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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. LOL.......I'm begining to find out what you mean! Graham 100% pure yoshinol right? I'm too lazy to do a chop.
  2. Which monitors? Large ones with itty bitty dot pitch. IIRC a poll taken a few months ago said that the vast majority were on 17'' monitors... = hella tiny. Man, and all the console people talking about upgrade this and upgrade that... and how much PCs cost... that's a valid argument... but we're not arguing cost and an X-box is not in any way whatsoever a viable replacement for PC. Oh and these days you can make a budget pc that can play Doom 3 perfectly fine(better than X-Box I'd wager) for approximately $700. That's hardly a fortune... I've worked some crappy jobs and still been able to afford everything I like. . . including computer stuff. Just because something costs more doesn't mean its not better. We're talking graphics quality. And if you wanna pull the control issue... well you won't catch me playing ANY fps with a controller. That's lame... mice are just faster.... they're made for precision pointin and clicking lol. While it may not be a "trigger" its not as if a console controller's plastic, analogue, triggers are in any way close to or even similar to firing a gun. You're pushing a button no matter where you party... (well till you go to the range as I'm sure a lot of us like to do). I must say that for its time, Goldeneye was ok... but it was already outdone in multiplayer by Quake. Halo... many have said sucked.. but I wasn't going to say that earlier. I mean... I liked Goldeneye, but even then it was choppy and ugly... it was more for the comedy relief that I played. But we all have our own opinions... and different people place different values on different aspects. Me? I prefer gameplay and graphics over everything else. I mean, sure snobs may say that graphics aren't everything and they aren't... but a GORGEOUS game like Farcry is going to suspend my disbelief more than a graphically sub-par game like well hey... Quake. Of course there are other factors, but we all get the point. Doom 3? I'm gonna play on the PC....and drool...
  3. Speaking of which... I think that its good to have knockoffs. I mean, look at MegaBlocks... while their blocks do not hold together as well as Legos, I find myself amazed by the kits that they have... and I figure they're cool enough to glue together... But damn... Lego Loves SW and Bionicle.. Yawn... Soon they will be able to complete every scene in every movie with legos' official kits...
  4. I dunno Monty... why stop now? Go cruise for chicks... you know you want to.
  5. I was gonna mention that.... but my place of work has AC... and wonderful coffee and water, though I never touch either. I like my job, I just gotta do MW Solid Snake style. You got a summer house Monty? How come you haven't had any MWCONs there with beer etc?
  6. mmmm... Star Wars mega pack... I won't be able to wait though.
  7. *me dying laughing sounds* you're such a jerk! both you guys have some good points but the real point is there is no point. well not until epi3 comes out. lets face it, theres no way to agree which movie is better than which, its like saying the temple of doom was better than raiders of the lost ark. they're both good in there own way but neither of them really sucked sucked. Yep. That's why I think its funny that so many people(internet nerds like us mostly... well not like me cuz I like em.. but still) bash the movies... but then go around and argue points about them, buy all the merchandise associated... the list goes on. GL has a vision, and from his view on the top(of his pile of money), its VERY successful. I'm glad GL went back and made these, they add more to the mythos. As for being a jerk... well that's never been a secret round these parts.
