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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I invert just out of habit. I can play decent when I forget that it isn't inverted... but inverted is better for me... but for me its like flying. For others, they like up to be up, it doesn't really matter to me. Oh... and Sundown put it beautifully. So ummm. . . I really don't have anything to say. Oh... and PA is made up of people that play both PC and Console games... if not MORE OF A CONSOLE ORIENTED SITE... So you know... whatever... I frequent those forums and I think they are a pretty balanced, non-biased group with experience in both fields. If you think PA is geared towards primarily PC gamers, then you're dead wrong. You and Tepfren keep making these leaps... like... just because PA Forums are required to be accessed by a PC doesn't mean that the person is a PC or Console gamer. Sundown does have this covered pretty well though, so you know I've got a big grin on my face and nothin really more to say... except; Straw Man. I own both and will play whichever platform offers the better experience for a particular game or genre. That's more akin to a hardcore gamer's line of thinking. Yeah.... I'm getting sick of that too. I'd like to see some stats... and these alleged mean PC gamers...
  2. I think it was the other way around wasn't it? Didn't GL ask him, but SS didn't wanna take his baby.
  3. Yeah... because its my observation... not just with SW too. I like that... lukewarm... I think I like the ideas in SW more than anything else. Lightsabers, Jedi, space ships ... But you are right... that is funny... this is after reading pages and pages of SW hate man I suppose its like "Damn give it a rest..." Its like when someone posts a question about EVA... people that don't like EVA immediately enter the thread and start crapping on it. "To answer your question about the ramifications of Shinji's killing of Kaworu, I'd like to start with my top 100 list of reasons I hate EVA." Same with SW... some new SW news gets posted... people immediately are like "well the new trilogy sucks balls... so I don't even know why I'm wasting my time posting in this thread about a movie that I know I'll hate."
  4. Yeah, but nobody cares what you think. . . because your post count sucks! But seriously yeah... my post count is high...and I seriously doubt I've contributed much, except for occasional ego collisions w/ other members. You have the highest post count because you are clearly the "gayest" member here. You try to cover it up with your tough guy antics and sinister looking avater, but we all know the real deal. My avatar is sinister? This from the guy with the Golgo 13 avatar. So what about the person with the picture of his topless self flexing... that seems faggy, tough guy, and possibly sinister w/ the use of red and black...hell he even had a picture of a penis in his av... in fact... both of you and JJ did... and I'm "gay?" Togo, don't go including me in your fantasies man. Agent One knows the real deal, cuz well we talk about porkin our hizzoes. But it seems that you're the one with a preoccupation with "gayness" is you.... what's the deal with that? I mean... your last 3 posts in this thread.... Additionally I seem to recall you being called "The Cat" on ICQ... "The Cat" or perhaps... "The Pussy".... And Jaquish, you live in San Fran.... so that already makes you questionable... I was not aware it was possible to be a "tough guy" on a message board... but I suppose I'll take it as a compliment since you appear threatened by my message board machismo(if such a thing even exists). lol
  5. Yeah, its kinda like if people went around still saying that the world is flat.
  6. Meh, the Star Wars movies are all cheesy. Its not a matter of low standards, its a matter of seeing them for what they are, w/o nostalgic bias in the way. If the OT came out today, they would probably get slammed harder(with the exception of ESP... to date regarded almost universally as the best). I know they're all cheesy, I know they're all bad, but that's what makes them attractive. Sure, some could say its defensive... but the only thing I'm defending is the fact that all the movies are pretty much the same level of cheesiness one way or another. "Awww... but I was gonna go to Tashi Station to pick up some power converters...." oh yeah... gold.. ANH - Boring til 20 minutes before the end. ESB - Awesome. ROTJ - Started out cool, but the ball was dropped. Space battle makes up for it somewhat but Ewoks are like an army of proverbial Jar-Jar's to me. TPM - JarJar was probably the worst aspect of the movie... but hey... kids love him. Most exciting lightsabre fight yet... with perhaps less emotional impact. AOTC - Less annoying characters... the ball was already rolling... the pre-history was done so now things start to go downhill. Lucas sucks at writing romantic dialogue... less would be more here... here's a helpful hint for George; Make a Special Edition that digitally removes these scenes and instead have a Padme vs Anakin volleyball game. Anakin uses the force to take off her top and shows her "the power of the dark side." Anakin was a whiner... but hell... look who his son is. ROTS - Who knows... I'm sure there will be annoying aspects... but I'd expect that from a kid's movie.
  7. Yeah, but nobody cares what you think. . . because your post count sucks! But seriously yeah... my post count is high...and I seriously doubt I've contributed much, except for occasional ego collisions w/ other members.
