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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Vegita, political stuff is frowned upon here. Please keep that in mind when making posts/adding links. Thank you.
  2. Isn't this thread about the DVDs Drad?
  3. I must be the only person that can play a Virtual Boy with no headaches or any side effects. I played the poo outta Red Alarm(or whatever that vector shooter was) and Mario tennis. There were some really neat 3d effects and I really got a sense of depth. I think that the problem was that most of the games sucked, then people started adding these "headaches" to the pile... I dunno. That's just my theory. I did have fun with it quite some time though. I'll probably pick up a DS, but I'll wait for something more badass than Mario rehashes. Perhaps.... SOUL CALIBUR DS!?! Indeed... indeed....
  4. I think that's an unconfirmed rumor. Plus, how many big buff guys with swords were out there before Conan?
  5. Any off topic/inflammatory posts will be deleted from those threads. Let the mods know if someone is hijacking your thread.
  6. Bolded for truth! Charlize looks way better than anything in that show... so maybe I'll check it out. Watching her run around in tight clothes/nude is something I've never had a problem with.
  7. Yeah, that's pretty old... but good... What is thy bidding, my master? Its a disaster... hehe I'm yo fatha. I'm yo fatha. Classic.
  8. It begins again...
  9. I "acquired" the full version over the weekend... so far its ok... I'm an RTS maniac, but I dunno... I need more time with this one. I'm not too sure that I like the interface too much, but I dunno... I was never really big on Warhammer.
  10. I don't think its funny anymore, but the first couple times I saw it I liked it. The humor is a bit dated, but some spots are good for a chuckle.
  11. lol I hope he can get most of the original cast... or maybe make a Spaceballs prequel with Toby Macguire as young Dark Helmet.
  12. Nah... get your Secret Santa kicks with your buddies or office co-workers... not MW.
  13. So Hurin is the leading authority on what is kiddy and what is not? I mean honestly, you want people to back up a freakin opinion? Why? That's pointless, you're just going to do what you've done the whooooole thread.... if I really wanted to, I could probably go through and pick out the things that I think are for kids and categorize them etc... but its not really worth my time. (Not implying that's what you did) 3PO being stupid and saying "Oh god they're dying!" is pretty kiddy to me... yet you have it down as working for you? Right now... back that up for me... prove to me that its funny, like you want me to prove the movie was for kids... Ok... I'll prove it somewhat... Action figures. Remember the stupid looking toys with the pull -out sabers? Another realm where Lucas was an early adopter, if not a pioneer. Additionally, weren't they even less tolerant of people owning toys past the age of 12? So who would they be marketing these things to? Hmmm... But, that's not definitive. When it comes to opinions, I could care less what you have in green, red, blue, orange, yellow, purple, etc..... (hadda get all the lightsaber colors in there) ... all that matters is that I understand what you think. I'm cool with it, people are just more particular about some things over others... its no sweat off my back really. In the end, all you're saying is "this is my opinion, and this is why I think so" just like everyone else. Anyway... to quote the first post; Only post in here to comment on these DVDs. If you don't like the Prequels, feel that George Lucas has "raped your childhood," or if you're just a whiny attention whore, post your thoughts in the other threads. Keep it on topic. Offenders will be summarily locked in a room with Carrot Top while he re-enacts his repitoire of "Dial Down the Middle" commercials.
  14. Yes... I like the concepts presented in Star Wars more than anything else. Escapist fluff... I like that... I'll have to start using that. I think that a film can be technically bad, while still being good. Star Wars captured the imagination of a generation and lead to great strides in special effects. I think people largely misinterpret the impact it had, because as far as plot and characters go, GL himself says that he basically ripped the most generic archetypes available in historic narrative. What just happened here? Ewilen's post was much longer (and very good. . . btw). . . and now it's much shorter, is quoting part of itself that no longer exists. . . and he seems to be talking to himself. H DAMMIT! I must have hit edit instead of quote... Cursed mod powers....
  15. I tried watching ESB again... while I recognize it as the best in the series... all of us fell asleep (this was at 7pm mind you). Oh well... we woke up in time for Luke getting to Bespin.
  16. ... and you forgot to add that it was a blind man that put him there. I swear the Fett family sucks... why do people love him so much? Here is my running total of everything Boba did in the OT: - show up - promise not to disintigrate anyone - follow the Millenium Falcon to Cloud City - hang around Vader looking moody - get whiny about Vader beating up on his trophy - shoot his rifle a lot and miss every time - take Solo back to Jabba - hang around Jabba and look moody - hit on Jabba's dancers - make a half-assed attempt to stop the heroes - get hisself dead at the hands of a blind man On the bad-ass-o-meter he rates a negative three. I liked Jango... way more badass than the kid.
  17. the thread may have been removed... just re upload
  18. mega-hyper rasengan?
  19. more size comparisons http://www.the-magicbox.com/0409/game092304h.shtml
  20. Wow... long time, no see Goth Kitty... Keep valks away from black lights and bongs...
  21. thank god i'm not the only person who noticed this. its a definite greenish-white hue on the falcon Noticed it too. . . then later in that same training scene on the falcon, it's nearly (if not completely) color-less. My geeky theory to explain it away: It's running in "training mode". . . so Luke won't kill himself with it accidentally. When in training mode, it's running at a different "frequency" and therefore has a different color. Hehe. . . H I'm pretty sure that's what they were going for. I wouldn't let some untrained whelp screw around with a live lightsaber in my ship.
  22. Not crazy... inevitable.
  23. It was the 70's though, afterall. I laugh out loud whenever I think of Star Wars with a Disco style soundtrack... Comedy Gold....
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