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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. ummm... lets get some evidence. People say the same about lil old me from time to time, per my goons.
  2. you know if there is going to be another movie, any unresolved issues left hanging in the TV series maybe tied up that way. Or maybe it will be OAV style and forget what has happened. ..
  3. Well hopefully there's some closure and it matches the manga... but who knows.....
  4. StunGun Milly And Wolfwood's sidekick... what was his name? Ah yes... Vash the Stampede.
  5. I'd like to see you in a similar state of pain and anguish and see how smart you act! I don't know what being impaled feels like... but I'd wager not too good...
  6. Awesome... everyone shoul check that vid out! Zabusa is a badass in the GC game too! The only character that has defeated me, and my two room-mates was our friend with Zabusa. I came close with Sharingan Sasuke (one round won... ALMOST winning another). We're looking into importing the PS2 game so I can play as Itachi(MANGEKYOU SHARINGAN!)... but nobody can touch me with Sharingan Sasuke.... Sharingan Kakashi is fun too though(the ability to copy non-bloodline super moves is awesome...and humorous especially when he copies Sakura's [inner Kakashi owns]).
  7. *imagines Mace singing* "Clap your hands everybody... and everybody clap your hands..."
  8. Yeah... but you saw it coming. Especially after Julia dies.... I think that is one of the stupidest(her death- "Oh... there's no cover and people are shooting at me... I'd better run out in the open."). However.. for cool factor... nothing beats Zabusa for me. Both arms made useless by Kakashi's kunai... he takes a kunai from Naruto, puts it in his mouth and kills a bunch of mercs ... finally slicing through them to kill his ex-employer that abandoned him. "When we're both in Hell, I'll show you what kind of devil I can be!" Anyone that can have Kakashi at a standstill = badass. Oh and Gendo's was appropriate... but I have to wonder... I think he ended up happy in the end. He was with Yui... for quite possibly eternity which was his goal all along. Plus he realized the error of his ways... I think he gained redemption in a crunchy way.
  9. Best - Zabusa in Naruto Worst - Any Destroid. Funniest - The Uchiha clan in Naruto. Stupidest - Roy... he's not dead, he's resting and when he wakes up he's gonna be hella pissed off.
  10. HAHA Jango owned that guy....
  11. Well it isn't me, but I do have to say that this actor shares some my dashingly hansome characteristics. Seriously though, do you guys really think I look like this guy? Actually with the red eye you have in that photo you kinda look like a terminator A1 Don't inflate his ego any more than it has to be...
  12. Well, I won't be buying this. Maybe I'll pick up the DC's, but no more big ones for me, I'm happy with them. I'm the haters haven't hijacked this thread... lets keep it that way.
  13. meh... the guy fell like a fruit booty both times so its of no consequence for me.
  14. Well, I know we can argue about stuff that we like/dislike til the cows come home. Nobody is every going to really change someone else's opinions about something, its just exciting. Though, sales figures don't seem to match the opinions of the hard-ER core fans. While I think nostalgia has much to do with peoples' opinions, I'm not sayin that's a bad thing. Hell, SDF Macross is cheesy... and a lot of people are disappointed with the new shows(well.. I can understand M7... its an acquired taste)... Hell, who cares? Debates are fun! If everyone agreed, it would be a pretty boring forum, no? I'm tired of the anti-SW "whining" too... but there's some points that I agree on. But come on... Clones, Yoda fight, JarJar > Ewoks BEATING storm troopers.... tsk If they were Wookies......now that would be cool.... Stormtrooper arms everywhere. I hope the wookies kick ass in Ep 3... even if its only for a lil bit.
  15. I used to think that too... and before they go gold, I heard that there's something called a "glass master" that being a glass cd with ink printed on it. I dunno though... sounded weird.
  16. I can record a demo if anyone steps up to the plate. Hell, they can even PRACTICE for a month. I will not touch the game. Then we'll play. With punkbuster if possible... or observers to help verify the legitimacy... the demo will also help. I'm not the greatest FPS player in the world either, nor do I claim to be. But I'm willing to put my pride on the line.
