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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Milla 639@Canis.Majoris I was in a hurry.
  2. lol someone should get carrie fisher to take an updated pic from today & send it to him
  3. I'm still in my modded Constellation. Got a long way to go to t3 ships lol. It's ok. I love it for the same reason I hate it. It's a very casual game.
  4. lol Back to the Future series.
  5. Which is just a ripoff of Plato's Cave Allegory. We all know there's nothing new under the sun.
  6. I'd like Minmay to not lose out in the end. At least if she's as cool as DYRL Minmay. SDF Minmay sucked.
  7. pshhh, I'm not opposed to the "make your own dyrl dvd" method, I just can't find the thread. Weren't some ppl all about this a while ago?
  8. They could add a class similar to WoW's druid and make it a transformer!
  9. Could be cool.
  10. LF a DYRL copy to DL with awesome subs and quality fit for an 1080p screen (no pixelization pls?).... Tried search, but it didn't seem to come up with what I needed. Little help? even a link n lock?
  11. I only buy bluray when I care about the high quality picture. Special effects or cinematography that I feel justifies it.
  12. That man is no panther OR tiger... he's more like....
  13. I like the 1/48 because they're big, but the 1/60 v2 feels better built for some reason...
  14. I dunno, I always liked Conan as the monstrous barbarian muscleman. Screw realism. It's CONAN. He needs to look like he eats trees.
  15. This is a pointless thread. There's so many wretched no name sci-fi books out there.
  16. Amazing job on an underused accessory!
  17. That guy is way to amused with himself.
  18. Nice, I'm down with Ninja Gaiden. I'll have to investigate further!
  19. Beg and plead with them for a VF-17 variant done right.
  20. Maybe I'm just getting old, but nothing I've read about the game makes me want to play it. Though, I've only played the first DMC for like 5 minutes...
  21. Haha, that trailer looked awesome. It's the freakin A-Team, it was pretty stupid anyway. Check your brain at the door and watch them be goofy action heroes. As long as it isn't as bad as the TV show....
  22. You should also feel bad about being a white guy that is rich.
  23. I forget who said it first, but I'm partial to calling it "Spaaaace Goooold."
  24. The key part was "spoken in cheesy lines." In most of those movies, saying the movie title at some point was pretty much unavoidable.
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