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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Well, the article said that it was relatively common. If it gets edited up to the final day and beyond, I don't mind. Hell, if they pushed the film back to later August, I wouldn't mind. I just want to see this movie, when its finished. Hopefully this will give me my mindless action fix like the other films in both series.
  2. Meh... who cares? So Lucas is sort of contradicting himself... its not going to change the fate of SW. Just because everyone is "on to him" isn't going to change his mind about the DVDs. I mean, does it really deserve a whole thread considering we've already got other threads dedicated to SW and its "fans?" I mean... I seem to recall the last VHS release of the OT non-SE having advertisements stating that it was the LAST TIME it would be available in its original form. I think I like it better that Lucas is sticking to it... rather than repeatedly saying its the last time(we really mean it!) ... and then 2 years later coming out with the same thing again.. a la Disney. I think I like the Stooge's better in black and white anyway. Colorization looks really cheap in the cases I've seen.
  3. That's pretty funny guys, but you know the rules... edit- Oh yeah... GOLD!!!
  5. I was going to get it, but I forgot and now I have no cashes. Gonna pick it up next week maybe.
  6. Agreed. I think a poster on Bluesnews said it best: Yeah. Plus people would get all upset if they made up some crappy excuse like "we left the nv goggles on earth...oops" I dunno, I just didn't ask questions. Meh... its part of the game... if you don't like the flashlight, you're really selling yourself short. I mean... aside from the flashlight(part of the atmosphere) and assorted control additions like jump, mlook, and dash... its pretty much same old Doom. I like the flashlight... in fact I wish the game were darker so I could use it more while I frantically dash around lining up a Shotty Supper.
  7. I think this requires more explaination. As of now, I don't see how HL2 is any more realistic. Though I am a fan of the open areas.
  8. The Road Warrior still kicks each and every one of our asses. I dunno... I never really liked it. Too... Australian for me.
  9. The shotty has been my favorite weapon in the Doom and Quake games. Is there location based damage in this game? I was just wondering, because I've been trying to nail headshots out of habit... and was curious if it was worth it.
  10. hehe I can't just unload on them anymore. I find myself bursting into their heads... except unlike CS.. they keep coming. lol I dunno... those crawly impy dudes seem to go away after I feel em Lead Puffs for breakfast with the shotty. The machine gun is good for those "freak out" moments when my shotty runs outta ammo... I use the smg to cover my ass while I book outta there to plot. I can imagine this engine being used for AVP, System Shock, and Theif quite effectively. The possibilities seem endless.
  11. I like Mortal Kombat... because it managed to stick pretty close to the story, and found a cheesy middle ground. Plus it proved that an acceptable film could be made based on the insanity portrayed in video games. T3 - For me... knocked T2 to the number 3 favorite Terminator movie for me. Less hug, more shoot. AVP - Aliens.... Predators.... people dying... works for me. If it sucks, it sucks... if not... party time. I've been waiting for this movie since Predator 2, so I'm not going to let fanboys for or against the film taint my views just yet. I'll get back to you guys Friday. Oh and don't get me started on this supposed decline of cinema. The 80's? Relatively few films still hold up today, how many times have you bought a DVD from back in the day only to discover yourself the victim of nostalgia?
  12. I wanna see this, I was curious how it was. I'll take your advice when I go down to Texas and hopefully see it in the AMC 30 Gulf Point sometime.
  13. What bothers me is having about 30 life and approximately 2 bullets per weapon(except the trusty side-arm) while things I need to kill are running around. I like this game though. I like how it reminds of of SS2 in a way. Oh... besides the USELESS PDA... like seriously... in SS2 my roomie and I were constantly playing the diaries we found(well, new ones) but this PDA has BORING stuff in it that is useless to boot. :-/ Once the sh!t hits the fan though... I hit my trusty dash button and take the game from SS2's plodding pace to DOOM's lightspeed blasting. I like how they kept the core gameplay essentially unchanged, but has atmosphere in spades. Kinda like the old game... I wonder if they will have the faces on the walls...
  14. I'm sort of a computer geek. Well... a big computer geek. But I don't help people anymore. 24 hour, on call tech support gets to be a pain in the butt and I got tired of lying to people about what they should do, just to make them leave me alone.
  15. Yay! Time to shottie it up. Not because I can't aim, but because ever since back in the day I've been all about Hicks style 'close encounters' and adding up that pellet damage... ramming the shotty in imp faces rules. I'm playin on the hardest difficulty possible for me at this point. Its been really fun so far! I sorta feel bad for the monsters though because when I'm not using the shotty, I'm using the pistol(pity I can't get the hallowed Desert Eagle or USP from CS, then they'd really be in trouble!) the machine gun seems sucky.
  16. Well, finally sat down to get Doom 3 to work. Seems that I've gotten my card to stay stable for at least a good while. I think it also has something to do with the fact that its no longer over 100 degrees in the apartment. In any case, this game is a blast and I highly recommend it.
  17. Couldn't have said it better. And come on, COM ports? That WAS funny. Oh, and I think there's a heat issue in my apt. Looking into cooling solutions... but I think I can just wait until I get back to the dorms and outta this hell hole...
  18. Dude, thats just sick. Vs. The Fourth Hokage
  19. Oh yeah... and I was one of those grunts for 2 different stores. I would straight lie through my teeth only when there was no clear choice(paint for example, I'd usually reccomend either A or B, A being the expensive brand that's slightly better or B being the slightly less expensive brand that didn't come in that finish etc...) I mean, it should be expected... these corporations want to put soooo much product on the shelf... they're only concerned with profit margins. Its easier to put an undertrained, inexperienced group of people and pay them minimum wage than it is to get quality help. If I were working at Best Buy or CompUSA I'd get fired probably for sending the person to Newegg.com.
  20. ditto. Unless there's hotties at the place... but there almost never are in stores that have stuff I like.
  21. Well... I think its part true, part humor. I dunno I imagine Charles and his bro encountered/partied with Rick at some point.
  22. k, grats... time to lock tho.
  23. Sad to see him go... hope he's gettin his freak on upstairs.
  24. Still not running... hopefully I can get it to run for more than 5 minutes tonight. Gonna try some command line options. First impressions- Man that theme song is rockin... maybe there will be a nice E1M1 remix in there? *crosses fingers* The beginning reminds of of System Shock 2... a LOT... Already I was imagining what it would be like to fight annelids in this engine... or play AVP.... Hopefully I'll be able to get deeper into it tonight though, after I rip out my old drivers and go from there. Last night I didn't want to take the time, so I just played COH.
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