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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. LoL Tell us more about how much better you are. Your argument is in flames, the posts that you have made after the first argument are a joke to the general population of the board. Go keep it inside elsewhere please, you've stated your intent to leave already... so make haste... Oh yeah...
  2. To get mad points, fight against shadow nins.
  3. Hey VD... I thought you were leaving? Stop participating in this disagreement... keep it inside and take it to another forum. But you obviously like the attention so I throw you to the wolves, but remember that you made the choice to post here when you could have "kept it inside." Additionally, you continue to debate the point. Have fun guys.
  4. WoW is gonna rock hard, dunno if I'll buy it though, after been addicted to EQ for a few years, I know how bad this things can get. I have a feeling WoW is going to be a lot like other mmos when it comes down to it... but if its fun, I'll totally play it... til then... I'm doin CoH
  5. They just added new locations and missions in a content update, they're adding capes in NOV.... CoV is also coming... for your pvp needs
  6. Ok, bye. I just find it funny that you state that you're not here to impress or claim superiority.... but then you post this. Peace Sounds like you are one of those who try to entice me into "the discussion". Anyway, that is not superority (I don't understand why people can't take the meaning of a sentence as it is and have to add NEW meaning to it, my sentences are straight forward in meaning and there are nother hidden alternative meanings), but it helps in broadening one 's horizon how the rest of the world works. Many westerners have lived in asian countries and their views have changed over the years because of the exposure to other cultures. We asians don't always say what we feel, it depends on the situation and in most cases, out of manner and out of respect for others (friends , parents and colleagues). I don't argue with my parents and I am not confrontation with colleagues over disagreement. For those asians you met that are confrontational , are just unwise. I just leave the topic as it is. see you. As said before don't let the door hit you on the way out. Its been a while since we've had a "I'm LEAVING... bye.... pay attention to me..." thread... so whatever man. Take your drama elsewhere, you didn't even need to post. lol Adios!
  7. Yeah, but then you can't play with your crusty old GB games. Oh well, I suppose it just isn't for you. Personally I found the lighting on the original GBA to be crappy...same with the color... now the pocket... that was sweet. Something you should consider though is that Gameboy IS supposed to be portable and the space that I save from the upgrade lets me fit more games into my carrying case! Plus, if its a short trip I can toss it and a couple games into my pocket easily and comfortably. I dunno... I like it because I can put it in my pocket. As for the headphone jack, I don't really mind because its not like Gameboy Advanced games have stellar sound or anything... some games do, but its basically still SNES style. You can get an adapter and NEW batteries from Nintendo for cheap. I don't know how long they're gonna offer them, but you can still get a lot of old stuff from their store. But it looks like you've done your own research and it doesn't float your boat. I didn't think lighting was an issue until I went back... lol .. never again. Also Nintendo stated that the DS isn't supposed to be a GB replacement... so I think we'll be able to get our batteries rather easily for at least a while longer. The way I see it, I won't have time for portables much longer... and besides... new stuff is always coming. Few portable games have made me want to play through more than once or twice.
  8. If you don't mind me asking, what level did you get to? I'm seeing crazy stuff in TF missions... hell I fought 2 Nazi Werewolves yesterday!
  9. Ok, bye. I just find it funny that you state that you're not here to impress or claim superiority.... but then you post this. But you know, if you can't take people disagreeing with eachother and like to avoid conflicts then it probably would be a good idea to find a more suitable forum for your needs. Peace
  10. Examples? How do you know the people 'insulting' eachother aren't buddies? Duke Togo, Agent One and I are always dissin eachother, but we're pals. Hell DT sent me flowers last week for his new avatar. The asians I've spoken to have been brought up in both environments. I know people that have grown up in the lower 48 and moved up here to Alaska, I know asians that have grown up in Alaska all their lives. I also know some that have come to Alaska to go to school at my University. I have played online games with people from asia and I have also chatted with them. In all cases, despite their backgrounds there have been disagreements... some keep it inside, some don't... where they're from may have a small effect but it doesn't nullify it. Don't you think you're making a little too broad a generalization here? Also who are you to say where we should keep our disagreement? Isn't the whole point of our country to let people voice their own opinions freely, whether others like it or not? I mean really, we're disagreeing right now and everything's fine isn't it?
