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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. Maybe the tuna was on a boat or something. Umm, and I've eaten fish cheeks. I'm Alaskan. Come on... don't lump me with the rest of the country.
  2. The only Macross I don't really like is Macross II... I like how they try something different for the most part. Each series has something different to offer. Our planes are probably going to have drones someday anyway. Or the drones will just fly themselves. Remember our robot planes?
  3. Goldeneye got old after I got into PC FPS games. I can't go back either because it looks so crappy now. Good for the time, but no staying power for me there.
  4. hah, bottom left of that pic, is that actually how the gbp is attached? Ummm... that does look kinda ... strange...
  5. Are you kidding? This is a very anti-clutter board. That's how Shawn likes it run. I've had no problems using the search engine to find specific answers, make sure you have the right options checked too. This is a message board, if you can't learn to ignore smart remarks... maybe this is the wrong environment. Also, the newbie answer thread is interactive... YOU post YOUR question... and it gets answered... woo. Heh... n00bz... UPDATE FROM EWILEN PM- Since you locked the thread in the feedback forum, I can't add this--I wonder if you might edit it into your last response. Namely--the key option to select when searching is "show results as posts". --Elliot People here are very helpful. That's why we have n00b Q&A threads.
  6. Heheh, that looks a lot like Toynami's "Toilet Cleaning" VF-1S Super Poseable. Looks like that guy had clean-up duty too... Looks cool though.
  7. Come on, if you can cream your pants over a transforming Invid mecha, surely you can tolerate these drones. He is just a label whore. Ignore him. If it says "Robotech" then its good, if it says "Macross" then it must be ripped on. This is common in RT fans, due to feelings of inferiority. A1 you know i respect your opinion on all things, but i think he has a valid complaint on this matter. VF-0's are just too much. Its a freakin anime. Nobody bitched about the FPs magically appearing on the SDF-1 even though they had never been used previously. The VF-1 having been introduced to the public at the SDF-1 launch ceremony... Nobody bitched about the FREAKIN FOLD BOOSTERS for the YF-19 along with fully armed FPs(albeit sissy versions), a cannon that can blow up a monster... and other assorted ordinance. . . plus Isamu manages to steal all of this and a full loadout to boot.
  8. That's Greg Lane's collection I think... glane21 on the boards IIRC...
  9. I hear its just fun... what more do you need?
  10. Civilization III - I saw my room-mate playing it once and I got hooked. We got Play the World as well, but as of yet have not done more than a few minutes of multiplayer. Sim City 4 - I don't know why, but I love making my little city, then watching it decay and eventually destroying it with assorted natural disasters (highest pop I could ever get to was 50,000... that's smaller than my hometown Anchorage, Alaska... so I'd be a pretty piss-poor mayor by SC4 standards lol) City of Heroes - So addicting... I've been playing it since May. The thing of it is, when I get bored... I take a little break but in less than a few days it grabs me again. I would really like to be able to get up to the later content. Final Fantasy 3 - I can't stop playing this because I have never beaten it. Something always happens that makes me lose my damn save. Usually after the opera... Zelda LttP - See above. Contra III - I love this game. Even more than the original... the only true Contra sequel IMHO. Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 - I frequently make attempts to beat this game even today. Megaman 1-3 - I usually bust these out to show off to my friends that I can beat them in like 30 min each. Plus, I love Megaman, despite the rehash-itis. MegaMan X, X2, & X4 - Love these. Badass games. Soul Calibur II - Got into Soul Edge early on(bought it the day it came out and had played it to death in the arcades... bad.ass.) Soul Calibur took this formula and tweaked it for the better making it faster and more intuitive... Calibur II does to SC what SC did to SE. There's enough moves in the game to constantly keep your strategy in flux to meet the opposition. The only problem I have with this game is that there are too many people out there that just flat out suck, but they think because they spam one move and it kills their friends that they are good. Then they try it on me or someone I know and they think we're gods...we're not gods... we just know how to Guard Impact and use a variety of moves in the proper situations. Duh.. Street Fighter Alpha series - Best thing to happen to Street Fighter since SFII. Naruto Gekkitou Ninja Taisen II - 4 player battle mode... simple to learn, but takes a lot of strategy to be good. Each character has a pretty unique style as well (this is despite the simple system). Command and Conquer series(except Tiberian Sun...blech)- I love strategy games... but most of the time I find myself playing WCIII... the thing of it is that I am kind of sick of the fantasy scene... enter C&C. These games draw me because micromanagement is kept to a minimum(I like how they incorporated it into the new one) and the overall game just seems faster. I looooove Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Red Alert 2 and Generals. I can only hope that they make another Red Alert game using the Generals engine... *drools* That's about it for me lol... I'm sure I'll remember more later.
