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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Hopefully the new director doesn't ruin it. It would be interesting to see a slightly different take on it though.
  2. what can I say, please send pic this way too Oh what the heck, PM me as well please. Graham FINE! I gotta see this! PM me too.
  3. I doubt it, unless Sony shared the profits with movie studios. Regionalization is designed to maximize the profits of the movie studios by allowing them to charge whatever the market will bear in each area, and to prevent access to the DVD version in a given region before the movie's been released in theaters. It has the annoying semi-side effect of facilitating censorship (e.g., I've read that the UK release of Eyes Wide Shut has footage that isn't in the US version) and, as we know, creating stumbling blocks for watching anime. (This gets into a bit of a peeve--why in the world do Japanese anime companies even bother to regionalize their stuff? Domestic Japanese releases probably have a higher margin than elsewhere, so it's not like they'd be cannibalizing more lucrative markets if they just made them regionless.) I'm talkin for games though. While still moneymakers.... there's not really a GOOD reason for region lockouts on games... aside from obvious language differences. Though I'm sure the reasoning makes more sense to a Sony exec than me. Oh.. yeah... the EWS thing... I liked the new footage.
  4. My vote is for WalMart, Best Buy, CompUSA and the local chain 2 Geeks. 2 Geeks because the OWNER was out talking out of his ass. Trying to peddle his overpriced swag. WalMart generally has stores that look like my room... messy. I like Fred Meyer/Kroger(though Kroger is starting to ruin Freddies with their Kroger-ness) because they have for the most part goods in neatly arranged rows(I know Freddies up here does this, because I did it all last summer lol) Anyway, as a geek... it pisses me off when salespeople try to lie to me or talk out of their ass. But I have no problems sending them away, usually I just say "Just browsing(regardless of what I'm actually doing)" or "No, I'll come find you if I have any questions." That usually sends em packing.
  5. don't say that, or they'll show us...
  6. Hmm... first 2 eps were kinda boring. Hope it picks up.
  7. Hell, they could make money off of it. Like selling official sony importing kits for like $50 or something. I dunno...
  9. Yeah, I'm just a Nintendo fanboy, so I don't know if I'll be picking up a PS3. But as with other systems, I'll pick it up if it has games that I simply must play. That didn't happen with the PS2(Twisted Metal Black being my only regret... but they continued the degradation of WartHog(my patron character), so its not a big regret TM2 ahoy!)
  10. IIRC, didn't he change it because he was afraid that it was too close to Revenge of the Nerds and he might get in trouble over it? Well Jedi aren't supposed to be about revenge anyway...
  11. I'm getting it... dunno about this whole "buying" thing... maybe if its good.
  12. True, the PS2 DVD player gimmick was cool for its time. Its a pity that they didn't do a very good job with their player. Hell, half my dvds simply refused to play in my room-mate's brand new ps2. Some would play to a certain point and refuse to go on(I'm assuming there was a possible layer change at that point). I think I agree with those that say DVD helped PS2 more than PS2 helped DVD.
  13. To the future! Sounds good to me. Blue lasers can read data that is more tightly packed together on the disks... so yeah... more disk = more content... Yay.
  14. I had a dream about this last night...
  15. Heh.. yes... but I'm sure there's other things they could have done to ruin it more.
  16. Naturally I got Jedi Master.
  17. Meh.. looks boring. I mean... more boring than the average MMO... We'll see though.
  18. Naruto: Gekitou Ninjyataisen 3 for Gamecube Reported by: Adam on Sunday, August 1st, 2004 at 11:43AM To keep the steady flow of Naruto games for many different consoles rolling, Naruto: Gekitou Ninjyataisen 3, the sequel to number 1 and 2 in the series, has been announced in the latest issue of Shonen Jump. So far very few details are known about the game, in fact, we only know that it is coming out and that Chouji, Temari, and Jiraiya are now playable characters. We will have much more details on this game in the future. Thanks to everyone who sent this in. From http://www.narutofan.com
  19. Here's what Arnold had to say about that... Anyway, we've had our fun. Let's end this before he makes an even bigger fool of himself.
  20. LoL the funny thing is that you didn't need to be baited... weren't you leaving like 6 posts ago?
  21. Bond isn't exactly famous for being realistic
  22. Some of the changes I like... others I don't like so much... like Hayden in ROTJ... he just doesn't seem to fit with me. Maybe there will be further explaination in the commentary.
  23. Yeah, his shield of sand appears. Its not as fluid as the anime, but it works for me. Desert Coffin is anime faitful. Most of the moves/styles that are in the game are from the anime.... I KNOW! I was bummed about that too. I also want to know who this "third" person is that can use the mangekyou sharingan.... Kakashi maybe? Or maybe there's another Uchiha running around that we don't know about... one that can master the bloodline limit(Kakashi can't... supposedly)...
  24. One more finale...a PM from our enlightened friend Before I leave for good, I have this to say. People like you are always a victim played by the puppet masters such as EXO, agent -one and some others. They make a person looking like a bad guy (troll or flamer whatever terms they use) , then get everyone boiled up on him. They sit back and enjoy the theatre. If the flame is loosing momentum, they start adding fuel to it so that a decent post such as this thread in the beginning become a fighting arena. The king always enjoy a fight or two from the pets. I am defintely sure this won't be the end of things. They will start it with someone else like many times before with similiar pattern and you will be their pets. Enjoy the play but I refuse to be the other sides of their strings. Also, if my original post is a joke to you because most of the things I said won't be found in the west (at leastthey are not found in majority of the population): respect for elderly, modesty and all other such good attributes are considered useless in the western world. This is why you people have so much more social problems than the far east. How often you hear someone killing their parents, or teachers or coworkers, or molestation this and that or have no control of emotion and start a killing flee, in the far east? (of course you would say we cover them up, then I invite you living in some asian countries and find out for yourself) You would also say I am stereotyping the west but if they don't happen so often, why would people think as such!? It also says something about the upbringing of these people here, I don't know how/what the hell their parents teaching these kids (look at how they behave even at 27 or later) . Their behaviour would extend all the way to adulthood and that's why the world is so fXXked up by some dominating/combative country. Reply if you want, I just won't be reading it as I have no intention coming back to this hellhole. Goodbye! As for being a "victim" ... the only victims here are the people that clicked on the thread. We were cordial til the racist remarks started popping up. Another close-minded individual leaves our gates. This is one for the Max Jenius Mod Files... a pity he decided to run with his tail between his legs, though I don't think he had a leg to stand on, let alone the two that one would require to put a tail between. I'm open for discussion, but when a true fool comes along they deserve to be thrown to the wolves. So yeah... once again... I think/hope we've seen the last of this non-confrontational person. S/he obviously has some more traveling to do as he's lacking in the perspective department.
  25. Yeah, my room-mate and I have been playing recently. Anyway, the manga is getting REALLY interesting... www.narutofan.com
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