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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. That's a rather romanticized view imo, but my main gripe is the inevitable "ewok" style ending.
  2. I liked the first UA game for the variety of characters. I liked bustin out some odd classics like Dr. Strange & Spider Woman. Now all the playable characters are the trendy ones for the most part. UA2 is god awful boring. Even on the hardest difficulty = spam spam spam through endless waves of the same enemies over and over and over and over. On a more positive note; I'm having fun playing Borderlands lately. Building a pistols hunter.
  3. It will be interesting to see where they go from here.
  4. I don't think that it will be up my alley. I will go see it because Cameron has brought me some of my favorite movies. I just really get turned off when low-tech civilizations riding beasts & using bows and arrows beats tanks and lasers...
  5. Hellsing currently. Never saw it during it's heyday... so watchin it now.
  6. Never seen the original movie. Always a fan of the myth though, so I'm hoping it's good.
  7. Rambo vs. Terminator. Woulda been cool like... 20 years ago.
  8. And a more accurate portrayal of Nome... a coastal city... not some town in the middle of the woods as the trailer would have you believe.
  9. As an Alaskan for 25 years, I stand by the "people got drunk and stupidly wandered off" theory for the disappearances. Plus, there's far too many white people in the movie. Also... an african-american in Nome would be hard to conceal like the viral marketing claims.
  10. She's pretty attractive. I dunno about "hot," but she sure ain't ugly & she seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.
  11. Blazer would be nice. Only 19 variant I even like. It's the guns on the head lol...
  12. God damn, we have some awesome artists here. I wish my work could be that clean.
  13. He also gets to fly some of the coolest hardware. VF-17D/S & VF-22! AND he was born in HG Wells City on MARS!
  14. The kids do not "rock" at all. Inspiring kids to actually take the time to learn an instrument is a noble cause though.
  15. I also don't hate the later X-Files seasons. There's a major decline in quality, but I still can take em. I used to like M.A.N.T.I.S. too... I know... I know...
  16. Well, they are in a business. Plus, there are some countries where a woman holding a superior position to a man is tooooooo controversial. So by that token, any movie with such a concept presented would probably receive similar scrutiny. Just look at Australian laws about violence in video games, some games are restricted because of their content and even retroactively removed from shelves once big brother gets wind. Hollywood boils down to cashflow in the end tho.
  17. Gamma Ray Burst. ZAP! Be there.
  18. Maybe I'll pick up a cheap version later. This movie unfortunately wasn't my cup of tea. My wife liked it, but she just doesn't understand... lol. Mindless action is fine. Writing that is LAZIER than the G1 cartoon? No ty.
  19. I don't think color would much matter in space as you'd probably have pretty advanced avionics/sensors and in deep space you'd probably be the hottest object of that size around. Though, that's just a guess and it would probably depend on where you where. I understand your rationale though.
  20. I'm confused. I find these weird, but strangely interesting.
  21. Cowboy Bebop. Bang!
  22. Mikimoto's is amazing imo. I'm not sure what he uses to color, but it reminds me of watercolors & I'm a sucker for well done watercolor.
  23. You know, I assumed he was creole/cajun because of the alligator references. Though, I do get myself some fried alligator whenever the rodeo is in town.
  24. Right, but nobody complains about that. Even if they did come out and say "these robots would be considered 'black' on cybertron," I wouldn't care because I know black people that share many of the same mannerisms. If anything, the people who were offended need to talk to the people in their ethnic group that put that behavior out there to be mimicked. Nobody complains when an ACTUAL actor does the same exact thing. As a Mexican-American, I could easily get offended watching The George Lopez show, even though he was in charge of what went on it. I totally understand your pov, but people already have let it slide by more than once & it won't stop this horrible movie from making a bajillion dollars. Actually, for Part III I would like to see a Mexican-American stereotyped robot voiced by Cheech Marin(of course). I'm beginning to feel discriminated against by not being stereotyped.
  25. I dig the armament, but all black is kind of a boring scheme to me. Aside from that complaint, looks awesome!
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