  11. True, but neither did ESB have a space battle. "Oh sure" you cry, "but it had an asteroid chase." And so did AOTC, which also featured a land battle much larger than the little skirmish on Hoth. Mmmm... Republic Gunships....Sonic Charges...
  12. Max Jenius

    fp yf-19

    Those aren't FAST-Packs... those are GIRLY-Packs! VF-19S sports the REAL FAST-Packs... VF-17D/S FP please Yamato...
  13. I liked Macross, G.I. Joe, Duck Tales, Ghostbusters (the version with the movie guys), Loony Tunes (the 80's ones), Transformers, Go-Bots, Fat Albert, Scooby-Doo, Rescue Rangers, Tailspin, DarkWaters, Simpsons, Aeon Flux, The Max, Bevis and Buthead... I am sure there's more but thats just off the top of my head. I don't think any of these have been mentioned either. We aren't being negitive pole-smokin' fanboys. There just ARE a bunch of total dog sh!t cartoons out there. Transformers was pretty piss-poor, and I own it. GI Joe was too... its like an expansion to the Village People. Duck Tales was cool because Scrooge made a generation love money! COH is calling so I'll get back with more.
  14. Wow... so I guess nobody liked any cartoon that was on tv between the years 1980 and now...
  15. I guess. I figured it was game-play that mattered... but hey... if you wanna spend more money to look cooler then more power to ya. I just never thought that video gaming systems were status symbols past Jr. High. I'm liking what I'm seeing from the DS (the non-blatant rehashes). I'm interested in the PSP also, but we'll see how that pans out. It will be definitely be interesting to see how Sony fares in the handheld market.
  16. a professional video gaming device?
  17. DS is gonna rock, hands down. Well, from what I'm seeing... Wario Ware... mmm... Those damn PC "elitists" and their rodents... Hell, I'm thinkin even the DS' stylus will be better than a joystick for FPS control. That remains to be seen though... then there's this whole "revolution" thing Nintendo has mentioned...
  18. I disagree with a lot of the mentions. Hell, any animated show in the 80's is horrible by today's standards.
  19. Yeah, I'll pass. I'm not a big enough fan of Family Guy to pick up these.
  20. Ok, well as long as you keep up with it Shin.
  21. Yay... its finally over! I just want to see what happened to Chouji and Neji. See how things get tied up... and see where Sasuke intends to go... hopefully not Orochimaru... Ok... lets see the same old ninjas in black with the masks... *bzzt* wrong! Everyone in this show is so good, it matters not what color their clothes are. Check it out, things past ep II get really interesting really fast. Heheh... Zabusa.. right on.
  22. NO! That game will never happen because its LAME! Go play missile command or something!
  23. If the series effects you that much, then perhaps you should take up other hobbies. I've seen the series multiple times and everyone here can attest to my continuing efforts to push the envelope of irreverence.
  24. No, I think the Agent man is right. When the guys that run He-Man.org repeat the story, I think it's likely accepted as fact. Edit: when I woke up this morning, I never for second imagined that I'd be looking up He-Man.org. Well, here I am now posting that crap. Who knew? Thanks for finding that. I've seen He-Man.org.... but I dunno. Maybe if Hasbro.com said it, I would buy it 100%. I used to read He-Man.org. In any case, aside from the fact that they're big guys with swords running around doing things... they're quite different. I mean, I'm no He-Man fanboy, but lets wait 2 seconds before calling something a ripoff. Oh, and He-Man really sucked to begin with. When you're 5, its awesome... but now its super corny. John Woo can do nothing but good things to He-Man. Especially with Dolph Lundgren and his "What not to do.." example.
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