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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. If aliens really did contact us, everybody would know. The signal wouldn't be soley inteded for the USA. Not to mention, scientists have a habit of shooting off their mouths (ie, meteor strikes turn out to be near misses). I always thought the movie "Contact" did a good job of portraying the "what if" scenario concerning alien contact. The book was excellent too. By "us" the USA was implied. Its not about who the message is intended for, its who gets it first. The US would try to get everything they could out of our visitors.
  2. If Aliens contacted us, nobody would know for years. National Security.
  3. that "perfect" kit looks ugly.... I'd rather have a.... VF-19S Blazer or a VF-17D Nightmare....
  4. Ummmmm.... yeah... like I said... needs more antennas! I like the general design... both the blocky and the sleek Maybe have them as different variants of a same class? Like the second one looks like a stealth frigate or something and the other one looks like it would be a little bigger and more armoured... I dunno. Your call.
  6. Sounds pretty good actually... better than I thought... Go Boba!
  7. Then you shouldn't read God Emperor of Dune....
  8. So you're saying that movies should be status symbols? "What? You were entertained by a movie I did not like? You must have a disease.." Honestly.
  9. Yeah, they had an article about stealth ships w/ trimarine hulls a while back... pretty cool stuff. I hope they can roll them out in the next couple years. I mean.. its been at least a couple since I saw the original one.. and that was for the battlships.
  10. Yeah, and you probably think that Ghallager is the funniest person to ever live. Um... no. Bond is and always has been goofball. I'd like to see them get back to that, because that's part of what makes Bond cool. If we modernized Bond and made him like Bourne, then why have Bond at all? That kind of takes away from what makes Bond... well... Bond. Taking on super-villains is his whole deal. Not people trying to build a pipeline... not people trying to write newpaper tripe... its about Bond gettin laid, smoking, partying, and fighting villains with doomsday devices! There are a couple Bonds that get away from that, and they're cool in their own right... but they're not the reason I keep coming back for more. If I wanted "realism," I'd watch something about spies on the History channel... if I want entertainment; I go for Bond. I mean, sure these new "realistic" spy movies are kinda cool... but I'd rather go for the exaggerated fun! Bsu, where did I ever say Gallagher was the funniest person alive? I don't see how you could derive that from anything I said.
  11. I watched the old Bond movies... while there were still some good parts.. they were all cheese. That's what Bond is. Personally, I'd rather see him get back to taking on crazy people w/ crazy doomsday devices .... (like Goldeneye and Die Another Day)
  12. Can't wait to get it...
  13. You don't like Jet Li because you haven't seen two of his better ones... check out High Risk (I think it was released in the US in that red and black series as Meltdown), and Fist of Legend (which was an excellent remake of Bruce's The Chinese Connection). Also that movie Twin Dragons that he was in where he mastered Tai Chi was cool(two friends go seperate ways and must fight in the end of course). Legend of the Red Dragon was sweet too(Magic Spear... and some kid).
  14. She's hot... but I've seen better fighting.... I'm just gonna see this one for the T&A. Never really cared for Elektra.
  15. While not perfect... I think they're one of the better Sci Fi/Action flicks I've seen recently. Personally, I think that the Wachowski brothers would do wonderfully in possible live-action anime adaptations... well primarily GITS:SAC... unlike a certain other "fan director" they seem to really care about what they're doing. Sure... the Matrix movies weren't perfect... but they DID give their 100% from my understanding and they sold me on it. Maybe not the DVD set... but yeah.
  16. No, this would mean that humans are still slaves. The ending is supposed to be peaceful co-existence. Only if the Trilogy ended lamely like it did. Here's what I would have done with the Matrix within a Matrix plotline: Neo somehow becomes aware that the real world is still within the Matrix. And not only that, becomes aware that he himself is actually a program. It would explain his connection to the agents, along with the abilities he displays-- that are awfully similar to the rogue programs' abilities. Neo turns out to be the Matrix's own reconstruction of a human being, in digital form-- a study by the Matrix in trying to control the systemic anomolies known as "choice" and "love"-- a subject that it can control, manipulate, and observe intimately, until it reabsorbs Neo into itself, to better the Matrix with each revision like it has the previous five times. Except this time around, the One program becomes more successful than the Matrix bargained for. It becomes fully man, fully capable of love, thought, real choice, real control. How can the created (the Matrix) create the creator (a program with the soul of a real man)? It didn't. The fragments of "code" for the human soul roamed within the Matrix ever since it's creation-- fragments of the "image" of himself man placed upon his creation in his own likeness, as the programming of all robot-kind became absorbed in the Matrix's formation in the construction of Zero-One. The Matrix simply managed to accidentally assemble the pieces that form "man". The One program transcends machinehood, and breaks beyond the only purpose the machines have-- self preservation. Thus, Neo becomes fully out of the Matrix's control-- and even while realizing that bringing down the Matrix (and the Matrix within a Matrix) would bring his own end, since he's a program, Neo sacrifices himself in order to end the prison-world of the machines. Man wakes up to build a new world, where the sun breaks through clouds, and where green is starting to grow. Yayers. This all ties into Second Rennisance and the allusions it makes a lot better than the actual movies did. Which I just can't fathom how possible. Maybe it was because Larry Wachowski was too busy dancing with S&M daddys and thinking about a sex change to come up with a sensical ending. -Al Meh.
  17. No, this would mean that humans are still slaves. The ending is supposed to be peaceful co-existence. I think Smith able to take over a human is meant to show that AI has advanced so much that it's now indistinguishable from humans as we know it. Thus, in future, AI and humans will live together on equal terms. Yes, Neo's connections to the sentinels still require a supernatural explanation. But that's why he is the one. plus the multiple matrices theory had been discussed a lot... and while it would make practical sense(one of the reasons it had been discussed a lot) I never found the idea that appealing. It just seemed like "Yeah... lets do the same movie all over again!"
  18. You guys are wussies. Why be a big robot if you're just gonna sit there and think about stuff? You gotta destroy all humans... duh. I got Bender Bending Rodriguez, but I like Galvatron more.
  19. Yeah really. "bitch bitch whine whine, Luke has a fastpack!! and look at those shoes! that's so stupiidddd " People say this and then have no problem with SD Gundams and Joke Machines? When you start pissing and moaning about inaccuracies in toys designed for KIDS, it's time to put down the Internet and get out a little Vostok 7 yeah, I think high-level collectors automatically ASSUME that these are for them and that stupid kids would only take them out of the package and play with them.... who would've thought??? *goes back to admiring his carded Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker* I post my thoughts... but you two read my mind....
  20. uh... you haven't seen very many movies have you? I would gladly watch any of those movies 10 times for every 1 viewing of 2001: A Space Oddessey(sp)... Biggest. Snoozefest. Ever.
  21. I liked the last 2 films. I mean... what did you really expect after the first one? I mean it was good for its time, but movies have... well moved on... and everyone has raped the bullet time concept lol. I was satisfied... gradual transition into the "real" world.
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