  17. But where does opinion end and fact begin? You could be of the opinion that Matt Groening is a better at drawing than Leonardo DaVinci. You could be of the opinion that SDF Macross is better animation than DYRL?. I would argue that the facts of the matter are quite the opposite. Except that, aside from you, Sundown, and Max, no one has strongly argued that the mouse and keyboard is definatively better than a gamepad. And I haven't even been arguing that the gamepad is better... just that PC gamers seem unwilling to accpet that their choice is an opinion based on a matter of personal preference, and continue to work with the assumption that they are in fact working with the best equipment. When does opinion become fact? It can never actually become fact... anyone who says that he thinks Groening is a better artist than DaVinci is actually entitled to that belief. The closest thing an opinion can become to fact is when it is excepted by an overwhelming majority... which goes back to the point that I was trying to make earlier that Sundown seemed to miss when I said that the Xbox version of Doom 3 will outsell the PC version. It is true that my point said nothing about controller effectivness... I'm not trying to claim one is better than the other, nor was I claiming that sales figures decide that one is better than the other. My point about sales figures is that PC gamers have become the vast minority. Most gamers out there will buy Doom for the Xbox, because that's what they use for their games. Most gamers out there will use the gamepad, because that's what they're used to (and no, there is NOT a mouse for the Xbox- at least, not one sold outside of internet stores like Lik Sang). The majority of gamers, given a mouse and keyboard setup, wouldn't even know what to do with it. Sundown is right to say that says nothing about which is truly the better setup, but what I'm saying is that mouse and keyboard PC gamers are the minority, and yet they're convinced that the majority is wrong, and that their mouse and keyboard preference should be taken as factual evidence of the gamepad's inferiority. Hence, the stereotype (I'll admit that it's a stereotype, since most of the PC gamers I know don't fit the bill) that PC gamers are elitists. And hence, why people like Druna are leaving the thread. Any argument against the mouse and keyboard as factually superior is taken as a personal insult, and automatic siding with the gamepad, and a comment of profound stupidity by a few people who are normally very rational, intelligent people in other threads that just can't get over the fact that their opinion is nothing more than their personal preference, and the preferences of the minority. (Truthfully, gamers who prefer the gamepad are a minority as well... the majority actually wouldn't have a preference, having possibly recognized that there are people who play games on PCs, but have never actually considered playing with one themselves.) Well then come up with something other than what you've pulled out of your ass. The poeple whome you refer to as "PC Gamers" on THIS board have stated up and down that they own and play both. So we go from making broad assumptions about the preferred control style of every person that buys an FPS on a console to making broad assumptions about how many times someone plays in a week? My choice is an opinion, but whether or not something is superior is another. Some people like certain fighter planes better than others, but there still are planes that are superior for their respective areas. The people arguing for the KB+mouse have come up with tons of different opinions from gaming forums, magazines and personal experience. But all I'm seeing for the joypad is hearsay and logic leaps that would rival certain UFOlogists I've heard on the radio(Coast to Coast AM... sleepy time). What I'm seeing is arguments getting "sniped" as it were mainly by Sundown... and people leaving... that never looks good. This is an anime forum so the number of gamers is up in the air. PA is a gaming forum, there's a review site . . . vs "my friend" this and "some guys" that... Plus you have yet to back up these claims with numbers and sales figures to at least in SOME WAY support this... Such sweeping statements with nothing behind it but your awesome avatar. Why don't you ask any CS server. There are joypads available for the PC that have everything a modern console has to offer(many buttons, 2 sticks)... The people arguing for gamepads can't seem to understand that there is an easier way to do things. Oh... and PC players play a multitude of games too... ever hear of RTS games(another bad console port)? What about MMOs? RPGs? Sims? Hell, whenever I play a PC port of a console game MOST of