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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. It was a fun movie. While it was VERY predictable, I enjoyed the spectacle. I was a bit annoyed at the evil, white bad guy and the whole "military is bad, so are businessmen" angle. I suppose they were mercenaries, but it was pretty clear what they represented with the whole "shock and awe" comment as well as several others. . . It truly was a visual feast in 3D, it also had much more heart than most action/sci-fi movies this year (I can't think of one with more). I will CONSIDER buying this on bluray.
  2. I've been looking for the trailer to this movie forever. It's so stupid looking!
  3. Never seen this show, the plot sounds odd... like some weird quantum leap type show? Setting things right that go wrong?
  4. Actually any of the fights in Drunken Master (part 1) are my favorites. I love that movie.
  5. Hehe, not yet. Working on it!
  6. Started Mass Effect last week. I'm kinda busy lately though, so I can't get that far. Not that into the fps aspect of it either. I hope the story is worth me slogging through it! I'm playing a male dickhead soldier!
  7. I asked for toys for xmas. $0 Scored 1 Millia 1/48 and a Bender (Super King) so far!
  8. Only in Terminator, there's no O'.
  9. hmm, I wonder if anyone actually went the vanilla route...
  10. hmm, it appears that you could actually build it w/o the FAST packs too. Anyone that can confirm this?
  11. Damn. Try as Yamato might, that baby is still the king for fighter mode.
  12. I like the SOC. The joints can be a little loose. I'm just a sucker for the awesome die-cast.
  13. Yeah, I understand that, but it's still a bit of a stretch. I mean, I totally understand that they needed some sort of timeline altering plot to allow the series to go in it's own direction. It just seemed odd to have a mining vessel. Why not just take it a step further and make it a disgruntled Romulan admiral that had the exact same story as Nero as well as an advanced warship... I mean for all intents and purposes it would be the same thing. I haven't read the prequel comic because I expect movies to stand on their own, it just seemed like such an odd choice. In the end, it's one of those things I just smile and nod for. After all, it IS Star Trek.
  14. I like the movie, I just don't understand why a mining ship is so powerful.... I can accept the fire-drill, but the super advanced missiles that COMPLETELY CRUSH military vessels? I mean, don't the Klingons still use the same types of ship in the TNG era?
  15. LoL Interestingly enough, Thomas F. Wilson sings a song about playing Biff & BttF in general. It's kinda funny. I think it's called the question song.
  16. Maybe the primitives' weapons will be totally ineffective & the high tech army will feel sorry for them because they keep fighting with heart and will despite being splattered all over the forest with ease.
  17. I think it kind of suffers from "Lost syndrome," if the show doesn't have to make sense then you can put anything in. Plus, the actor playing the main dude has plenty of melodramatic scenes where he curses his fate to dramatic shots/music. It's probably not as good as the old show, it's also probably not the best show on TV, but it definitely has some moments imo. Besides, everyone loves rovers, right?
  18. Precisely! Mostly looking for pics so I can drool/dream.
  19. YES! Thanks! I was lookin for pics and didn't know wtf it was lol. anyone got any pics?
  20. My favorite part of the trailer was when the ninja killed that guy.
  21. Hey guys, I'm having a brain fart and was wondering what that old DYRL VF-1S model was that used to be the be-all, end-all as far as detail was concerned. IIRC, it was very limited run, but it was huge for the time. It had photo etched parts...
  22. I kinda liked the remake of the Prisoner. Haven't watched all eps, but I mean... it isn't horrible. McKellan really does steal the show though.
  23. Programmers are too lazy to make Hill Valley in different times. That would be rad though. Time traveling missions.
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