its even a question at this point) Jung, I always look forward to seeing what you're gonna crank out next. Someday when I'm rich, I'll have to make you modify the blue roses scheme to hook me up with a red roses 1/48. Well, someday.... when I'm rich...
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