the time I use my joypad because that's how it was intended to be played and that's the better tool for the job. The only exceptions I can think of are 3rd Person games that were made to be essentially FPS games where you can see your character(Max Payne, GTA3/VC, Bloodrayne) and any emulated fighting game. I just installed Quake III... who wants to prove me wrong? I haven't touched an FPS on the PC all summer and I only set up my buttons/character model. I also haven't played competitively in over a year and a half. I'm sure Q3 is out there somewhere and its an excellent example of a generic FPS to test the theory, no location based damage... just point n shoot. I'll ask again.. who wants to prove me wrong? Also... Halo clocks in at 3.18 per Magic Box. HL clocks in at over 8 million according to HL2Central that says according to Valve. Assuming that they sold the same amount every year(I know that's not true... but lets make a point)... Halflife PC- approx 1.6 million units per year since its release... Halo XBOX- approx 1.6 units per year since its release... That's not counting CS retail either.... So Half-Life... one of the most popular FPS games of all time vs Halo... arguably the most popular console FPS of all time..... it doesn't take a 4 year old with a mouse to figure out that 8 million is VASTLY greater than 3.18. Sure it had more time, however by the logic displayed earlier... that's 8 million mouse users vs 3.18 pad users. With HL2 and Halo 2 on the horizon both appear to be at the end of their life cycle... HL's figures have probably slowed to a trickle as Halo's probably have. In any case, that's irrelevant... there are 8 million copies of HL PC vs 3.18 of Halo. So how do you "know" that Doom 3 for xbox will outsell Doom 3 PC? Already Doom 3 on PC is out-doing both HL2 and Halo 2 in pre-orders. Amazon.com also lists Doom 3 PC as many places ahead of Halo in their figures. Doom 3 XBOX isn't on the list.... Oh yeah... and HL2 is about even w/ Halo 2. Per the pcvsconsole.com forums. Feel free to correct these numbers. I got them off of pcvsconsole.com. This mouse debate gets easier every day.
  18. But where does opinion end and fact begin? You could be of the opinion that Matt Groening is a better at drawing than Leonardo DaVinci. You could be of the opinion that SDF Macross is better animation than DYRL?. I would argue that the facts of the matter are quite the opposite. I was gonna post that, but I was gettin kinda tired of people making idiotic leaps in their lines of logic. Sundown drove the point home quite nicely....to the point where the opposition has to resort to the last bastion "opinion" argument. Its a pity though, I was hoping to see more people post like the guy with the story about the KB player w/ his lookbinds.
  19. Because the power of Christ... errrrr, THE FORCE compels you!!! When did I say that? The last time I made a prediction on Ep III, I said that I thought it would be the greatest SW ever... lol Was I really that drunk? Details of last night are sketchy... lol but I ain't seein the post weird...
  20. True dat, just messing with you Max, that's all. I used to post on MW daily, till I got a job where they blocked the WWW. Now, the overzealous fanboys don't seem so bad anymore. No worries. I'm used to making guest appearances on members' enemies lists. So its never an issue, people get over it. Look at Jemstone... we had a massive battle back in the day, but now we totally cool.
  21. And it IS beautiful. I understand, when I need inspiration I look at me also. ROFLMAO!!!!!
  22. Indeed :-P See what I mean Max... Think of my physique as 'living artwork.' I never said you were gay. I was just pointing out that if Duke wanted to point fingers he shoulda taken his history into consideration. You just got dragged in because you were the most readily accessable... in fact I meant to be like "Sorry John, but you're the first thing that springs to mind, besides Duke of course." I mean, you avatar was sitting right there... so hey....
  23. I think it was the other way around wasn't it? Didn't GL ask him, but SS didn't wanna take his baby. Nope, Spielberg asked him, but Lucas said he wanted to do all 3 because they were his last. That would have been ... interesting to say the least.
  24. Jesus Christ, Max will never be happy with SW fans. "Fans" that bash everything down the pipe? You must be using that term loosely eh? It gets old. Hell, I am lukewarm towards them(I like that term. ) and I feel like I need to nudge you guys and be like "Yo... you're supposed to be a fan..." Its all no sweat off my back... but I suppose many of you don't read as much of the board as I do. Damn moderating!!! CURSE YOU!!!!
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