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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I'm in Alaska, you're all southern to me.
  2. Darn tootin'. The first Conan still stands up today, IMHO. A good cast, awesome costumes and set design, and Basil Poledouris' score is one of my favorites of all time. Sure, it's not as flashy or as polished as today's sword & sorcery flicks, like LOTR, but it's silly to hold that against it. You also like Trigun. That, I can hold against you.
  3. and what do you have to say about the movie he was pregnant? for me "Arnold Schwarzenegger = Good Action Movie" What about the so called action movie, Batma*ACK*COUGH* I.love.Arnold. I.also.love.the.moderator.Max.Jenius.that.had.nothing.to.do.with.this. Yep, Arnold and I do rock.
  4. So you don't care the least bit who you're watching swing the Sword of Atlantis? Well that's allright for you, but I'm just a wee bit more demanding of the movies I watch. I don't expect some great master thespian to take on the role, but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to watch any old meat sack grunt at the camera for 120 minutes. And as a near-former RAW watcher, I can assure you that HHH's delivery would be cringe inducing. You're more demanding of the movies you watch, yet you like Conan. I never really saw the attraction. I hear there's books and they're way better, but I dunno. As far as barbarians are concerned, they can be anybody to me. Like I said before, it could be A1 for all I care.
  5. OMFG!!!11!!! CEL-DA IZ 4 KIDZ!!! OMGLOLZ!!! You DO realize that the style Miyamoto went with looks almost exactly like the Link from the original NES instruction manual. You also must realize that LTTP and MM are the only Zelda games with even SEMI-relistic graphics... so just how is it justifiable to say that is how Zelda should be? I am looking forward to it also, just as another Zelda game though. As for Nintendo listening to its fans; Nintendo's fans have been there all the way, encouraging creativity. The reason I like Nintendo is that they're not afraid to try new things, unlike the other big two companies. While they are guilty of screwing third parties, they are getting better at that. Mmmm... DS... I hope it has good games that make use of its technology.
  6. "Talent?" Please.... Kevin Sorbo isn't that buff, and I couldn't tell you who Lorenzo Lamas or whatever is out of a line-up. All they need is a big strong guy that looks like a barbarian. I mean hell, Agent One could play him if he grew his hair out.
  7. Conan just has to be a big, buff barbarian guy.
  8. I feel sorry for the anti-M7 team then... I'm on the pro.
  9. Cast in the name of mod, ye not guilty.
  10. Geez, nobody notices the HUGE ASS CUFF OF THE GUY HOLDING THE SPIDER!! Iraq- here be giants!
  11. Wow... lucky thing you revealed that Roy. My question to the mods is... what's a good soap to get rid of virgin blood? Saliva. Shawn and Graham wouldn't waste good virgin blood now would they. While it is true that MW was created to find 14 through 30 year old male virgins who live in Mom's basement for their blood, it is also true that since Agent One came around there have been significantly less stock.
  12. I got Global. Suppose its because he hits the pipe too.
  13. OMG, he's discovered the secret!
  14. Finally everyone's getting excited. Its supposed to tie the OT and NT together... duh. I coulda told you that when the new trilogy was announced! Looks awesome
  15. Nobody ever mentions that WETA was like "ILM... help us do our special effects!" I dunno, for some reason I like the CG in the SW prequels better than the stuff in LOTR. But that's probably because I like sci-fi better than fantasy. They both look wonderful.
  16. yeah, transformers is great http://www.iupload.net/042004/transformers-sex.gif
  17. Meh, I watch the old shows that I used to back in the day and they really are stupid. You're just gettin older.
  18. Reminds me of the line from Dune... The slow blade penetrates the shield... I was just thinking that. Dune = win. Science Fiction is awesome, it inspires stuff that people make today. So where is my green lightsaber eh?
  19. Heh, Kudos to Gabe and Tycho for an awesome comic strip. I think this sums it up. Oh, and I love Transformers too.
  20. lat 64° 51' 22.6073876742" long -147° 51' 46.7331005016"
  21. step 6?
  22. mmm... So now I need to get this, the deloreans from bttf, and ecto-1... thank a lot guys.
  23. So you're complaining that Yamato tweaked the formula between releases?
  24. It's not just the Fantastic 4 it's superheroes in general. Well, if you wanna get nitpicky though, every action movie hero is super. But I get ya. I will admit that there are some cool characters in the Marvel and DC universe... but I dunno... they're all kinda fruity. But hey, I like Anime heroes and they're arguably just as bad.
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