  8. That = True. They're soaps for nerds. "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your acting skills..." "He told me enough, he told me you killed them!" "No... YOU NEVER HAD THEM!" "That's not true... that's IMPOSSIBLE!!!" "Search your feelings, you know it be true..." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" "See? You're melodramatic too!"
  9. Sorry someone of us don't like the new SW movies, I wish I could be as cool as you. allow me to help. Oh... and that's a Simpsons quote... for the people w/o a sense of humor out there.
  10. Jesus Christ, you people will never be happy.
  11. Midichlorions aren't the cause of the force... they help the practicioner use them. They can build space stations the size of moons with planet destroying lasers... but they have no clue where the force came from or at least an easy way to id force sensitives? Please.... vader's practically a floating torso in ep 6 and that hasn't hurt his use of the force one bit... wouldn't he be missing the midiclhorions found in his arms and all the other stuff that had to be replaced? It was mentioned like for FIVE FREAKING MINUTES in the damn movie. GET OVER IT! I swear man, Comic Book Guy is how I see so many of you lol. "WORST. SW. EVER. I will only see this one 3 times.... today...."
  12. GOLD! So we've learned a lot these past couple days. hahaha oh man.... You guys should check out the PA thread too... neat post about a Keyboard only player that kicked butt.
  13. its not console vs pc its been established that for the same titles, PCs just have the horsepower to put out a better quality product, however this is mainly in visuals... but... like I said graphics are important because they help with immersion. The "Vs" thing is Joypad vs KB + Mouse/Trackball for first person shooters specifically. No other genre. Its common knowledge that different systems and pcs all have different strengths etc... PCs will always be graphically superior to any console 6 mos after the console's release(if not prior), at least if history is any indication. I know peopel that learned to play fps games on Goldeneye, and while they struggled at first with the mouse... they adapted. Not only am I president, I'm also a member of that crew. I went from joypad - > kb only - > kb + mouse move -> finally mlook.... Oh, and my challenge is still open. Also, for those of you interested in other opinions... don't hesitate to check the PA link. Anyone ever hear the terms "flicking" and "tracking?" Those are a lot harder to do with lookspring... and I guess a person at PA said that many console fps games have autoaim enabled to make up for the deficiency... but I don't know anything about that. I always disable it if possible (cept in vanilla doom, but who plays that now that jDoom is around?)
  14. Another versus thread? Great. And there's me thinking this thread was just put up to discuss the PC requirements needed to play DOOM 3 on a computer rig... Ah well... Hence my "Nevermind" deleted comment, though I never tried to start an argument, just give a reason why I like PC more even though I am old skool, can ya dig it? I KNEW this (argument) was going to happen so I held back. Both PC and consoles have +s and -s, nothing's perfect. No need to wage a war over it. Just relax and enjoy what you like. Damn skippy. That's why I play own consoles and PCs... I'm a straight up gamer.
  15. Another versus thread? Great. And there's me thinking this thread was just put up to discuss the PC requirements needed to play DOOM 3 on a computer rig... Ah well... Well its proven entertaining to say the least. Its more an issue of pointing devices(interesting that that's the general term) versus gamepads. Oh yeah... on another note, there's no doubt in my mind that Doom will look wonderful on the X-Box.. I'd prefer the framerate to be 100+, but 60 - 75 constant is still passable. I like framerate over visual quality, though I still expect a certain amount of atmosphere.
  16. Other Gamers Responses.....via PA Forums... Good post Sundown, but I guess you're just immature too. Along with the people on the PA forums guess they don't know anything about games/gaming. Tepfren is just too mature for us.
