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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I'd rather have a toy that actually looks sleek like the one in the show. Not all fat and stupid. That's just me. I don't intend to kill people with my toys anymore... all they have to do is be poseable and look cool without disintegrating(a la VF-11B). The new Voltron beats the old one on both counts. Sure the old one may make people remember when they were kids(as it does for me), but that doesn't really add any value in my book. As for the price.. that's another issue. I'll wait and get it on ebay for $20. Given Toynami's track record... I'm going to wait and read some reviews(on other, non-biased sites of course).
  2. Yeah... well.... I kinda like it sometimes. It doesn't really grab me... but it doesn't repel me either. I think the robot is kinda stupid looking too and that's my whole deal.. but then again, I used to think the Big O looked stupid too... so maybe Megas will grow on me. Overall I'd give it a Meh+
  3. Your super power is You can change wine into water. Probably something you will never use The color of your costume is Olive Green Your Battle Cry is "WHICH WAY DID THEY GO? WHICH WAY DID THEY GO?" Your side-kick is A robot that has a homosexual crush on you
  4. By that logic, I could carve one out of a block of wood that would total both of them. Okay, I admit it. I'm curious. Precisely which logic is "that logic?" Gokin fight test logic...
  5. Your super power is Super vision that allows you to see 2 miles away (and ONLY 2 miles away) The color of your costume is Yellow Your Battle Cry is "YOUR FATHER SMELLS OF ELDERBERRIES!" Your side-kick is A Flea
  6. Man, that looks like a ton of other ships out there. In a way, reminds me of the Hammerhead from Space: Above and Beyond. I like your unconventional designs better than this one. This one just seems like... a sell out type... like the kind of ship I drew when I was in Jr. High. I'm seriously trying not to offend, but that's the first thing that springs to mind. Your 3d skills own me though. Like the other one, I imagined being this huge ominous ship(a little on the square side.. but who cares right?) flyin through space way faster than it should be able to.
  7. By that logic, I could carve one out of a block of wood that would total both of them. This isn't for 5 year olds. Most of them don't know who/what Voltron is. This is for old people that know how to treat their toys right. We'll see how it turns out. As far as looks are concerned... this one owns the Matchbox Fatron... *goes and looks for pics of Fatron I found in the earlier thread*
  8. I think if they couldn't get J.E.J. for the TV Vader, Sisco from DS9 would be a cool intermediate version.... I've always thought his voice was cool and vader-esque...
  9. I'm going to invent a propane powered baseball bat gun with a 31 round mag! ... or maybe a bowie knife launcher! More entertaining than baseball!(not that its hard to be)
  11. Sure, you can't kill someone with this version... but it looks a hell of a lot better than the matchbox "Fatron." This toy looks awesome and I think a lot of hate is stemming from the anti-HG/Toynami bandwagon and that's sad.. True, we won't know how good it is until we have it in our hot little hands, but I haven't seen any reason to doubt its superiority to previous Voltron toys. As for not buying it because its made in America....
  12. Too late DA... you're part of the problem already.
  13. I'd have to see more than just "off the shelf" to buy that story... Helsing didn't look that great either. Anyway... yeah... specs? How many? Were they farmed? If I had a couple million, I could probably do that "off the shelf" with either or. So more info needed if you're gonna use that as a plus. I mean... how many people REALLY need to do advanced CG/video editing on their home PC? Judging by sales of Macs, not many. Plus, the only reason Apple is still in business is because Bill Gates was charitable. But as for people having problems with their PCs... I have an old saying that applies to this issue- "Garbage in. Garbage out." - Some computer guy. Its not Microsoft or Apple's fault if you don't take care of your computer. You don't blame Ford or Chevy when you forget to change your oil and your engine starts to suck, do you?
  14. Here's a funny story. Even the mighty computer nerds such as myself make mistakes. Once I was looking at some internet porn(ah...we all love it) and I accidentally clicked "Yes" on one of those pop up boxes (I was typing to a friend, so when I hit space it went through) for about a week I tried to clear out whatever it was that was installed.... but more kept piling up. I got it to the point where it was functional... but every once in a while I'd get a popup(seemingly random porn related) even while browsing MW. Anyway... lesson learned - If you're lookin at porn... be careful about talkin to your buddies list.
  15. That's all. . . just . . . I share that sentiment. I also would like to know what the big deal with getting drivers is? Its so easy. I suppose if all you do is word process, write emails, and want a hip computer to show to all your emo friends... then maybe a Mac is for you... (jk.. I do recognize Apple's supremacy in video/image editing... however that difference is growing smaller and smaller every day).
  16. Sounds like you don't know what you're doing... No.... really.
  17. http://www.gamefaqs.com
  18. http://www.google.com This may be a slightly OT forum, but there's a million other websites out there that are actually DEDICATED to helping people out with their computer. This is Other Anime and Sci-Fi... not Tech Support. Trust me, just type your query into google and tons of places will pop up.
  19. hmmm... its all about who you know. lol
  20. Yeah, but when you factor in thermal and radar ... then it becomes a lot more visible. Don't gotta see when you can "see" enough to get a missile on its tail.
  21. Man, I think that looks great. I've seen fan art on these forums that butchers Kawamori's work a hell of a lot more.
  22. man... I never saw the appeal of all black valkyries, planes... they're just boring... I mean really... it doesn't take too much imagination right?
  23. This one is red... so its cool. The rest suck.
  24. Hey Patrick, Referring to yourself in the third person now? Apparently, grammatical skills are not a prerequisite to be a moderator. Just kidding with you, and I agree with you regarding the landing gear. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath either, but then again, I'm not giving up hope. Sincerely, Christopher Heh, yeah sorry... we gets that way around the precious.
  25. Um, no... we sound like people that want our toys to look perfect. I didn't complain about the 1/48 at all except for the big nosecone. . . I like them pointy like the 1/60s. Plus even if you put aside the aesthetics of the kit you have to take into consideration the amount of steps in the transformation, along with all the little teensy weensy pieces just waiting to snap as with a lot of other "perfect" transformations. You think its so great, track one down and buy it... but I'd rather have something that can battle my other valks w/o breaking a nail. The one on the first page looks better, but I'll bet it suffers from the same "handle with care" syndrome. Plus, this whole thread is dedicated to whining about how the YF-19FP isn't out yet. As I've said before; I wouldn't hold my breath... it will come when it comes. So far I think the landing gear is at the top of my list of things to sacrifice. But I'd sacrifice the YF-19FP all together for a VF-17D(FP) or VF-19S(with REAL 19FPs)... the YF-19 and its wussy fps are passe...
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