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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Yeah, but Sauron was a wuss. Melkor was where it was at. Sauron was pretty crafty too... I mean.. tricking his enemies into using the rings he made, then making the one ring to control them all?
  2. Other people turning a profit from their properties?
  3. Wow, that really does look like a combination of the VF-0/1 with YF-19 feets. Very cool though. But seeing that just makes me wish Yamato would someday release a Stampede Valkyrie in 1/48... now I'd pay $200 for that badboy.... yes yes... (then another chuck of change to possibly have Jung make it red for me)
  4. See, now that's where I'm confused. Shouldn't their seats have smashed the canopy? Or did it happen, but it was taken into account and "fixed" with an improved ejection seat?
  5. According to the Macross Compendium, the events on Mayan were kept secret for at least forty years. Forty years? So the facts are released around the time VFX2 takes place? Hmm. I doubt he will, but this means that if there are too many continuity problems, Kawamori can play his "movie within a movie" card again and just say that M0 is just a show within the Macross universe, released in 2048. Yay. He should just say it was a black op and only the UN higher ups knew. I mean, just because Focker said he had not fought in 2 years, doesn't mean that it didn't happen....
  6. I've got a Top Gun Question. Was what happened to Mav/Goose even possible on any plane ever? Iirc, they got caught in the jet-wash(I don't exactly remember, but I'm sure others have a better idea of what happened.) Then their tomcat started spinning on the horizontal(yaw?)... I mean... every time I see that movie I'm like "wtf just happened?" Was this a problem with some earlier planes or somethin like that?
  7. uhh.... I dunno either... and it scares me....
  8. I used to love that show and I have the theme song mp3 in my TV/Movie directory. Secret Identity was cool. It was like Spiderman only not. In fact, IIRC the main character references Spiderman many times throughout the series.
  9. Its other anime and sci-fi... it doesn't have to relate to Macross, but if you want the breakdown- Macross > HG > Robotech: The Macross Saga Megazone 23 > HG > Robotech: The Untold Story (aka Robotech: The Movie)
  10. I got Solid Snake. I picked sword dammit. I think like, ONE of my answers was a solid snake. Oh, btw.. I've noticed that we've been having a bunch of these threads lately. Not a ton, but enough for me to notice. That's just fine to have stuff like this, but please make sure there aren't any other "What X Are you?" threads on the front page of this forum to keep clutter down, k?
  11. Take this to a computer help forum next time. Tech support threads = useless clutter (unless it's MW specific mind you.) *poof*
  12. Who said it never happened?
  13. Plus, its amazing Han was able to hit anything with his limp-wristed blaster style
  14. If the machines and their weapons relied heavily on the sun, and a majority could be wiped out by blocking it out, then it makes sense to do so. Humans could survive by growing plants with lightbulbs. It might mean that the majority of the human race would be wiped out, but some would survive rather than if the machines won, no one would survive. The only reason that the humans did survive, was because the machines kept them around. plus, we learned to make that snot stuff
  15. Kawamori already stated that he didn't really care much for exact continuity.
  16. Just saw it... good ep. Roy is the pimp!
  17. That's the tugboat that Neo drives.
  18. I find this interesting. Ever notice what Isamu does with his righthand stick to activate the Pinpoint-Punch during the street-fight in Eps 4? He swivels to around like you would to get Ryu to perform Hadoken! At first I thought this may make flight systems go out of whack... but hey... even the NES can tell the diff between a press and a tap. SHORYUKEN! If valks were flown like that, I'd be one of the better pilots IMHO. Cuz... umm... my friends call my Ryu Ryjew... (no offense to anyone out there, its just what they say)
  19. Fire Gunpod - D, DF, F, Fire Thruster Kick - D, DB, B, Right Pedal Skull Punch - F, D, DF, Fire Itano Circus - Spin both joysticks 360 degrees and hit all the red buttons.
  20. Wasn't that that show "Super Force" or something? The guy had like glowy armor.. I dunno... I kinda want them to come out with M.A.N.T.I.S. I know it sucked, but it was entertaining. Oh, and the Little Prince, I was totally down with that show back in the day. I wanna read the book eventually. IIRC I asked about The Little Prince a long time ago on this board(twice even, I think... but I never got an answer but all I had to go on was that he would catch comets in a net and go places) then one day in texas the theme song popped into my head and it all came together. We also gotta get some Spencer for Hire up in here!
  21. Anime Magic. While Kawamori put some thought into it, its still not something that would be particularly easy to do. I like the DYRL/M+ styles. Though, BDI would be the best way to control a giant robot eh?
  22. The 70s sucked. Things really picked up in the 80s. In addition to me making my debut, there's just something irresistable about blatant greed. Plus, Macross/Transformers/He-Man... and a number of what are quite possibly the most awesome children's shows. This, coupled with the TV shows in the 80s DVD thread AND some of the best toys manufactured ever.... you've got a kick ass decade. Oh.. and I just don't groove w/ Kill Bill. I guess I just don't "get" it... but that's fine with me.
  23. I feel the same about the TV episode where Minmay and Hikaru are stuck in the belly of the Macross. The part where Hikaru and Misa are on Earth is not as long though. As much as I like the mechs and the action, I also get into the soapy part of Macross. How f'n cool was that when Minmay dropped the mike and rushed Hikaru on stage, with Misa watching... And Misa walking in on Minmay and Hikaru. I still can't get use to Hikaru slapping Minmay. It's not just the fact that it's wrong, but also I feel it's way too extreme of a reaction. I've seen this a lot in anime. How common was that in the 80's, or even now??? I don't see it as the man straightening out the woman. I see it as the man's weakness to get his point across (even though Minmay's statement was out of line. The poor girl just got released from captivity thinking that she had someone waiting for her. Give her some slack... LOL... stupid drama... ) I feel really bad for DYRL Minmay. She just can't win can she? btw EXO, I love the DYRL opening too. So perfect... I mean.. the guy in the show just grates on my nerves. Sometimes I get excited tho... just because I know an ep of Macross is coming soon.... maybe its some sort of Neo Pavlovian Conditioning...
  24. The way I see it is I payed $15 for Robocop 1 and 2 and I got 3 for free. = $30 I don't like Tarantino movies... but I must admit that the dialogue is hilarious sometimes. The only one I really dislike is Kill Bill Vol. 1... and I haven't seen 2 yet because it just doesn't really interest me after seeing the first. There was a Robocop animation on www.newgrounds.com that was pretty cool. Robocop is pretty dated though.. I mean.. he tromps around all slow... while robots in modern films are way more agile. I hope they remake Robocop in 20 years, so I can say the original was better!
  25. so jealous...
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