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Max Jenius

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Everything posted by Max Jenius

  1. ummm... I got the Silver HL... and that was only $10 more than the bronze... Half-Life Source and CS:Source... mmmm Mostly I got it because steam doesn't seem to want to give me my old l/p for some reason... and I can't register my HL1 key anymore.
  2. Got the ANBU a few days ago. My buddy got it off of IRC... way faster. ANBU and AonE had a falling out or something...
  3. pfff... we've solved the mystery.
  4. Ummm... they're like.... ummm... escapist fluff... Plus this damn movie isn't even out yet people! To me (watches everyone roll their eyes) Star Wars is Star Wars is Star Wars.
  5. When did Vader go X-Treme? Though... if a Death Star isn't XTREME, I don't know what is.
  6. aww i liked the look of it before. the stuffed animals looked great and the lady who worked in the bar wasn't bas either Anchorage airport freaked me out man.... I was there in the summer of 91 when I came home on leave from Japan. Got there early in the morning at Elmendorf AFB, hopped a commercial flight from Anchorage to Baltimore that left at like 9 or 10 that night. Sat at the gate in the airport for most of the day and night, it was a giant circular array of windows that overlooked (or underlooked) the mountains etc around the airport. All this was very beautiful, except that it never got dark, and that really F'd up my sleep patterns! I could totally relate to the Pacino flick Insomnia after that. Heheh, you miss it in the winters... But due to certain activities I participate in... night time is the right time.
  7. You know I do! Got me back into the show man!
  8. NERV, check out the Soul of Chogokins... they're pretty much like the LM-HG kits only made of metal... well... and the arms are different... but they have the proportions that satisfy me.
  9. Bandai's LM-HG kits are nice too. Not perfect... but pretty damn good representations imho.
  10. Opus, you are correct sir. Nanook(Polar Bears) is bigger still. Sometimes polar bears will just eat people in the northern parts of Alaska. But yeah... we Alaskans have our bear encounters every now and again... its part of the deal when you live up here. And yes... black bears are little, mean tree-climbers! Grizzlies usually aren't interested in eating you up here... so they say to play dead. A Black Bear will kill you, eat you, and climb up a tree to do so if its mad/hungry enough. The solution? Well I do recall a story about a man that was being chased... as the bear came up the tree he whipped it out and started pissing on it's face. ... the bear left and according to the guy... looked a little embarassed lol. Speaking of the Anchorage International Airport... they just did a huge renovation and its actually starting to look like a normal, Lower 48(our term for the contiguous U.S.) airport.
  11. this was linked from it... also interesting.... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6291903/ We should make an awesome science thread... all for say aye? AYE!
  12. Graphics ARE important to me because its part of the immersion. From what I've seen of GTA:SA they appear to meet my standards for the PS2.. you've got to take into account how old the system is and how big the world is. IIRC, the PS2 doesn't have that much ram... even for the time it was released.
  13. What kind of game is this? I like Civilization IIIX, is this similar?
  14. No, but Billy Dee Williams was Harvey Dent in the first Batman.
  15. I hear Halo's storyline is much more fleshed out.
  16. Bleh....I hate, hate, HATE Counterstrike. I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad with the new engine, assuming all the old hacks can't carry over to Source. But the gameplay itself...ick. From what I understand, this is just the same old Counterstrike with minimal changes. More disappointing is what I've read about the forthcoming Day Of Defeat: Source. Those games were good for their times, but neither of them seem to offer anything new gameplay-wise. Day of Defeat will have to something really special to compete, now that games like Call of Duty: United Offensive have moved beyond DoD's style of gameplay. I don't want to pay for DoD just to play on a remade, prettier version of the venerable Caen map. Yeah, but you'll get to see Source in action. There's lots of objects to manipulate strewn about... makes the battles more exciting... like something only good for covering a quick escape... not hiding behind... stuff like that. Plus, these are gravy bsu! You like some rich gravy!
  17. I'm just keeping in mind that these are Genins that were taught jutsus they have no business using. I like the "ninja chess" aspect of the series and I hope they steer clear of That is what I got out of the Naruto/Sasuke fight.... it went a couple chapters longer than it had to. The important thing is that it is over and we'll never speak of it again.
  18. That is god-damned genius!
  19. Nobody knows where he got it, but it is not his own eye. He can't even utilize it fully. Anyway, it has been theorized that Kakashi is one of Orochimaru's expirements. When Orochimaru gets busted by the 3rd Hokage, he mentions that he has been "Performing expirements on kidnapped ANBU members." Of course, we'll have to keep reading/watching to find out for sure. Nobody knows... but the creator of the show is a huge DBZ fan... though I hope he stays away from that style of combat(I was disappointed with Naruto vs Sasuke for just that reason... but its over and hopefully they'll move past that.).
  20. So.... the fight is over... Sasuke is gone. What do we think about this new Akatsuki member? Where will the series go from here? Sakura is Tsunade's apprentice... nobody knows where Sasuke is going... to Orochimaru? Do we have another 3-way Legendary-Nin/Apprentice battle? What part will Akatsuki have to play? More missions with Kakashi? His role has decreased exponentially. Personally, I wouldn't mind them taking this opportunity to maybe expand on some more back story... perhaps this will appear while Sakura is under Tsunade's tutelage. What about Itachi(for me. )? That's something I always ask because he's my favorite character. I think that he, Sasuke, and whoever this mystery 3rd person that can master the sharingan is are the only people that have a chance to kill Orochimaru. My reasoning for this is that Orochimaru is able to bind his soul to this world... however... Tsukiyomi attacks the user's soul/mind. Just some food for thought... maybe that's why Orochimaru left the group; he realized that he could no longer take Itachi's body, but without Uchiha blood he would not be able to stand against him. Are we ever going to find out the horrible truth about the Sharingan? Oh... and Shikamaru totally needs to get some sweet Temari lovin'. Also, where is Anko? She's dreamy... maybe its the netting...
  21. Because it's a great movie. No.......it wasn't Rocketeer rules! (adds to my DVD list) Its really hard to make a decent comic book movie because so many comics are by nature ridiculous. I don't have time right now (I'm at my 2nd job) but tonight I'll go through and come up with a list that fits me. I'm just so tempted to go through an pick out the ones from the lists that I liked. The Ninja Turtle movies were probably about as good as it can get for them. The only way I can see it getting better is if they just made it more like the original comic book. I thought the costumes were pretty damn good, and considering the target market (watchers of the cartoon) they did a bang up job. Shredder was awesome (I love his TMNT2 non-super costume). Personally I like the first 2 movies, especially the 2nd. Sure, there were screw ups... but what movie is free from those? Especially under the scrutiny of thousands of internet geeks.
  22. Oh... I think the big deal is because she was dissin' lipsynching earlier.
  23. Her lip-synch track was off. What does it matter? Lots of performers lip synch.
  24. yup I play!
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