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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. While some other larger boards don't consider this a big deal, this new one just hit 2010 members... Let's hope the community continues to grow.
  2. Oh please, if they made that comic into a movie it would suck so bad. Noguchi gets let into the predator pack? Come on... that's oozing cheese.
  3. Well, we havn't seen an Alien who used a Predator as a host, so that could make for a interesting combo. Well, unless you count AvP2 for PC, which had Pred-Aliens... it's a great game, BTW. I was hoping that the movie would follow along the lines of that kinda stuff (the games, books, etc) instead of turning into this "xtreme" craptacular production. It seems like they tried too hard... and pulled something doing it. Highly doubt it will be much good, mainly due to the changes in designs and, as I said, the apperence that they tried way too hard to "look good" and so will end up looking very, very bad. AVP1 for PC had those too... Pff... I read the Aliens and Predator books... F that... I don't want any to be made into movies. Except MAYBE Earth Hive. The AVP2 plot wasn't good enough for even a movie... Hell, if you liked that game's story then it suprises me that you're already talkin about how this movie is gonna be "xtreme." Come on people. Its a damn trailer and ya know what? Besides..the predators are pretty rockin anyway... I heard that they're the first pred costumes that have actual armor over a skin layer(man... talk about hot costumes) rather than having it molded on.. even if they aren't I think that they look cool. I mean... what I'm seeing it seems like everyone just wants a rehash... then when the rehash comes they rip into it. I mean... look at Robocop... its not like 3 ruined the franchise, it just let people know that it was over. What I'm seeing in the trailer is a possible bridge into MORE AVP movies or better yet, more predator movies.
  4. I want them to bring it full circle with 4... I mean... do they REALLY need 2 more movies? They could tie it up with the events leading up to the final Skynet battle... maybe make Stahl(who I LOVE as John Connor) look a lil more like the hardcore looking future John in T2...
  5. lol, with all the symbolism and mental screwiness... these people should make an Evangelion game...
  6. I've been looking forward to them making this movie for years, so I just hope that it has a) Predators b) Aliens c) People that die d) Predators killing mass aliens e) Cool predator equipment f) people that die g) Aliens bum rushing a wounded Predator as it bravely fights on (They call that one Huud'son...) Besides that, I don't expect much more from an Action/SciFi flick...
  7. According to the books, the preds hunt aliens for a rite of passage or something...
  8. Great, Terminator Underwater....
  9. Was that the Japanese Spider-Man thread? I don't get it either. There's a Spider-Man manga in japan. Why keep deleting it? it turned into a a turkish sw thread... no mo
  10. by the looks of things he'll fit right in here...
  11. I think I'll have to pick this up, since one of my bumbling friends lost my criterion dvd...
  12. And i suppose it also has a smartass A.I system that constantly berrates bruce about his driving skills With any luck ol batsy will probably crash it first time since i don't see any ways to look forward on that thing I'll bet that it will be like a proto-batmobile... Before the sexiness... though I do like the tank look. I mean... we all LOOOOVE the mobile from Batman/Returns, but I think this will be awesome too.
  13. Plus, there's going to be a huge hunting party of pred... so there will be different classes sorta like the game. If they have big aliens that would be kinda cool, but I'm thinking that the alien was on the wall or something... I also haven't see RE because I'm not a fan of the games, besides... its a video game movie which has been a notoriously bed genre(mostly because of a bad script to begin with)... who knows, this will probably be my first movie that I have seen by this dire. I liked Soldier and Mortal Kombat is probably the best video game movie out there atm... well... maybe not anymore, but it's up there.
  14. We've seen the original predator in 2 movies, don't you think its time something was added to the franchise, rather than regurgitating the same weapons/costumes?
  15. The Batmobile has also been heavily armored and good at making things go boom. Plus, who says that this one isn't full of gadgets? We already know it freakin jumps. It looks like something Batman would roll in during Year One... when he's testing out his idea for having a Batmobile or something. Plus, the idea of Batman riding a jet powered jumping tank is appealing to me.
  16. meh, everyone seems to love to dump on stuff before it comes out so they can be the first to say it sucked or something... I'll wait to see the movie, maybe it will be interesting. You guys are acting like this is a sequel to Citizen Kane or something... really... they're action/horror movies and I think we should give the new director a chance. I mean, what did I tell you guys about T3? Oh, and anyone can tell you that the music in a trailer doesn't necessarily reflect the music that's in a movie.
  17. the story was kinda good til the ending...
  18. I thought that was in Batman Forever.... a non Burton film ...? It is Batman YEAR ONE... maybe it made the most sense
  19. show me~ What, his twig and berries? But yeah max...i highly doubt that. He means that the un-customized Yamato version can adopt a spread stance cause it has a ratcheted joint connecting the hips my vf-19 also can do the pose in your pic. but it's too far away from the custom one.... maybe you really didn't know what happen in the custom one, the feet in the custom one is in " toe out" and your one is just " toe in" normally, if you think the custom one just simple spread out the feet, sorry, that's not the point. True, but I obviously wasn't going to go so far as to measure the angle of the toes. I should have specified that I was referring to Battroid. Still, not enough of an upgrade for me to buy another... after all the crazy customs I've seen, I suppose I expected more from the link when when I clicked it.
  20. I like it, plus I believe that's how his mobile looks in the comic version
  21. Yes, the Kenshin OAVs were good. Naruto is not a samurai anime... and is totally different than Champloo or whatever... Saw the first ep... kinda cool, watching the second one tomorrow.
  22. show me~ BAM! Ignatio just did. n00bz...
  23. http://www.alisakiss.com http://www.alisachan.com
  24. I was thinking of getting into coloring manga scans and line-art for fun, but I don't really know where to start. Does anyone know of any good cg coloring tutorials on the web? Or maybe some nice people can post the tutorials in this thread. If anyone has any tips, post them here and if the thread gets good enough I'll pin it so others may see its awesomeness.
  25. the game is skill based and very streamlined... I mean... rather than having items, you have "enhancements" that add to various aspects of a skill such as the range/damage/accuracy/etc.... Its easy to pick up a group and go do missions, and yes... I play for anywhere from an hour to 8 hours... there is a time investment... but, you don't HAVE to be high level to have fun really... but you do to be Superman or something.
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