  11. Yeah, really... you're overgeneralizing on both counts. Yes, MW does have its share of heated debates, but most times nobody takes it personally. What's wrong with a good debate where both sides have passionate, logical arguments? You also can't really say that you've taken an accurate sampling as you've already admitted that you haven't been here in a while. I can say that aside from little skirmishes such as those in the Macross 7 threads(a show that people either love or hate it seems) which are just fine and already under close watch of the moderators. I have also spoken with many asians that don't know "when to back off" in my online dealings, so I don't think you can really say that they're all like that and hold any water. Any time you get many different people from different walks of and give them all an equal opportunity to voice their opinions, there's going to be disagreement. A world where everyone agrees wouldn't be very exciting now would it? I can name threads that will passionate members on both sides most of the time; Star Wars Evangelion Macross 7 Macross Zero Kill Bill The list goes on. Also how can you say that people speaking their minds is a bad thing? Personally I think I gain more from debating with other fans of a subject because you get in deep... there's point... counterpoint... everyon KNOWS that it will be nigh impossible to change another person's opinion and while some may be content to just smile and stroll into that quiet night... you've got to understand that people are different and they're going to be different whether you want to hear about it or not. So if you really do like it better over on the asian forums, then by all means go visit them and avoid MW alltogether. If conflicting opinions turn you off, then YES go to these forums where everyone agrees with eachother and they "never" disagree. I doubt it will be noticed. No offense, but I call it like I see it.
  12. Heh Character Update on Triumph; LVL 24 Dark/Dark Defender - Dr Feelgood LVL 10 Spine/Regen Scrapper - PeeWee Herman LVL 6 Rock/Stone Tanker - Lord T (Mister and Mr. were taken. ) and my newest; LVL 2 Fire/Devices Blaster - Marty McFly (yes... he looks like him too. )
  13. I've still got an original gray brick and a yellow GBColor. And screw the SP. I've never found it a comfortable device to use, and have stuck to the standard GBA. It is a bit strange after the previous gameboys, but like a new controller you get used to it. Trust me, the benefits FAR outweigh the disadvantages. Its smaller than any other GB It has (gasp! finally!) a LIGHT...seriously.. the thing lights up my dark room. . . lol It has a rechargeable battery that lasts like 10 hours with the light on Well worth the purchase, I think you should investigate further. Everytime I play my SP I marvel at how awesome it would have been if that is what the gameboy had been all along... I mean really... they should have called it Gameboy Ultra or something along those lines...
  14. Woah, then they could call him S.W.A.T. MAN! But seriously, superheroes are inheirently cheesy. So I don't mind when they look that way in movies at all.
  15. If you still want to play old GB games, just hang on to your SP... I intend to do so... even though I'm most likely getting a DS. Speaking of which; what is wrong with gimmicks? Rumble is a gimmick... a gimmick that is now standard. 2 screens and touch sensitivity will give gamers new ways of interacting with games! That's exactly why I'm hoping Nintendo goes in a similar direction to the one that I forecast earlier.... that would be soooo coool!
  16. His belt looks OK... but still... I'd prefer the old school style too.
  17. G1 Megs.... Hmmm... I just couldn't say no to the fusion cannon. Bleh... these quizzes are so obvious though you know? Its like a Naruto quiz asking if you have sharingan in your left eye only...
