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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. I'm hoping HL1: Source comes out before HL2... would be awesome to be able to have a week or something to play that in anticipation.
  2. I'll sell my soul for that Asuka. I must...have one...
  3. how bout no?
  4. Dude, you get to play CS:Source while you wait. And while it is the classic gameplay, the Source engine not only makes the game look even more beautiful... but the objects added make for more exciting gunfights... I mean... you have to play OFFICE!!! So much junk to shoot etc... Basically, you can get used to the source engine and make any tweaks you need to your setup before HL2 comes. If you EVER liked Counter-Strike... this is the definitive version. One of the reasons I stopped playing was that the graphics were looking dated; PROBLEM SOLVED! (some may cry foul, but to me, graphics are a part of the overall experience and help immerse myself... of course hardware is taken into consideration... like the MSX Metal Gear 2... *drool*)
  5. I don't think Unbreakable was an adaptation, though. I concur that the first Batman should be on the list. Tim Burton is, in my opinion, a great director, and Batman is potentially the best superhero ever. But that movies blows chunks. The action sucks, the pacing is too damn slow and (many of you already know my opinion on this) Jack Nicholson's fat-ass Joker made me sick. True, but I only read the title. D'oh...
  6. Does Unbreakable count? I heard a lot of people didn't like that one. (Personally, I liked it.)
  7. I think the Wachowski Brothers could make a decent movie out of most animes...
  8. More than Akira or DBZ? Shows can be good and over-rated at the same time. Look at Naruto.
  9. Sometimes I wonder what direction Anno originally intended to take the show. Or if it was just his plan to milk his "mental state" at the time. I mean, I like the show... I just don't buy into the tortured soul of Anno, especially considering the show's popularity.
  10. Great series. One of my favorites. People complain about how whiny Shinji is, but hey... a lot of people would be whining if put under those kind of stresses. In my opinion, this makes the characters more human by showing their external and internal fears/desires etc.
  11. I dunno man... you can kill people in some fun ways in Postal II. I prefer urinating in their mouth until they start to vomit, then I blow them away. Alternatively, you can pour gasoline on them and toss a match. Not the best game out there, but fun for fun's sake.
  12. Silver, something was weird with my HL1 key or some crap so I couldn't associate it with my new account (my old one wasn't working for some reason)... So I got the package with classic HL goodies included. No... Valve isn't raping my youth. In my version of HL Gordon always shoots first.
  13. So I actually bought a game... sue me.
  14. But some geek would get owned.... I always wondered why they had these super-suits... I mean... they really didn't do much except explain the hud. You couldn't jump much farther... maybe a bit higher... that thing never shut up either! Heheh, I always imagined Gordon as being the bitch scientist that had to do all the crap jobs. If you really wanna see something different Js, why not a videogame where you play the role of an overweight, middle-aged black woman? (I'm sure they're working on that) Oh yeah, Agent ONE, I saw that filter catch me and it still makes me laugh my ass off.
  15. BLASPHEMY!!!! BURN HIM! Its funny when you just put glasses on some generic guy and all of a sudden he's a geeky anti-hero... I mean, really... the geekiest thing Gordon does is push a cart full of mystery stuff into a big nasty looking reactor core thingie... then he runs around and shoots poo just like Arnie.
  17. Doom III was fun as hell. Some parts were just creepy. HL2 should be cool too... at least it had better be after their whole fiasco. I managed to snag the leaked piece of software, it was strange because I saw what was in the video... only it was a million times suckier. I think they needed more time.. lol Anyway, this had better be a freakin good game.
  18. Is this the same genre as NGE?
  19. Wasn't me..... you can feel free to send em my way though so I can... er... uh... examine them.
  20. You mean Star TREK That = true.
  22. Yay... I've been scared to buy the "Underground" series because the idea of Ricers isn't appealing to me. Are there the NFS assortment of European/American muscle cars? You know, the ones without NO2 stickers etc?
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