  8. You are correct, sir!
  9. Good work! You make me proud, my son. Truly a Slacker's Delight.
  10. Stikfas and their sister line both own them fully. So I wouldn't worry.
  11. Then it wouldn't be SW... it would be Knight26 Wars... 1) Make Anakin at least 14, make him more believable and easily too old for training as a jedi, at 9 you are still very open and your personnality is not so set Meh... doesn't matter too much to me. 14 year olds are still kids/losers... 2) Make Amidala at least 16-18, 14 was too young for a queen by any standards Pff... says the expert on intergalactic politics... 3) Make Jar Jar less of an idiot and maybe more of a rogue then a bumbling clutz, maybe just a little slow, in this way he can also prove himself in the final battle Meh, he's served his purpose.. he's the one that everyone can blame for the Empire. Isn't that enough? 4) Eliminate the Midichlorian thing entirely or in place of all but saying that Midi-Chlorians cause the force, say that they are attracted to force sensitive individuals, like how you test for HIV, you don't look for the virus directly but the anti-bodies your body produces to try and fight it. They're not the "cause" they give them the ability to use it. I don't really care though as the movies have moved past the midichlorion "interview" as I put it. 5) Eliminate the whole virgin birth discussion, just have ANakins mom not know who the father was, she was a slave after all and could have been "party favored" Doesn't matter to me... she could have been lying anyway. Maybe Palpatine had something to do with it. 6) Make ANakin's leaving his mother more emotional, lets face it this is the only family this kid knows and even if he is a teenager it would be an emotional response. Its the only family he knows, but he's been a damn slave all his life and has a chance for a better life and to live his dreams. 7) I'm not a fan of the pod races but ok, keep them, just not so much emphasis on them. wheee... showing his prowess with machines/piloting.... Keep the senate scenes, they just should have been fleshed out better. No... they said everything that needed to be said. Do we want the Simpsons episode to come true? HELLLL NOOOOO! 9) Make the pilots pilots for God's sake, they did not seem like combat pilots at all, more like amateurs They did have pretty wussy fighters. If they had a badass force, then they would have never been invaded... 10) Make Anaking a dark to begin with, as 14 yr old slave he would likely have a quite a bit of anger, making the arguement for not training him even better. Even as a 9 yr old slave he would likely not be the happy go lucky kid you see. Nah, its not like Watto was terrible. I mean, they're still speaking terms. 11) Y-wings, armored sheathed Y-wings, come on people Sure, ok... more ships = win. 12) Not Tatoonie, though considering what comes later it is necessary to keep it, but that could still be easily remedied by having Shmi be sent there between movies, just don't have it be his home, less reason then for him to want to ever return. Or have him say a line like Luke's that he would never return, but more extreme, saying how he hates that world. Nah... I like how it is. Tatooine is cool, reminds me of Arakkis. 1) Make Anakin and Obi-Wan have periodic visits to Amidala over the years, to just check up on behalf of the chancelor. THis allows for a relationship to develop over time and not suddenly develop in a few weeks out of an obsession of ANakin's. Yeah, that works for me. The love story parts were worthless. Most of the time, less is more with dialogue in scenes like that. 2) Make Anakin less Stalkerish, easily done if number one is used. Yep. 4) More focus on Obi-Wans hunt for Jango Fett, that was one of the best parts of the movie IMHO, but a little more detective work and tracking would have been great to see. Well, I do love Obi1... 5) Have Obi-Wan argue against ANakin acting as Amidala's bodyguard, works even better if the secret relationship has been years in the making. Meh.. wouldn't add too much 6) Have Anakin and AMidala have a couple heated arguments and passionate moments, this is the first time they've really been able to be by themselves and the secret relationship could easily be strained. Even have Anakin get angry about it, and Amidala try to calm him. Doesn't Anakin have enough going on? 7) Anakin should have lied about the slaughter, shown no remorse about it. When Amidala asked he should have just replied simply that he destroyed the animals, no crying no mention of women or children, just refer to them all as animals. And if he cries just have it be over his mother, personnaly I've never met a woman who would fall in love with you after admitting that you slaughtered an entire encampment of people, oh its ok he's sorry about it. He's not sorry about it persay, but he's angry... emotional. Fear is the path to the dark side sez Yoda. Anakin is stressin n cryin, wants an easy way to end his pain. More Dooku, underused character that could be very charismatic show more of that, especially his playing both sides against the middle, that was great. Damn straight. Dooku rocks. 9) No R2, 3P0 comedy, was very out of place in the battle, broke the mood of jedi getting slaughtered in a bad way, that should have been a much harder more desperate scene. These movies ARE for children. It was probably to lighten the mood while they killed off the non-hero jedi. 10) Live actors for clone troops, at least those in the foreground and close up (ok not a writing thing, but come on people) They're brand new, shiny clones with brand new stuff. I think the CG worked here really well because cg owns the shiny, clean look. 11) Y-Wings sheathed in armor and prototype X-Wings or Tie Fighters. Prototypes? Nah... isn't anyone sick of X-Wings yet? Why go see a NEW movie to see things you've seen a million times already? 12) Have Yoda perfrom a much more "magical" force fight, less of the Krispy Kreme hopped up YOda, though that was cool to watch. He's a jedi... he can absorb stuff and lift things... with the exception of the emperor, every Jedi uses his/her lightsaber. I mean come on, he's not Merlin, he's Yoda and I'd expect him to use a lightsaber. Yoda's speed would have to be part of his style, he's a little guy and a human sized Jedi has a considerable advantage in reach and sheer leverage to bear down on him. I liked it.. Yoda kicking ass. But then again, its just so damn popular to say that he looked stupid... meanwhile in my theatre everyone let out a collective "HOLY poo!" when Yoda busted a move. 13) I have a hard time believing that the REpublic has no army to speak of, at least make mention of a peace keeping force, say that it is dedicated strictly to defense though, not an offensive military. True it makes the needs for clones less, but gives them an available space navy and mandates the production of larger more advanced ships instead of the smaller ships more likely for a defense based military. You mean... like the Jedi? Keepers of the peace... hmmm... You have some good ideas, but some of them seem to me like "Rather than seeing something new... how about we take things(other than the people required) from the OT and put them in the NT so people will like it better?"
