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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. uh ... my old ver 2 YF-19 can pose like that... there's a ratchet where his twig and berries should be.
  2. I never saw mine die, but I know a shitload of people w/ broken ones. That system is awesome though. Definitely was there for me when N64 didn't deliver.
  3. I'm getting sick of threads like this guys. Try www.google.com, or maybe a TRIGUN site.
  4. Considering the number of members of asian origin, I think its pretty relevant. They have been very good at staying away from policy violation, so like I said earlier I'm keeping an eye on it and it's all good Mr. Focker. Besides, I have six blue thingies and you have four, so you have to listen to me right?
  5. I just hit level 10 w/ Shodan-X. I been playin her a lot for some reason which is weird because I don't like her class much. lol But I still have tons of fun playin though.
  6. not til the expansion City of Villains or somethin
  7. I'm playing on Triumph
  8. This can get political and turn into a flame war, but you've all behaved very well so far. Lets keep it that way and the thread will stay up. I have always called black people black people. Even through the "African-American" trend etc. but I've never really given the topic much thought. I just call them whatever name I am most familiar with. I call people in England British, people from Asia Oriental(but I'm slipping softly into asian, its easier on the tongue), Black people, White people, Mexicans, Hispanics, Greeks, Arabs, Australians, Lithuanians. I just don't think that people should walk on eggshells all the time. If you have to suppress yourself, do the people you're trying to impress like the real you? Nope, at least not in my opinion. Being yourself.... now that's funky, funky, fresh. (anyone else catch that reference?)
  9. damn, if that were a valkyrie and not a quad, it wouldn't have survived.
  10. Being over-rated does not mean that it sucks.
  11. I've just got one thing to say to Sony and their PSP... triumphanty holding up a Flame Nintendo GBA SP(a representative of Nintendo and their gaming philosophy) FROM MY COLD, DEAD HAND!!!!!!!!
  12. Yes... yes.... one of us... one of us.... There are 18 levels of membership. Who knows what they are... or where they live... yes, thanks Max.... I love the titles, with the exception... HTF do I get rid of the title "Bridge Bunny"???!!!??? :lol: :lol: Contribute to discussions.
  13. Thanks for fixin it up Nied. I mean... 5 pictures is pushing it even. lol Anyway, they look great and it looks like you guys had a good time.
  14. Yes... yes.... one of us... one of us.... There are 18 levels of membership. Who knows what they are... or where they live...
  15. Sixth Sense - Sucked. A similar movie that I liked better was Stir of Echoes. Signs - SUCKED HARD Unbreakable - I actually liked that one. This new one looks promising though, so I hope it kicks more ass than the others. I definitely respect Shymalon more than Peter Jackson. Maybe even more than Hitchcock...well... not that far.
  16. You guys really are funny. I happened to be making an attempt to upload the emoticons that have been so sorely missed only to find that I was unable to upload them to the server. So instead I thought it would be nice to add the member titles and levels for those that HAD NO CUSTOM TITLES AT ALL because its obviously impossible to give every member a custom title. So in the end, I eventually came up with 18 different member titles based on post count(since it doesn't go any other way). As it stands right now, I have no intention of removing them either. Some people in this thread are making a HUGE deal out of this, when it really isn't. Its a little tag under your f-in name on an internet message board. I've got an idea that may solve the problems some people are havin; ... we can do it like Genmay does; If you donate $5 to MacrossWorld you can give SOMEONE ELSE a custom member title. If that sounds like fun, I'll ask Shawn. But til then, grow up, the titles are fun. Its not worth writing an essay over.
  17. Speaking of the hammerhead thingies, did anyone ever say what they were supposed to be? Or were they just mysterious aliens that they had never seen.
  18. Well, it was a love-hate type deal... I kinda liked it, but at some parts it seemed overbearing.
  19. Pitch Black and T3 are on your top 10 dumbest movies of all time? Are you from the Bizzaro World? LoL Pitch Black was sweet, the only thing I didn't like about it was that the video looked way washed out at times. Maybe it was the disk I borrowed... Other than that, very interesting and fun to watch. T3 went and basically FIXED the paradoxes created in T2, and I think it was better than T2 in many ways. For some reason, I find the lovey dovey T-800 not to my liking. Not to mention my dislike for the internal monologue of Sarah. Personally, I like all the movies. I think that T3 does a perfect job of fixing continuity problems/paradoxes of the 2nd film, while leaving it open for T4 so that they can bring the series' full circle. I'm glad James Cameron doesn't seem to be interested in good movies anymore... so I don't have to worry about T4 being underwater or something.
  20. Yes, you are right. And yes, I did type that paragraph at 1AM my time while low on sleep and high on wine. This whole situation is still just a fart in the wind... it is a bunch of whining over nothing. There is no favoritism, there is no "elite" and there is no conspiracy to prevent people from having titles. Folks are just complaining because they think Mommy bought Timmy a new toy and did not buy one for them, or that is the way they see it in their mind. I think people are complaining because they perceive people having some status or some feature they themselves do not have. Guess what? We have no access to this "feature" ergo we are in the same boat as everyone else. Did I want my custom title? No. And to all the folks complaining about this: You want a custom title so bad, you can have mine. I'll just use my secret insider elite commando I'm-better-than-you diamond encrusted secret society decoder ring to call the mods and make it happen... because you know, I'm all up in that and so connected that they ask "how high" when I and the other elite commando snobs of the board say jump. And Max has pointed out a new angle on the "rank" system that I did not see before: Now everyone has a degrading "custom" title! Are you being sarcastic? Or do you really have no sense of humor?
  21. As an EVA fan, I must say it looks like you NAILED the color of the hair. Great job on the base also, now just get a smooth beach ball in there.
  22. Yeah, no kidding. I've got the 2nd highest post count ever (though it may be the first if you count the posts I made between the last couple upgrades, but I don't remember so I don't count those.) and look at all the respect it got me? Plus, they're not really "ranks," last level is like... Macross 7 Survivor... or something. Anyway, there's a ton of titles in there, so they're not "ranks" persay... Global's Pipe-Holder? Who wants to be that?
  23. there are a few times that i am pretty sure i have been... I wouldn't. I thought Hikaru was trying to kill the enemy with nasty beer.
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