  18. Sony PSP; If anyone can make this work... Sony can. I think it looks great, but its not really what I'm looking for in a portable. However, if it DOES prove to be a worthy contender I will consider it... I mean... we'll just see... I mean... if a portable Soul Calibur were to come out..... As for the DS... you had me at hello. Nintendo usually comes through with fun games, and not only are they fun but there's also usually an interesting twist. Take Metroid Prime; Its a First Person Adventure game... they didn't make it super fast and intense like other FP games... they made something of a "Samus Suit simulation" the whole time I played MP it felt like I was tromping around an unknown planet in Samus' suit. I think a lot of people were put off by the first person aspect... I was too.. but I took a chance and they made it work for me. I would LOVE to see them make a Prime style rendition of Super Metroid. It wouldn't be the same as the original and perhaps not as revered... but imagine fighting Kraid on a multi-level 3d level... or better yet; Mother Brain! Needless to say, the coming years are going to be exciting... will Nintendo be able to come back with their "Revolution" system?(gyroscope technology was recently purchased by Nintendo... revolution eh?) Picture it now... a tilt-sensitive, wireless controller.... just the kind of update the joypad needs to be a more viable and perhaps SUPERIOR controller for FPS games. That is what I forsee from Nintendo and I think it will perhaps one day become standard... just like the Analogue/Digital combo... and rumble features(I believe these possibly appeared earlier, but NCL was an early adopter at least).
  19. Well, they ARE Superheroes. I think it looks cool. Reminds me of the Batman Returns costume, which I liked. I thought they were going to go with the grey tights a la Adam West, which I still thought was cool because this is supposed to be old school Batman. But hey, I'm happy with what they have.
  20. AND Multiplayer Metroid...
  21. LoL Then I suppose Luke Skywalker would be robbing the grave a bit.
  22. You don't like Jyaken? SOMEONE has to follow Sesshomaru around with a scoop right? Kisame annoying? I like him. Anyone that can refer to Zabusa as a "kid" while staring down Kakashi is badass in my book. Plus, I dig his shark look... I wanna see what a Hidden Mist member of Akatsuki can do... he didn't really get to show his stuff. Personally I think Itachi and Kisame could have taken out the Leaf Jounins right there... it was just as Itachi said they didn't have time for it.
  23. Well it depends. Pros- Takes about 30 min to learn Takes longer to master, a lot of it is timing If you like Powerstone/Smash Bros. this is like that, only VERY ninja.. Its very fast paced, the graphics look very good cell shaded LOTS of characters(2 of them are lame such as Akamaru and Kankuro's puppet) Story mode follows the series up until Gaara vs Sasuke. Moves fit the characters... 4 PLAYER NINJA BATTLES! These are often very fun, team battles and 3 v 1 are awesome too! Sharingan Kakashi: Yes... he copies non-bloodline supers... usually with his own take on it. Cons- Perhaps not as deep as some would like, but like I said... it takes 30 min to learn, but more time to master. I'm only REALLY good with Sharingan Sasuke and Sakura. It doesn't have Itachi... maybe in pt. 3.... Overall we really like the game, its a blast. My room-mate and our friends often have great battles with eachother. Just the other day my room-mate and I had some good matches(he won all but 1, but they were all VERY close...). If you're a fan of Naruto, and are looking for a fun, easy to pick up(even the girls play it sometimes!) fighting game to play with your other Naruto fan friends... pick this up with FreeLoader @ www.lik-sang.com . OOOHH!! It works with Action Replay Freeloader? This game is mine now. I dunno, I just got the freeloader disk... Should work with any region free thingie... I would think...
  24. Well it depends. Pros- Takes about 30 min to learn Takes longer to master, a lot of it is timing If you like Powerstone/Smash Bros. this is like that, only VERY ninja.. Its very fast paced, the graphics look very good cell shaded LOTS of characters(2 of them are lame such as Akamaru and Kankuro's puppet) Story mode follows the series up until Gaara vs Sasuke. Moves fit the characters... 4 PLAYER NINJA BATTLES! These are often very fun, team battles and 3 v 1 are awesome too! Sharingan Kakashi: Yes... he copies non-bloodline supers... usually with his own take on it. Cons- Perhaps not as deep as some would like, but like I said... it takes 30 min to learn, but more time to master. I'm only REALLY good with Sharingan Sasuke and Sakura. It doesn't have Itachi... maybe in pt. 3.... Overall we really like the game, its a blast. My room-mate and our friends often have great battles with eachother. Just the other day my room-mate and I had some good matches(he won all but 1, but they were all VERY close...). If you're a fan of Naruto, and are looking for a fun, easy to pick up(even the girls play it sometimes!) fighting game to play with your other Naruto fan friends... pick this up with FreeLoader @ www.lik-sang.com .
  25. You are correct sir. Just look at Soungaa...
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