  12. i couldn't agree more. the mentioning of medichlorians(i couldn't spell it before ) really killed epi1. that was the biggest mistake lucas made IMO. the force was something that had no explaination, either you had it, or you didn't, it suppose to be this mystical unexplainable thing. by adding science to the equation it took the mystery(that didn't need solving) out of the force. if epi3 ends like ESB(how else could it end?) then i know i'll like it...i hate it when the good guys win. It makes no mention of midichlorions as indicative of the level of force power in a person. Plus, in a society as technologically advanced as the one portrayed in SW, straight up magic would need some explaination right? It seemed to me as more of a surveying tool to measure the potential of initiates. I mean, if Vader is more machine than biological in the OT... wouldn't his midichlorian count be lower simply because he didn't have much flesh? However, Vader proves himself to still be a formidable force practitioner. I think this is why they were mentioned(to show Anakin's great potential) and now that they are past the "interview" stage there is no need for any mention of them. Young Anakin was about as annoying to me as Luke was in the OT. . . but I must say they improved the characters. Plus, Episode 1 had without question THE BEST lightsabre duel EVER(maybe not the most emotional/pivotal that goes to Vader/Luke in ROTJ). Plus its cool to see things in decline, the Republic was all groovy until everything transpired according to his plan... I do hope Palpatine displays some lightsabre-age in ep3 though. . . Personally, I think that Episode III could quite possibly become the greatest Star Wars ever... but Vader is my favorite character, so I may be biased.
  13. I'm gonna have to chalk this up to nostalgia. The OT was new and exciting for the time, it was one of those movies that set new benchmarks (for special effects mind you). The same can be said today as ILM is still THE place to go for your special effects needs, and while some may scream that WETA made Gollum better than Jar-Jar... etc... keep in mind that WETA actually contacted ILM for tips on how to do what they did with Gollum. I have the advantage of seeing the OT when I was a teenager, so I wasn't blown away or anything, but I totally had fun watching it; even though they were for kids. The new trilogy serves its purpose, plus with the exception of the space battles, the NT blows me away far more than the predecessor ever did. People also like to bitch about the CG etc... yadda yadda... but the NON-SE OT effects look HORRIBLE!!!! I'd rather have a living, breathing CG environment full of wildlife etc than a bunch of obvious people in suits running around. But that's my preference... I just think that for many, nostalgia increases the value far more than it should be.
  14. I've got a used copy of M3 with Max Jenius card(still in slip) up for trade or sale... pm me if you're interested and make me an offer. It is pretty fun, though as with most Macross games, the controls are sketchy til you get used to em. lol
  15. They're like power plants
  16. "I'm a computer, stop with the downloadin" or something...
  17. I thought it was cool. I mean, Robin is cheesy to begin with. Robin was also freaking out pretty cheesily. I thought it was hella neat too.
  18. Well, I AM a mod on Macross WORLD
  19. Yet few have a monitor on which these details would be noticable.
  20. Eh. At least you don't have to go out and buy a new video card that costs more than an Xbox in the first place. It's all irrelevant anyway. The only FPS I want between now and the end of the year is Halo 2. Oh there they go. There they go, every time I start talkin 'bout gaming, a console man got to pull Halo out their ass. That's their one, that's their one. Halo. Halo. Let me tell you something once and for all. Halo was good, but compared to Half Life, Halo ain't poo. Nah, I'm a gamer... I'll play games on both console and pc. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, but its an undeniable truth that pcs are better for intense processing/graphics. And while you can say graphics aren't everything, they're a part.
  21. Well, I played the alpha for Doom 3 and even that had higher poly counts than those pics. JC may be the human compiler, but there are certain things that must be sacrificed for consoles no matter what... with the advent of HDTVs and the direction that MS is going that will be a thing of the past... Keep in mind also that with all of the consoles, they're made to last 3-5 years... whereas a PC is constantly evolving. Hell, my PC has remained in the high end for 5 years now... just because I'll replace a part here and there. Then you also have to factor in cost, what kind of games you like etc.... In my opinion Doom 3 and other FPS games aren't going to be as good as the PC FPS NOT just based on the graphics, but based on the control scheme. Sure there have been peripherals released, but support is limited.... I'm thinking Nintendo may have figured it out though with their purchase of certain gyroscope technology.... Hell, I'm stoked at the "Mario Party 6 will not be played with a controller..." but that's still GCN iirc....
  22. The reason everything looks crappy in the OT and super sleek in the NT has something to do with the war and the empire. I figured it was just because the Emperor's rule was so crappy that shipbuilders were forced to take a more rudimentary approach.. but I dunno... MMM.. Twi'lek...
  23. LOL, I was thinking of picking this one up just for the sake of cheapness.
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