  17. Heh... Kristiana covered in mud... mmmmmm....
  18. Aliens vs Predator vs Dutch/Dillon/Billy/Hicks/Blaine/Mac/Poncho/and Danny Glover along for the ride > SW
  19. That pretty much sums it up right there.
  20. *yawn* Yeah, and people that play consoles don't own a PC. . . like your example. You sound pretty divided there. Oh, so I'm clueless now? Yeah, and sales figures don't mean that a person cannot own both and just because someone owns a console doens't mean they prefer the gamepad. And you called me clueless. GTA3 for PC came out wayyy after the original... and the PS2 is the best selling console around... what did you think would happen? duhhhhh.... No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm not expressing a preference either, I'm basing this on observation from years of experience playing both on consoles and PCs on more servers than I can count. Yeah, I must say I do prefer the superior tool... but I'm a sucker for efficiency. ... and my challenge still stands. Pff, now you're just being flat out ignorant. You haven't heard any complaints ... ok... does that prove anything? No.... especially not on this site. Why don't you go over to PA Forums and ask THEM what they prefer? Its a bigger board and everyone is a gamer. No, its a "better tool for the job" not "it sucks because its old" are you even reading my posts? I don't think so... take some reading comprehension classes. Oh... and one way to win an argument is not making putting words in your opponents mouth... especially on a message board where everyone can see that is not what your opponent said. Keep telling yourself that. Slinging insults and putting words into the mouth of the person you're debating with doesn't mean you've made any sort of point. In fact it means that you're fighting a losing battle. This discussion was over when I made my first post on the subject. You chose to drag it out with your ramblings, but hey that's fine its been relatively simple to quell as you simply don't seem to be able to comprehend... but I can live with that. You're right though, the discussion is over, you've proven on more than one occasion that your strategy is to put words into peoples' mouths and argue with that... rather than what they said... which is kind of the whole point of debate... but that's ok. Look at the number of FPS games for the console and for the PC, look at those sales figures.... hell, make a poll on PA... I'll bet you $20 that KB + mouse will win the day. Oh, I also thought I should mention it funny that you claim that I can't get used to a joy pad when I've already stated that I play both and get used to them.. then you bring up your pad playing friends that "can't get used to the kb + mouse" and they're golden... yes... the discussion is over indeed.
  21. No... actually I wasn't saying that. Perhaps its simply mouse envy. There's no division, I play both and know many that do in fact we regularly have lans with hundreds of people at my university where we play both console and pc games. Want me to do a poll next time? You're reading too much into this and you make it seem like its black and white. I'm talking about FPS games, in fact I challenge your gamepad FPS buddies to a game vs mouse players. I may not have all the tools, but I'll make it happen since you seem so confident. Trackballs are also faster than joypads. Its not preference. They're just better for the job man. Just like a cheese slicer cuts even slices better than a knife. Comparatively it does... in fact they made GTA3 better than the PS2 version in many ways BETTER by adding the mouse look... and that has nothing to do with the user. It was just way more intuitive. Good example! I'm not saying its useless because its old, nor am I saying its useless at all. I'm saying that for first person shooters specifically, the mouse/trackball is a better tool. And if these superiour joypad users are down, I welcome the competition. Nobody really said that at all. Its a specific point. So far the only names that I've seen called are "child" and "elitist" and they weren't uttered by anyone boosting the mouse. Yeah, they can't get used to it. I CAN AND DO get used to both, but for FPS games, the PC is the obvious choice. There's just too much you can do with a mouse that cannot be accomplished by a micro analogue stick. Hell, I'd take a flight stick over a gamepad for FPS games too... and I don't even own one. And if you agree then why are you arguing for something that you do not believe to be true? Just because you can't get used to something doesn't mean it isn't superior. Hell, my grandma still uses her old ass typewriter... despite the superiority of the laptop. Is that her choice? Yes. Does that make typewriters just as good as a laptop? Not by a long shot. More insults. From the mature one no less. lol... wasn't there something about an X-Box scorned? Wasn't there something about Doom 3 in this thread? You know, before Tepfren went around being so mature?
  22. Did anyone else say "OH SH!T !!!" when the Joker shows up in his black coat lookin hardcore evil?
  23. Not that arcade shooters are bad. I do appreciate the analogue stick for those arcade shooters.... But sims require many buttons... I'm not a big fan.
  24. PFF.. its not being elitist at all. Mice allow you to point and click WAY faster than any pad. When you need to whip around to kill enemies sneaking behind your ass while fighting another group out front you'd want a mouse. This is especially true in straight DM games... where its all against all and you're turnin 360 shooting, and changing your elevation... its much MUCH more intuitive. Or you could have a "quick 180 spin button" but that wastes a button that could be used for other, more useful abilities. Its not elitist at all, I've played with both and the sticks simply don't have the range of speed that is required in fast paced DM games. Sure you can do ok, but I wouldn't bet any money on a pad-player vs a mouse player. X-Boxes have mice... don't they? So it ain't even an issue of PCs vs Consoles because both options are available on both machines. Look at it this way; You've got a mouse, a device made for the sole purpose of target acquisition and clicking (extends to shooting...) Then you've got the standard console controller that hasn't evolved that much from the NES platforming days when games were made for 2d space. But this is still PERFECT for the games that one sees on the console. . . but not so hot for FPS games. For fighters and most adventure games I love consoles, but for FPS games the choice is obvious.
  25. But if he was evil to begin with, the Jedi would know. He's not powerful enough to hide it like a certain someone. Pff... I'd rather have Lucas' version of the movies than anything that has been presented thus far. So I'm happy.
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